
UNIT20  Going for a dip.玩水。

How about going for a dip?  来玩水如何?

Let's fill up the pool,我们将池子放满水。

Ok, Turn off the water.好,把水关上。

Have fun ,kids,好好玩儿吧,孩子们。

UNIT21 Learning to swim学游泳1。

Put on your swim ring,带上你的游泳圈。

Now, kick.现在踢水。

Don't be afraid . I won't let go,别害怕,我不会放手的。

UNIT22.  Learning to swim学游泳2。

Come on!  kick your legs. 来! 用脚踢踢水。

Don't be afraid of the water,别怕水嘛。

Great ,honey!  You can swim,太棒了,亲爱的! 你会游泳了

UNIT23  Going to the beach,去海边玩儿。

We're going to the beach ,hurry!  我们要去海边,快点儿。

Get my bag, please.请帮我把提袋拿过来。

A tower ,swimsuits, a bucket and a spade.要带毛巾、游泳衣、水桶,还有铲子。

Don't forget to take the ball and the swim ring.别忘了带球和游泳圈。

UNIT24 Going swimming 去游泳。

Hey, kids ,come for a swim !  嗨,孩子们,来游泳吧。

We are waiting for you, and we are getting cold,我们正在等你们,而且我们越来越冷了。

Come on .Let's go now,快点,现在就走。

UNIT25.  I'll get you,我来捉你。

I'm coming.我马上就来。

Don't splash water on me! 别向我泼水。

I'll get you,我会捉到你们的。

UNIT26 At the zoo动物园1。

Don't feed the elephant不能喂大象。

Don't get too close to the cage,不要太靠近笼子。

Do you want to pet him? 你想摸摸它吗?

Here he comes,它走过来了!

UNIT27 At the zoo动物园2。

Look at the giraffes.看看这些长颈鹿!

What long necks they have,它们的脖子好长啊!

Look at the elephant,看看这只大象。

What a long trunk,它的鼻子好长啊!

He's saying hello to us,它在和我们打招呼。

Wave to him跟它挥挥手。

UNIT28。The Ferris wheel 摩天轮。

Want to go on the Ferris wheel with Dad now?  现在想跟爸爸去坐摩天轮吗?

I'll stay here and take your picture,我会留在这里帮你们拍照。

What's wrong怎么了?

Oh , I forgot about the height limit  哦,我忘了有身高限制。


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