第一学期的期中考试,我和班里另一个女生数学都考了满分,其他的班级每个班一个满分。这本是应该高兴的事情,然而年纪尚小的我好了伤疤忘了疼,依然忘我的走神和贪玩,甚至觉得这样就够了,不需要再提高。过了没几天的一次数学课上,老王突然宣布年级要开办数学提高班,鼓励期中考试90分以上的同学参加,一学期五块钱学费,自愿报名。课后,一帮女同学围在一起讨论报名参加的事情,主动说帮我把我的名字填写上去,我马上说我不参加。那个同样考了满分的女生很是诧异的问“为什么?你不怕老王批评你吗?”“为什么要批评我?她自己说的,自愿参加的呀?”贪玩的我践行着知足常乐的人生理念,找到空子就钻,而且是理由充分的堂而皇之的。女同学留下了一句“你就等着老王批评你吧”, 就转身跑去办公室交提高班的报名名单,当然,我的名字不在上面。“我还要回家看动画片,占台子打乒乓呢。”我心里想着,但仍然侥幸的觉得老王不会发现,我会混过去的。更何况5块钱我可以买我喜欢的杂志和零食,提高班能有多大用处呢?想到这,下学后,我带着期盼和放飞的心,飞奔回家。叫了邻居家的朋友,跑出去打乒乓,直等到天黑得看不到了才流着一身汗回了家。傍晚,妹妹回家,第一句话就是:“你明天要挨批评了!”我一脸懵的问为什么,谁批评我?妹妹才把来龙去脉告诉了我。原来好心的数学老师们,在当天的提高班上表彰了全年级期中考满分的同学,奖品笔记本一个,挨个叫名字上台领奖,到我这,叫了我名字好几次,也不见人。好心的同班同学想帮我代领,却被提高班的老师拒绝了。“那奖励我的笔记本怎么办?”此时的我仍然想着免费的奖励,全然没有预见到将要到来的风雨,妹妹答说“提高班老师会交给你的数学老师老王。”完了,我心里咯噔一下,怎么办?简单幼稚的我,满脑子想的都是如何躲过去,并且拿到笔记本。想着要不第二天溜进办公室,趁老师们不注意偷偷拿走笔记本,或者让数学课代表帮我去办公室要来?显然在我心里,笔记本更加的重要。小孩子就喜欢奖励。我告诉了爸爸我的想法,也心虚的问爸爸,我不会挨批评吧?爸爸也是理科生的思维方式,缜密的逻辑性让爸爸得出了一个结论:你没有错,本来就是自愿参加,你不想参加就可以不参加。我的心顿时得到了安慰,更觉得我没错。然而第二天早上,胆小的我害怕的想假装生病不去上学,甚至让爸爸去学校帮我请假并且把笔记本帮我拿回来。爸爸安慰着我说“没关系的,就这点小事不至于躲着”,妈妈不知道发生了什么,只是催我“干嘛装病不上学,快点去,别迟到了” 我只好背起书包去上学,本来只有10分钟的路程,我却磨蹭着听到上课铃响了第一遍后,才跑进了校园……
下半节课,做练习题开始了。大家都趴在桌上,不管会做还是不会做,都伏案疾书,装作很认真的样子,教室里安静的连打开铅笔盒的声音都变成了噪声。就在此时,我微微抬起头看到老王拿着一个厚实的笔记本向我的座位走来,我本能的马上低下了头…..她走到我的身边,挪了挪我书桌上的书本,然后放下了我心心念念的笔记本,很平静的说着笔记本的来由(我早已知道),但当我刚觉得危险解除,想抬起眼的时候,她突然语调调高8度,尖锐的声音穿破整个教室,距离远一些的同学被吓得向我的方向转过头来,身边的同学都把头埋得更低,不敢出声。我伸出去要拿笔记本的手立马缩了回来…….脑子里一片空白,她之后情绪激动的说了什么我已经不记得了,总之就是很生气,说我逃课,贪玩之类的。一阵疾风暴雨的输出后,老王很严肃的通知我,她已经把我的名字添加到提高班的名单中了,我说我今天没带钱,她说“我帮你交了,从下个星期开始你必须去上课,不许逃课,否则叫你父母到学校来。“ 我只能保持沉默,回家跟爸爸要了钱,第二周开始去上课,小小年纪的我,怎么能和比我父母年龄还大的老师抗衡呢?我也没那个胆量,何况妈妈听了还高兴得不得了,省的我每天放学在外面疯玩到天黑,我只能暂时屈服了……
Lao Wang, female, first name Wang Renjun (not real name), my math teacher for three years in junior high school. The first day of the first year of school, is the first time we both met ......
The first section of the math class, only to see a more than 50 years old look like a slightly chubby woman, wearing a classic three-breasted gray suit in the eighties and nineties, the lower body with the same color pants, permed with a head of fashionable lion's head rolls, slowly walked up to the podium. At the first sight of her, I was slightly disappointed: young and beautiful female teachers are always more popular with the children, this is engraved in the genes of nature, is born with. Although in the subsequent decades of growth in the realization that good temperament and connotation is the bottom of the person's life, red face is also more thin life, but the children are after all children, only like all the good-looking. On that day, when she spoke in the not-standard Mandarin of the unknown place and began to introduce herself, it made my own little patience was also quickly consumed. As for where she was from and other personal information, I don't remember at all. Anyway, I didn't understand her Mandarin, which became the strongest reason for me to be distracted and unable to concentrate in class, and my parents could do nothing about it. It was her large, protruding incisors that caught my attention and interest, and even after decades, they are still vivid. Her unique appearance was so familiar that I couldn't remember where I had seen her before, until I came home from school and turned on my favorite Czech cartoon, "The Mole's Tale," and suddenly I had a flash of insight that matched. Since then, she had her only nickname, Mole. Naive me like discovering a new continent, the next day telling a few good girlfriends in the class, the consequences can be imagined, even a year later, or by the head teacher of my class, in front of the whole class without naming I was criticized, because to the old king nicknamed. Now think about it, the old comrade Wang must have heard that I gave her this nickname, but at that time she seemed to be with nothing happened, as always, see me cracked open the mouth of a happy smile, but made me very embarrassed, and for a period of time do not dare to look at her.
Away from the unhappy and even a little depressing elementary school, I went to junior high school with the blood resurrection as determined to study hard every day, never free and loose, but also to play less and watch less TV, to be a qualified "communist successor". But perhaps it is the influence of ADHD in my genes that causes me to be unable to concentrate, only after 20 minutes, my thoughts begin to dance with the wind along with the willows in the fall, thinking of the martial arts novels in which the warriors have fabulous martial arts skills, dreaming of having the same ability, to be a heroine, and to do justice to the heavens. A moment and yearn for the "San Mao" (a writer) in the book described the Sahara Desert free life ...... and all this actually did not escape the old king's fiery eyes. Lao Wang is really an experienced and with excellent eyesight, standing on the podium from a high position to see all, my wandering and dull look was caught in her eyes. The next time, without exception, the old Wang always in my mind wandering out of the time, punctually named me to answer the question, or on the blackboard to answer the question. Luckily, my brain has the ability to switch quickly, every answer will be right, (thanks to the genes of parents) gradually the old king's nervousness slowly relaxed. Now think about it, the thoughtful old Wang is to let me answer the question way to let me concentrate on listening to the lecture, and check whether I delayed the study, can only sigh: ginger or old hot ah. To this day I am still grateful to her for this wise approach that saved my face. However, this kind of reminder did not improve my ADD symptoms, but made me believe that I could learn even if I didn't listen to the lecture. This idea was verified in the following several grade exams and midterm final exams, since then I seem to have formed a tacit understanding between Wang and I. In class, I was still free to let my mind wander and jump around, and she also asked questions as she always did in every class, and the cycle repeated itself. And every time I answered the question correctly, she will reveal that big incisors, do not hide my appreciation as well as favor, and take the opportunity to me a burst of fierce praise, so that I feel trivial, very embarrassed, straight to find a crack in the ground. In this way in the unknowing peace and quiet through most of the semester. However, there is no general who always wins, feeling good about myself and Wang's unstinting praise has fueled my pride. People are afraid of pride, what age are, a proud quasi-turnover, young and unruly me and how to escape this important lesson in life, although not fall all over the mud, but is also a deep memory. That was the first time the old king criticized me harshly, and I could see that she was really angry.
The saying that trouble comes out of the mouth is an absolute maxim, childishly true. If you can't really comprehend the truth of it, you will be beaten by your own mouth. Half a semester later in a full-year monthly test, the girls again piled in talking about their respective nervousness, a girl a twist of the head, said to me: you always the highest score, and do not give us a chance to leave, this time let us let it? I blurted out, I also want to test more than 60 points ah, also want to know what it feels like more than 60 points. I didn't realize that this joke, really attracted the present karma. A few days later, the class issued the examination paper, 87 points, dumbfounded looking at the examination paper I, the heart has no previous arrogance, half a long time did not slow down the spirit, like a wilted cucumber, softly leaning against the back of the chair, do not want to talk, and their own with their own sulking, the same table classmates with me to speak, I am also too lazy to pay attention to. Later on, my good friend told me that my face pulled a long, look is not happy. In the first half of the class, the old king reviewed the examination paper, I did not hear a word to go. Maybe it's because of the weakness, that day I felt that the old king was extraordinarily strict, a little bit of the mole's cute, but like the old Buddha Cixi, at any time to interrogate the teacher. Finally came to the "correction of errors" link, I immediately climbed on the table, with a pencil case to cover the results on the paper, buried head pretending to seriously correct errors. In the afterglow, I saw the old king put the chalk in his hand into the blackboard slot, flicked the chalk dust in his hand, walked straight down the podium, my heartbeat accelerated, my intuition tells me, can't avoid it. At this moment, the classroom is exceptionally quiet, pencils across the ravages of the paper, the old king also slowly walked straight to the side of my desk, she seemed to see through my little heart, reached out to move away from the pencil case trying to cover the results, at this time I did not dare to come out of the atmosphere, burying his head even lower, the tension rapidly expanding, my heart also raised in my throat. Immediately after her sharp and dry voice cut through the quiet condensation of the air, all of a sudden filled the entire classroom, like a blizzard, never seen her so loud, it seems that what should come is still to come, hide can't be avoided ...... I don't know why, when she was very harshly criticized me, my heart gradually calmed down, though Not intentionally examined 87 points, but also gave me a wake-up call, but also at the same time in the old Wang serious criticism of her expectations and requirements for me. Old Wang let me go home to summarize the experience, the next one will not be repeated, asked me to hear it, I hung my head still do not dare to look at her, whispered hmm as a response. After the class, a group of simple and a little bubbly and silly female students like me swarmed around my table, may be to see the old king so fierce criticism of me, fear that I feel bad, come over to comfort me, and even criticized the old king's harsh, but they do not know is that at this time, my heart has long been no longer the sadness of the horse's hooves, has been very calm, and very grateful to the old king of the heart for me. Since this is not an exception, let's keep our promise. In the latter two years of junior high school, I kept my promise and never broke it.
The second and last time Old Wang criticized me harshly happened not long after, and this time it wasn't because of poor grades, but because of my playful heart.
In the midterm exam of the first semester, another girl in my class and I both got perfect scores in math, one perfect score in each of the other classes. This should have been a happy thing, but I was still too young to forget the pain, and I was still oblivious and playful, and even felt that this was enough, and I didn't need to improve any more. After a few days of a math class, the old king suddenly announced that the grade to start math improvement class, encourage students who scored 90 points or more on the midterm exam to participate, a term of five yuan tuition, voluntary enrollment. After class, a group of female classmates gathered around to discuss the matter of enrollment, took the initiative to say to help me fill in my name, I immediately said I do not participate. The girl who also scored a perfect score was very surprised and asked, "Why? Aren't you afraid Lao Wang will criticize you?" "Why should I be criticized? She said herself, voluntary participation ah?" Playful me practicing the concept of life of contentment, find an opportunity to drill, and is a good reason for the grand. The female classmate left a sentence, "You just wait for Wang to criticize you," and turned and ran to the office to hand in the registration list for the improvement class, but of course, my name wasn't on it. "I have to go home and watch cartoons and play ping pong on the stage." I thought to myself, but still got away with the idea that Old King wouldn't notice and I'd muddle through. Not to mention that for five dollars I could buy my favorite magazines and snacks, how useful could an improvement class be? With this in mind, after school, I raced home with anticipation and a sense of release. Called the neighbor's friend, ran out to play ping-pong, straight until it was too dark to see before returning home in a sweat. In the evening, my sister came home and the first thing she said was, "You're going to be criticized tomorrow!" I was confused and asked why and who was criticizing me. Only then did my sister tell me the whole story. It turns out that the good-hearted math teachers, in the day of the improvement of the class in recognition of the whole grade midterm full marks students, prizes notebook a, one by one to call the name on the stage to receive the award, to me, called my name several times, and did not see people. Kind fellow classmates want to help me on behalf of the collar, but was to improve the class teacher refused. "What about the reward for my notebook?" At this time, I still think of free rewards, did not foresee the coming storm, my sister replied, "Improvement class teacher will give your math teacher Wang." It's over, my heart thumped, how to do? Simple childish me, all I can think about is how to avoid it and get the notebook. Thinking about how to sneak into the office the next day, when the teachers do not pay attention to secretly take the notebook, or let the math class representative to help me go to the office to ask for it? Obviously the notebook was more important in my mind. Kids love rewards. I told my dad what I was thinking and asked him sheepishly if I would be criticized. Dad is also a science student's way of thinking, meticulous logic let dad came to a conclusion: you are not wrong, it is voluntary to participate, you do not want to participate can not participate. My heart was instantly comforted, and I felt even more that I was right. The next morning, however, I was so scared that I pretended to be sick and didn't go to school, and even asked my dad to go to the school to ask for a vacation and bring back my notebook. My dad comforted me and said, "It's okay, it's just a little thing, don't hide from me." My mom didn't know what was going on, but just pushed me, "Why are you pretending to be sick and not going to school, hurry up and go, don't be late! It was only a 10-minute walk, but I dawdled until I heard the bell ring for the first time before running into the schoolyard. ......
After the bell rang for the math class, the old king still took the slow pace of the old Buddha like Cixi to the podium, although very nervous and apprehensive, my eyes from the moment she entered the classroom, I have been staring at the stack of books she held under her arm, trying to see which one is the notebook for me. "Maybe it will wait until after class to give me the notebook." I pondered in my mind. In the first half of the class, Lao Wang did not show any unusual behavior, and the class went on as usual, which made the taut strings in my heart begin to relax. Unexpectedly, things are not as I imagined so plainly passed, it turned out that the old king is waiting to teach a new content before packing me, and I was not spared once again became a conspicuous bag. She is like this, rewards and punishments are clear, like and angry will be expressed directly, never cover up. The first half of the class is still pleasant, the second half of the class a hundred and eighty degree turn.
The second half of the class, do practice problems began. Everyone is lying on the table, no matter will do or will not do, all voluminous, pretending to be very serious look, the classroom is quiet, even open the pencil box sound has become noise. Just at this moment, I slightly raised my head to see Lao Wang holding a thick notebook toward my seat, I instinctively immediately lowered my head ..... She walked to my side, moved the books on my desk, and then put down the notebook that I was longing for, and very calmly said the reason for the notebook (I already knew), but when I just felt that the danger was lifted, and wanted to raise my eyes, she suddenly toned up her tone by 8 degrees, and her sharp voice pierced through the whole classroom, and the students who were farther away from the classroom were scared to turn their heads in my direction, and the students around them buried their heads even lower and not daring to make a sound. My hand that stretched out to get my notebook immediately shrunk back ....... My mind was blank, I don't remember what she said after that, but in short, she was very angry, saying that I skipped class, playful and so on. After a storm of output, the old Wang very seriously informed me that she has added my name to the list of improvement class, I said I did not bring the money today, she said, "I help you to pay, from next week you must go to class, do not escape, or call your parents to school." I can only remain silent, went home and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what to do. "I could only keep silent, went home and asked my father for money, and started to go to class the next week. How could I, at such a young age, fight against a teacher who was even older than my parents? I don't have the guts either, not to mention that my mom was overjoyed to hear it, saving me the trouble of playing crazy games outside until dark every day after school, I could only give in for now ......
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