雅思写作议论文 成人仪式 范文


People recognize a difference between children and adults. What events (experiences or ceremonies ) make a person and adult?

这篇文章的难点在于中文都不知道写什么。 你看看下面的相关词汇是否能给你一些思路:

相关词汇 :

with the coming of age 随着年龄的增长

growing up poor can inspire perseverance 在贫困环境中长大可以使人坚韧

upbringing n. 抚育;培育;养育;教养

maturity, manhood, prime of life n. 成熟

humility, reserve, unpretentiousness, n. 谦虚

adult, grown-up, grown man n. 成年人 (单数)

growth, advancement, maturation n. 成长

background, past experience, previous knowledge n. 背景


Graduation ceremonies, birthday celebrations and other events are commonly seen as markers of maturity and growth. However, there are other factors that should be considered when one is evaluating whether someone is a child or an adult. Specifically, one should look at life experience and personally significant events when making such a judgement.

在第一段中,作者首先列出人生中常见的几种仪式, 将题目的论述范围缩小, 把原题目跨越一个人一生的时间定格在几个点上, 这是解决这类题目的有效策略。

For example, I would say that someone that grows up in disadvantaged circumstances is probably more mature than someone who has not. A person from a poor or destitute family is more likely to know the value of humility and hard work. In my opinion, these are characteristics that only mature people possess.

这段紧扣life experience (人生经历) 举例。 中文会说“穷人的孩子早当家”。

in disadvantaged circumstances 处于不利的环境中

destitute /ˈdestɪtjuːt/ adj.赤贫的;贫困的;一无所有的

possess /pəˈzes/ v.t.具备,具有(特定品质、才能等)

People that have been through traumatic events such as car crashes or other tragedies are more likely to value human life. Again, I believe this is the mark of a grown person, rather than a child.

这段针对第一段中提到的significant events 举例。

traumatic /trɔːˈmætɪk/ adj. 造成精神创伤的

The important thing to remember is that many factors should be taken into consideration when one is judging whether or not someone else is an adult. The definition of the word itself can vary according to the person’s circumstances.

结尾段给出更宽的视角, 提醒读者一个人是否可以成为成年人需要考虑许多因素, 而这要视具体环境和人的经历而定, 既避免了以偏盖全,并引发读者思考



When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer?



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