第7章 纽伦堡受尊敬的人(1)

7 Nuremberg Respectability

The Politics of Neo-Humanism

第7章 纽伦堡受尊敬的人(1)


WITH FRENCH HEGEMONY IN EUROPE seemingly secure, the burdens of editing and running the newspaper were beginning to feel more like a millstone to Hegel. He did not want to be a commentator on events; he wanted to shape them, and that could not be done, at least in the way he wanted to do it, as a newspaper editor. He was relying on his friend Immanuel Niethammer to help him out, and Niethammer was clearly doing his best to get his friend something more suited to his ambitions. In March, 1807, Niethammer had already commented to Schelling: “I am happy that I have been able to rescue Hegel from devastated Jena. Once we get him here on Bavarian soil, he will soon come to further help himself.”'


As Niethammer had hoped, Hegel had indeed done well for himself in Bavaria, but Niethammer certainly knew that the position at the newspaper could only be temporary, that Hegel would never be satisfied editing a newspaper in a provincial town, and he set to work to obtain something more fitting for Hegel. He tried to get Hegel interested in some other projects, but Hegel balked. Niethammer, for example, offered to commission him to write a general textbook on logic for the Bavarian pre-university lyceums, surely knowing at the time that Hegel was at work on the second part of his proposed “system” (specifically, on what was to become his Science of Logic). Hegel replied to Niethammer’s offer - and probably to Niethammer’s surprise - by simply dragging his feet about the proposal, noting that although he was indeed hard at work on his logic, he needed more time to complete it, and would need even more time to put into anything like an “elementary” form suitable for the schools. Besides, he also noted, since his logic was going to be new, it might prove to be too difficult for the teachers to master well enough to teach it to their pupils.” Niethammer also proposed that Hegel teach theology in the schools, to which Hegel reacted even more strongly, saying that he would “have gladly taught theology m the university - underlining an old point - but that teaching theology under the direction of the Protestant church in Bavaria “makes me shudder in every nerve.”-’


On May 8, 1808, Niethammer wrote to him about a variety of things, among them asking for a progress report on work on his logic and on whether he thought that commissioning him to do such a logic for the schools would really be doing him a service. At the end of the letter, Niethammer then coyly asked Hegel how he would feel in his heart if he were to propose him for the rectorship of a Gymnasium, preferably in Munich itself — a proposal which, as Niethammer diplomatically pointed out, would be “beset with difficulties” - or, if not in Munich, at least in one of the major provincial cities.Hegel responded immediately but only with muted enthusiasm; it was not what he wanted, but it was much better than what he presently had. He made it clear to Niethammer that he would much prefer to be in a capital city (in other words, Munich); both Hegel’s conception of how he might influence things, which required him to be located near the center of events, and his own clearly urban tastes made that clear: “Sojourn in a provincial city may always be considered a banishment, even if one has banished oneself,” he remarked in his letter.’ He made one last plea to Niethammer about a university appointment: There was much talk about the university of Erlangen being reorganized and coming under Bavarian governance - it was at that time under French military rule - and Hegel told Niethammer that “I know of no situation which I would desire more and for which I would at once more wish to be in your debt.”* (The desire to go to the university was to become an idee fixe in Hegel’s mind, appearing regularly in his letters to all concerned, until he finally received such an offer in 1816, only to turn it down in favor of Heidelberg; ironically, Hegel’s son, Karl, many years later got a position there.) He also noted that his logic, on which he was hard at work, would be better suited for use in a university and might well be used to secure him some kind of appointment there. But with characteristic pragma- tism, he also laid out the conditions for accepting such a rectorship, such as wanting to work under an appropriate commissioner who would allow him to do the right things, and so on.  Thus, when Niethammer responded on October 26, 1808, with an offer of a rectorship in Nuremberg, Hegel gladly accepted (remarking, as always, that he hoped that the way was still open for a university appointment) and mused that his appointment to a rectorship would be “directly linked to his literary activities, and at least do not differ in type even if they do differ in shape.”’ He would after all be a professor at a Gymnasium, which would be a better stepping stone to a university appointment than being an editor at a newspaper. He had to wrap things up in Bamberg - he made it clear that he understood himself to have a moral obligation to the newspaper to make sure everything was in good shape and in good hands before he left — but that took less time than he had thought. Since he was still officially a professor at Jena who was only on temporary leave, he also had to ask for permission from the duke of Weimar to be relieved of his obligations there, which was of course only a pro forma matter. He even had also to obtain permission from the Wiirttemberg Consistory to be released from his obligations to them. (The ministerial letter to the king of Wiirttemberg approving Hegel’s request noted that Hegel’s studies since leaving the Seminary in Tubingen put him in the position of having “neither the proper industry nor the necessary inclination” to occupy an “ecclesiastical office” and that no other position suitable for him was available in Wiirttemberg.)** By November, 1808, Hegel assumed his new post in Nuremberg.


Niethammer’s Views on Education


Niethammer had at least two related motives for bringing to Hegel to Nuremberg. It was, to be sure, an act of friendship and expression of loyalty to Hegel. But since Niethammer was in the middle of an intense political struggle for which he needed loyal allies in key places to put through the reforms he was seeking, it was clearly also in his own interests to have someone like Hegel in that particular position, a fellow he could trust and who was himself personally committed to the same project. In the great shake-up of the Napoleonic redrawing of the German map, Niethammer, a Protestant Swabian, had become a high official in the reformist administration of Count Montgelas in otherwise Catholic Bavaria. By 1808, he had risen to become the commissioner in charge of educational reform. In Bavaria, as in the other German states pursuing reform, educational matters had previously not been something in which the state had meddled and instead had been largely an area over which the church had exercised authority.^ Now, just as reforming states were seizing church lands for their revenue - as Montgelas had done with particular vigor in Bavaria - they were also coming to see education as essentially a matter of state and not merely of clerical interest.


In this context, a movement known as neo-humanism had come to take root in German educational circles, and Niethammer, along with Wilhelm von Humboldt in Berlin, came to be known as one of its prime exponents. The leading ideas of the neo-humanist movement in education had to do with its opposition both to past German models of education and to the emerging models of education inspired by the German Enlightenment, which they identified as “utilitarian.” (The “utilitarian doctrines” of which they spoke had only passing similarities to eighteenth-century British utilitarianism.) For the neo-humanists, education was to be fundamentally aimed at Bildung, at putting students in a position where they could realize a certain ideal of humanity, namely, that of becoming a self-directed, self-formed man of cultivation and taste. The proponents of neo-humanism, therefore, aimed at a kind of universalizing mode of education that identified it with Bildung. This also meant that such education had to go beyond whatever the hometown had to offer; because it was aimed at the development of a general model for humanity, it was not much interested in the particularities of hometown life. In this way, the neo-humanists saw themselves as developing a national German culture., which for them did not in any way necessarily imply a single, national German state.


Needless to say, the neo-humanist ideal met with stiff resistance from the hometowners and all from all those (such as those in the church) who had seen their wealth, power, and authority swept away from them during the revolutionary Napoleonic period. These conservative forces wished to base the ideals of education on the idea not of developing self-forming, self-directed individuals of taste and cultivation (which in their minds had come to be equivalent to the disease of the French Revolution, of modern life in general) but rather of producing people suited for a more traditional, more hierarchically organized society of ranks and orders. Using many au courant ideas, they were led to formulate an alternative program for education based on the emerging conservatism of political romanticism by invoking the Romantics’ metaphorical conception of an organic community to justify a stratified, hierarchical social order in which people would know their proper places. They thus joined forces with the other “utilvapitarian” opponents in opposing neo-humanist ideals.


What the neo-humanists called “utilitarian” models of education were united by the idea that education should be focused exclusively on training people for the professions, particularly for the professions that they were by virtue of their class and estate supposedly destined to join.'® The competing claims for political authority thus played over into the politics of education and educational reform: For people like Niethammer and Hegel, modern life was about Bildung and about men with Bildung having the right to constitute the new elite of modern social life. For the conservatives, that was both foolishly irrelevant and dangerously revolutionary; those who formed the elite should be those who belonged there by virtue of family and social status, not by virtue of some kind of “education” they had received or to which they had laid claim. Moreover, Hegel certainly understood this when he joined forces with Niethammer, and it was absolutely clear which side he was on. In January, 1807, Hegel had remarked to a friend, “But you also direct your attention to current history. And there can be indeed nothing more convincing than this history to show that Bildung triumphs over raw coarseness, and spirit over spiritless understanding and mere cleverness.”" In accepting the post of rector, Hegel told Niethammer that “I am daily ever more convinced that theoretical work accomplishes more in the world than practical work. Once the realm of ideas is revolutionized, actuality will not hold out.”'^ Hegel wanted to shape the new world, and to his mind, nothing shaped it better than the power of thought and Bildung.


Niethammer needed all the help and all the allies he could muster.  In 1804, there had been a general plan for the reform of the Bavarian educational system underwritten by Josef Wismayr and heavily influenced by Kajetan von Weiller, a leading Catholic thinker among the “old Bavarians.” (In 1803, Weiller had published a book written jointly with Jacob Salat attacking Schelling and Hegel.) The so-called reform plan Weiller and Wismayr developed in 1804 was heavily imbued with what the neo-humanists called “utilitarian” thought, that is, with the idea of training people for their proper places and professions. That directive also would have required that anything even resembling philosophy as Hegel understood it be strictly excluded from the curriculum; it specifically recommended that “faith in the omnipotence of the intellect should be weakened,” that certain types of “feelings” instead be encouraged, and, “in that way, the teachers will overcome the prejudice that philosophy is only an affair of knowledge.”'^ (The neverpublished review that Hegel composed of Salat’s work in 1805 was in fact almost certainly intended as a shot in the battle between Niethammer and his opponents; Niethammer wanted to use it as a way of undermining Salat’s and Weiller’s claims.)


To make matters worse, Schelling, who was on Niethammer’s side, had already committed a faux pas in criticizing the plan and had thereby endangered the whole project. Incensed by Weiller’s and Salat’s attacks on him and seeing clearly that the section on philosophy in the 1804 plan was intended to keep his philosophy out of the schools, Schelling had fired off a letter to Count von Thiirheim, an important minister for Bavaria in Bamberg, about how insulted he was by the plan and how the Wismayr-Kajetan plan amounted to only “Jesuitism in reverse.” The reply Schelling received from Count von Thiirheim was not exactly encouraging; instead of endorsing his views. Count von Thiirheim instead rebuked Schelling for his “demonstrated arrogance, which offers a convincing proof for how little speculative philosophy makes people more rational and ethical.”'"* Since the forces allied against Niethammer in his battle were already formidable enough, and since Schelling’s exchange with Count von Thiirheim had not exactly helped Niethammer’s cause, it was abundantly clear that if Niethammer was to rescue speculative philosophy for the Bavarian schools, he would need someone less rash than Schelling to help him.


The “Greek” Model


When Niethammer finally managed to outflank his foes and become the commissioner of education for Bavaria, he set to work immediately to put his ideas into place. He did this using a two-pronged strategy. First, he published a book on the subject in 1808 to make his points more widely known among the general German public and among Bavarian intellectuals in particular: Der Streit des Philanthropimsmus und Humanismus in der Theorie des Erziehungsunterrichts unsere Zeit {The Dispute between Philanthropism and Humanism in the Theory of Educational Instruction of Our Time). The book took up some themes in post-Kantian philosophy and applied them in a highly polemical way to the practical disputes at hand. In effect, Niethammer traded on the Kantian distinction between treating people merely as means and treating them as ends in themselves in order to justify his labels. The conservatives were labeled “philanthropic” in the sense that they wished to do good for others by providing them with what would make them happy; they essentially embodied a paternalistic outlook that did not take into account people’s capacity for self-direction and autonomy but instead tried to settle and determine important matters for them, justifying this blatant paternalism by claiming that it would make those under its direction “happy.” For the conservatives, it was not important that those under their tutelage be directing themselves or exercising their own powers of free thought; because what was important was that they come to be satisfied with their proper place in life, very narrow, practical, “utilitarian” training for specific professions was all that should be expected from state-run educational institutions. “Humanism,” on the other hand, aimed at making people self-directing, at bringing the students to embody within themselves the universal human ideal of selfformation which was built into the idea of Bildung. Using that framework, Niethammer sharpened the polemics: The “philanthropists,” he claimed, were only developing the “animal” side of human nature; they thought (some) people were (like animals) only capable of happiness, not autonomy; humanists, on the other hand, recognized that what was distinctively human about people was their capacity to develop rationality and thereby to become self-directing individuals, not merely satisfied organisms. “Philanthropists” aimed only at training people for their occupations because they did not wish to train people for self-directed thought; “humanists,” on the other hand, aimed at educating people to become fully flourishing autonomous agents.


Second, in his post as commissioner of education, Niethammer issued a proclamation in 1808 called the “General Normative for Organizing the Public Institutions of Learning.” Although Niethammer probably intended for his book to be the theory and the “General Normative” to be the practice, in fact, his “General Normative” was in many respects necessarily a compromise document. It proposed two different types of schools, a “humanistic” Gymnasium and a ‘’‘’Realinstitut^" the latter resembling the kind of school for professional training for which the socalled “utilitarians” had called. Both, however, were to be centered around the overall concept of humanistically oriented Bildung; in that way, Niethammer remained true to his program even while having to compromise with his opposition.


Niethammer’s neo-humanistic approach to education was in part based on the Wiirttemberg, Swabian experience that he and Hegel shared. As it was in many other ways, the Wiirttemberg of Niethammer’s and Hegel’s youth had been an exception within the overall mosaic of German educational institutions. In Wiirttemberg, the school system had been based on the Wiirttemberg liturgical regulation {Kirchenordnung) of 1559. The “cloister schools” (which Holderlin but not Hegel had attended) that had been established by that regulation had in effect served as a kind of higher Gymnasium in Wiirttemberg from which the non-noble elite of Wiirttemberg (and particularly the Ehrbarkeit, the non-noble notables) had emerged. Moreover, the existence of the Landesexam (the Law^Z-wide examination) in Wiirttemberg that entitled people to attend one of the cloister schools gave Wiirttembergian education a unity that was otherwise completely lacking in other areas of the Holy Roman Empire, and the fiercely Protestant identities of Wiirttemberg’s Ehrbarkeit insured that the older. Renaissance “school humanism” of the sixteenth century continued as a living tradition in Wiirttemberg education.Both Niethammer’s and Hegel’s approaches (along with Schelling’s) to educational issues thus had to do with the way in which they were reinterpreting their own Swabian, Wiirttemberg experience in light of their later post-Kantian idealism. The “school humanism” of their youth and experience became transformed into the “neo-humanism” of Niethammer’s “General Normative.” Indeed, a large part of Hegel’s, Schelling’s and Niethammer’s common commitment to idealism itself rested on their common search for a synthesis of Kant’s modern insistence on human rationality, spontaneity, and autonomy and the Wiirttemberg “school humanism” from which they had emerged.


In particular, the idea of Bildung for Niethammer’s neo-humanistic orientation was linked to a heavy stress on philosophy, classical Ian- guages, and Greek as the primary classical language. The older Reformation-inspired education models in Protestant lands had, in different forms, taken Latin and religious instruction as the central orienting points of the curriculum.'® In the great educational debates of the early nineteenth century, the conservatives continued to opt for Latin as the basis of education, while the neo-humanists - particularly Niethammer and Hegel - laid greater stress on the study of the Greek language, classical Greek texts, and modern philosophy (with a heavy dose of Greek philosophy thrown in). The neo-humanists justified this by arguing for the superiority of Greek poetry and philosophy to Latin models and on the advantages of learning the Greek language as opposed to learning only Latin. To them, Greek works seemed closer to the original roots of European culture (and, after all, the Romans had taken the Greeks as teachers).


Moreover, the Greek model appealed to those Germans who thought they could see their own situation mirrored in it. Whereas, since the Renaissance, the Roman model had been adopted as the model for centralizing, efficient monarchical states such as France (who could see themselves as continuing the “Roman” tradition of empire and good roads), the Greek model of different, independent political units (such as the ancient Greek city-states) subsisting within a clearly discernible national Greek culture seemed much closer to what was actually available and desirable for Germany. For these neo-humanists, Germany, like ancient Greece itself, displayed an emerging national culture subsisting within small, independent principalities; that is, it had a unity of culture that flourished within the context of fragmentation.


The stress on Greek as opposed to Latin on the part of the neohumanists thus also had clear social overtones. The older nobility had taken their cue from French models, and thus they tended to insist on Latin as primary; people such as Niethammer and Hegel, who were claiming entitlement to an elite status on their basis of their Bildung, tended to stress the superiority of Greek models to Latin models as the basis of a truly just and good society, and in that way to differentiate themselves from the claims made by those who wished to continue a hierarchical social order based on (supposedly Roman ideas of) aristocracy. In elevating Greek over Latin, they were in effect saying that the old elite (the aristocratic “Romans”) were going to have to learn from them (the democratic “Greeks”).


In this debate, it was not without importance that both Niethammer and Hegel had come from the university at Jena, the great “bourgeois” alternative to Gottingen’s more aristocratic mold and a hotbed of “Greek” studies; and it was also not without importance that both Niethammer and Hegel had emerged from Wiirttemberg, where the elite consisted of non-noble notables (not aristocrats), who had almost all been educated in the classical “school humanism” of Wiirttemberg.  Finally, and perhaps equally important, they had both come from the Tubingen Seminary, where, as part of their studies, they had actually learned Greek in order to give exegeses of the New Testament. At a time when only a tiny handful of German universities offered any training at all in Greek, their theological training at Tubingen gave them a decided leg up in the emerging reliance on “Greek” models to supplant the older, “Latin” systems of authority. Thus, neither Niethammer nor Hegel found it terribly difficult to translate their Wiirttemberg experience into a form of post-Kantian humanism with a stress on Bildung and the study of Greek.


Modernizing Education in Nuremberg

The Problems of “Bavarian” Nuremberg



Niethammer, sensing the intense opposition to his plan by the Catholic “old Bavarians,” decided to make his play for educational reform first of all in one of the newly acquired Protestant territories. There, he figured, he would stand the best chance of succeeding and of thereby providing himself with a basis for implementing his reforms throughout the rest of Bavaria. He had to have great trust in Hegel’s abilities and loyalties to put him in charge of that experiment, since he had to be aware that failure in that area would severely undermine his chances of succeeding elsewhere. Niethammer in effect made Hegel into his agent in Nuremberg; Hegel’s job was to make sure that the reforms succeeded, but he was also to be given quite a bit of latitude to determine what needed to be done. Hegel was thus made both rector (“headmaster”) of the Gymnasium and professor of the philosophical preparatory sciences.  He was also made the “head teacher” for the section on philosophy according to Niethammer’s ordinance declaring the necessity for such “head teachers.” As professor of “philosophical preparatory sciences,”


Hegel was entrusted to implement Niethammer’s “General Normative” of 1808, which required students at the Gymnasium to study philosophy in a certain sequence of areas, the purpose of which was, according to Niethammer’s directive, “to introduce the student to speculative thought and thereby to lead them through a series of levels of practice to the point at which they would be ready for the systematic study of philosophy with which university instruction begins.”'^


The Gymnasium to which Hegel was called was a reorganized version of a much older, once-famous Nuremberg institution. The school had been founded in 1526 as one of the first Protestant schools in Germany, the very first humanistic Gymnasium in Germany, and the first to make Greek and mathematics a required part of the curriculum. One of the great figures of the Reformation, Melanchthon, had even participated in its founding. By the time Hegel arrived, however, its days of glory were long since behind it. Like many other German institutions, it had failed to modernize and had gradually sunk into mediocrity. But because it was in a firmly Protestant territory, and because the institution had such a glorious past with great affinity to the neo-humanism Niethammer was representing, it seemed the ideal place at which to begin the plan.


Hegel was also stepping into a situation with many potential difficulties. Although the assumption of Nuremberg by Bavaria had not been met with any particularly emotional resistance by Nuremberg’s inhabitants, it was also the case that not everyone was happy about the fact.  Nuremberg had been a free, self-governing imperial city within the old Holy Roman Empire (although surrounded by Prussia), but in the Napoleonic period, Nuremberg had suffered repeated occupation by French troops, had watched many of its art treasures shipped off to Paris, and, as imperial protection of its independence ceased, had been forced to watch itself become an object of negotiation between France, Bavaria, and Prussia without having any right to participate in the negotiations that would shape its destiny. Although Nuremberg had managed to remain one of the six free imperial cities after the Reichsdeputationshauptschlufi of 1803, in 1806 the terms of the act that established the Confederation of the Rhine had simply given Nuremberg over to the Bavarians, and the formal dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806 only sealed Nuremberg’s fate. On September 15, 1806, with great fanfare, the occupying French forces gave over Nuremberg to the relevant Bavarian official. Count von Thiirheim himself (whom Schelling had offended and who was to become the general commissioner of Nuremberg), and, overnight, all of Nuremberg’s ancient governing institutions had to be reworked into Bavarian institutions, with some ancient ways of doing things vanishing altogether. For example, Nuremberg had for centuries been ruled by a few patrician families; in 1808, the Bavarian authorities simply dissolved the old patrician council, having allowed it to remain nominally in force from 1806 to 1808 only because they had regarded it, in Count von Thiirheim’s cynical words, as “a useless but also harmless assembly.”'* Some old, important Nuremberg patrician families - such as the von Tucher’s, into which Hegel was to marry - suddenly found themselves no longer entitled by birthright to power in the city. Nonetheless, many members of the Nuremberg elite had sadly come to the conclusion that not only had their former independence become too costly, it had become in any event no longer viable once the protection of the old empire had vanished. An example was Paul Merkel, a prominent Nuremberg merchant and a later friend of Hegel, who was one of the Nuremberg elite who had come to see no other alternative than annexation by Bavaria; his wife, though, felt otherwise, telling her children with tears in her eyes on the day of annexation, “You poor children, you are now vassals of a prince.

黑格尔同样也陷入了一个有着很多潜在困难的境地。巴伐利亚对纽伦堡的接管并没有特别遇到纽伦堡居民情绪上的抵抗,但是事实上并非每个纽伦堡人都对这件事感到满意。纽伦堡在古老的神圣罗马帝国中是个自由的自治的帝国城市(尽管它被普鲁士所环绕),但是在拿破仑执政时期,纽伦堡遭到了法国军队的反复占领,亲眼目睹了它的很多艺术珍宝被运往巴黎,并且,纽伦堡在自己的独立地位失去帝国保护时,只能被迫眼睁睁地看着自身变成法国、巴伐利亚和普鲁士三方之间的商谈对象,纽伦堡自己却无权参与那将会决定自己命运的谈判。纽伦堡试图在1803年的帝国代表团报告后继续成为六座帝国城市之一,但是1806年成立莱茵河联邦的法案中相关条款却完全把纽伦堡割让给巴伐利亚人,同时1806年神圣罗马帝国的正式解体反而注定了纽伦堡的命运。1806年9月15日,明目张胆地,法国占领军把纽伦堡交给了巴伐利亚有关官员冯·蒂尔海姆伯爵(此伯爵曾被谢林得罪过且将成为纽伦堡总督),一夜之间,纽伦堡所有古代政府机构必须被再变成巴伐利亚政府机构,连同一些古代的做事方式也完全消失了。举例来说,纽伦堡多少世纪以来一直由几个贵族家族统治;1808年巴伐利亚当局完全解散了古老的贵族理事会,    但是允许它在1806至1808年间仅名义上仍然是有效的,因为,用冯·蒂尔海姆伯爵愤世嫉俗的话说,巴伐利亚当局把它看作是“一个没用而又无害的立法机构”。一些古老的重要的纽伦堡贵族家族——例如冯·图赫尔家族,黑格尔后来与其联姻的家族——忽然发现他们自己在纽伦堡城不再拥有生来就被赋予的权力。尽管如此,纽伦堡精英中的很多成员还是悲哀地断言,不但他们从前的独立地位变成泡影,而且一旦失去古老帝国的保护,他们从前的独立地位无论如何早已变成不可行的了。保罗·默克尔这位杰出的纽伦堡商人兼后来黑格尔的朋友就是一例,他属于纽伦堡精英中的一员,终于看出巴伐利亚除了被吞并之外别无选择;但是,他的夫人却不敢苟同,在被吞并之日含泪告诉子女:“你们这些可怜的孩子,你们从现在起成了君王的仆从。”

Although Nuremberg was not a large German city by the standards of its day, it was by no means a small town. In 1809, a census taken by Bavarian officials put the population of the city at 25,176.^° Only three cities at the time in German-speaking lands - Vienna, Hamburg, and Berlin - had more than 100,000 inhabitants; Konigsberg, Dresden, Cologne, and Frankfurt had between 50,000 and 60,000 inhabitants.^' Although rich in homegrown traditions, Nuremberg had unfortunately also acquired an enormous debt during the period before and during the Napoleonic reorganization of central Europe. In annexing Nuremberg, Bavaria had to assume those debts. In 1810, Bavarian officials decided that they would continue to pay the reigning two percent interest on the debts to the Nuremberg creditors (mostly the patriciate and wealthy merchants), but, in an effort to limit expenditures, also decided to value the debts at only forty per cent of their paper value, thus effectively slashing by more than half the fortunes of many creditors, a move that did not exactly help to enamor those creditors to their new Bavarian rulers. In order to meet those debts, the Bavarian author- ities began selling off property belonging to the city without regard to its place in the city’s history or its artistic importance; many church properties and buildings (which had also been seized by the state) were also sold or put to other uses (such as becoming post offices). This only further served to disenchant some of the Nuremberg locals with the reforming Bavarians. As an appointee of the central commission in Bavaria and a Swabian, Hegel thus could not expect a free ride in Nuremberg; indeed, he could expect to be greeted with suspicion as an outsider arriving on the scene to reestablish a once-grand local institution of learning.



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