
12.1 颜渊问仁。子曰:“克己复礼为仁。一日克己复礼,天下归仁焉。为仁由己,而由人乎哉?”颜渊曰:“请问其目。”子曰:“非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动。”颜渊曰:“回虽不敏,请事斯语矣。”

金安平 英译:

Yan Yuan asked about humaneness. The Master said, “Restrain the self and return to the rites [克已复礼]. This is the way to be humane. If for one day you are able to restrain the self and return to the rites, this means that your capacity to be humane will open up to the world. Humaneness rests with the self. How could it come from others?"

Yan Yuan asked, "May I ask about the specific steps to go about this?"

The Master replied, "Do not look at anything that is contrary to ritual propriety. Do not listen to anything that is contrary to ritual propriety[礼仪规范]. Do not speak in ways that are contrary to ritual propriety. Do not act in ways that are contrary to ritual propriety."

Yan Yuan said, "Even though I am not that smart, I will do my best to put into practice what you have said."

摘自:《论语英译及评注:汉、英》 — [美] 金安平 译注

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Yan Hui asked about the meaning of ren(仁) (benevolence). Confucius replied, "Cultivate selflessness and respond to situations with propriety, and you will return to the state of ren. When one acts without ego and with propriety, the whole world aligns with ren. This return to ren relies solely on oneself; how could it depend on others?" 

Yan Hui said, "May I ask how specifically to achieve this?" 

Confucius answered, "Do not look upon what is not in accordance with propriety, do not listen to what is not in accordance with propriety, do not speak what is not in accordance with propriety, and do not act in ways that defy propriety." 

Yan Hui responded, "I request to follow your teachings in practice." (I'm not smart, but let me do what you say. )



Ren, in this context, embodies the idea of selflessness. The manifestation of selflessness in one's actions is through li(礼) (propriety), which represents acting spontaneously without transgressing the boundaries of moral conduct—this denotes the pinnacle(高峰) of personal cultivation where one acts freely yet remains within the confines of righteousness. It serves as the ultimate goal of Confucian study, marking the pivotal transformation from the ordinary people to the sage-like. 

To attain ren(仁), one must commence by practicing conscious propriety, eventually leading to a state where, devoid of ego, one's actions naturally conform to propriety—this is uncontrived(未预谋的) propriety, a harmonious integration of virtue and conduct. As an individual disciplines themselves and returns to ren, they inspire others around them to do the same, fostering a domino effect where ultimately the entire world gravitates toward ren. This illustrates the interconnectedness and mutual reinforcement between li and ren.

摘自《古道研习讲记(三)----<论语>全息释读》  -- 张源 译注



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