To help others,you don't have to be an effcient expert in the art ; the main thing is the intention .助人不一定要成为助人专家,重要的是要有助人之心。You may be crude and clumsy,wasteful and ineffective,but if you sincerely try to help,your attempt produces nothing but good.你也许大条,笨手笨脚,做无用功,但若真诚相助,定能百利无一害。The one you are trying to help knows your intention and is strengthened and encouraged by the magic of your sharing.那个你想帮助的人得知你的心意,会因为你同甘共苦产生的神奇力量而坚强起来!In nearly every case ,your simple desire to help , converted into action, produces the good sought.每次将你的助人之心转化为行动,几乎都能产生好的结果。But perhaps the greatest good is the good that you youself get out of the attempt.但也许最大收益者是你自己!Service to others others delivers more joy to you than the joy you deliver to them.帮助他人带来的快乐远远比你给他们带来的快乐要多!In doing good,you free yourself from the terrible burden of self; you escape from yourself into a clean world of joy and light.行善时,你便摆脱了可怕的自我负担,进入了一个忘我的境界!The good you simply try to do regardless of the outcome ,is always a succesd inside yourself.怀着单纯之心助人,不管结果如何,都是你自己内在的成功。
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