The Aesop’s Fables: The Fox and the Goat

    A thirsty Fox looks for water. 

Fox:It’s so hot today. And I’m so thirsty. 

         There’s no water anywhere.

    The Fox keeps looking. Far away, he sees something. (keeps /kiːps/ v. 保留、维持、存放,keep 的第三人称单数;far /fɑː(r)/ adv. 远;away /əˈweɪ/ adv. 距离……有多远)

Fox:Wait! What’s that? I think it’s a well!  (well /wel/ n. 水井,adv. 顺利地,adj. 健康的)

         I’m saved! There must be water there. (saved /seɪvd/ adj. 获救的)

    The Fox runs towards the well. He is very happy. (towards /təˈwɔːdz/ prep. 向,朝着)

Fox:I was right. There’s lots of water here. 

         It looks so cold and delicious. (cold /kəʊld/ adj. 冷的,凉的)

         But how can I get the water? 

         The well looks very deep. (deep /diːp/ adj. 深的,厚的)

         Oh, what shall I do? (shall /ʃæl; ʃəl/ aux. 将要、将会,同I和we连用表示将来)

    The Fox thinks and thinks. (think /θɪŋk/ v. 思考,考虑,动脑子)

Fox: I can’t stand it anymore. I’m too thirsty. (stand /stænd/ n. 忍受,容忍;anymore /ˌeniˈmɔː(r)/ adv. 不再,再也不)

        I’ll just jump in. Here I go! (jump /dʒʌmp/ v. 跳,跃)

    (splash) The Fox jumps into the well.  (splash /splæʃ/ n. 落水声)

Fox: It’s so cool in here. (cool /kuːl/ n. 凉快,凉爽)

        The water tastes so fresh and cold. (fresh /freʃ/ adj. 清新的,清爽的)

        I can drink it all day. 

        But wait a minute. 

        This well is deeper than I thought. (thought /θɔːt/ v. 认为,觉得)

        My paws can’t reach the top. ((paws /pɔːz/ n. 爪子,复数;reach /riːtʃ/ n. 臂的伸出,伸手可及的距离;top /tɒp/ n. 顶部,顶端,上端)

        Oh my! Now I’m in big trouble. (trouble /ˈtrʌb(ə)l/ n. 险境、困境)

        How can I get out? 

        There’s no one nearby. (nearby /ˌnɪəˈbaɪ/ adv. 在附近)

        There’s no one to help me. 

        What have I done? Boo-hoo. 

    The Fox is very scared. He can’t think of a way to get out of the well. He cries all morning.  Then he hears a familiar voice from far away. Suddenly, he has a good idea.(scared /skeəd/ adj. 惊恐的,恐惧的;way /weɪ/ n. 方法,手段;cries /kraɪz/ v. 哭,喊叫,cry 的第三人称单数;familiar /fəˈmɪliə(r)/ adj. 熟悉的;voice /vɔɪs/ n. 嗓音,说话声;suddenly /ˈsʌd(ə)nli/ adv. 突然地,出乎意料地)

Goat:I’m thirsty in hot. 

          Where is the water? 

          I need a drink right now. 

    The goat sees the same well. He walks towards the well. (same /seɪm/ pron. 同样的人,同样的事物;walk /wɔːk/ v. 走,行走)

Goat: Ah ha! There’s a well. 

          found some water! (found /faʊnd/ v. 找到、找回,发现、发觉,find 的过去式和过去分词形式)

           I can have a drink there. 

          Thank goodness! 

    The goat gets closer to the well. He hears a familiar voice. (closer /ˈkləuzə(r)/ adj. 靠近的)

Fox:How are you today, Goat? 

Goat:What was that? Who said that? 

           I don’t see anyone around. 

           Where did the voice come from?

    The Goat keeps looking around, but can’t find anyone. (find /faɪnd/ v. 找到,找回)

Goat:This is strange. (strange /streɪndʒ/ adj. 奇怪的,不寻常的)

           I heard a voice, but there’s no one around.

Fox:I’m here, Goat. I’m inside the well.

Goat: Inside the well? Whose voice was that? 

    The Goat looks into the well.

Goat: Oh my goodness, Fox! 

          What are you doing down there?

Fox: I was thirsty. So I came down here for a drink. 

Goat: How is the water? Is it fresh and cold?

Fox: Of course. The water down here is fantastic. (fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ adj. 极好的,非常棒的)

         It’s the best water I’ve ever tasted. 

         And I’m enjoying it all by myself. (enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ v. 享受,欣赏,喜爱)

Goat: Well, um, I’m thirsty, too.

          Can I come down and join you? (join  /dʒɔɪn/ v. 成为……的一员,参加)

          I just need one drink. 

Fox: Well, let me think about it.

    The Fox pretends to be thinking about something. (pretend /prɪˈtend/ v. 伪装,假装)

Goat: Come on, Fox. I’m your friend. 

          Let me come down.

Fox: Well, all right. Just this once. 

         I didn’t want to share the water with anyone. (share /ʃeə(r)/ v. 共享,合用,分享)

         But since you are my friend, I’ll let you come down. (since /sɪns/ conj. 因为,由于,既然)

Goat:Thanks a lot, Fox. (lot /lɒt/ dv. 很多地)

           You are too generous. (generous /ˈdʒenərəs/ adj. 慷慨的,大方的)

           I’m coming down now. 

    The Goat also jumps into the well and makes a big splash.

Fox: Welcome, Goat. 

        Try the water. How is it?

Goat: Mmmm… It is delicious. 

          This is the best water in the world.  

          Thank you for sharing it with me. 

Fox: It’s nothing. I’m just glad you like it.  (glad /ɡlæd/ adj. 高兴的)

        But don’t you think it’s too crowded in here?(crowded /ˈkraʊdɪd/ adj. 拥挤的,塞满的)

        It was fine when I was alone. (fine /faɪn/ adj. 令人满意的;alone /əˈləʊn/ adv. 独自,单独)

        Now it’s too small. 

Goat: I’m sorry. Should I get out now? (should /ʃʊd; ʃəd/ aux. 应该,该、可以,提出或征询建议)

Fox: No, it’s okay. 

        I’ve had enough water for today. (enough /ɪˈnʌf/ adj. 充足的,足够的)

        I’ll be leaving now. 

        You can drink some more. 

Goat: Thank you, Fox. You are too kind. (kind /kaɪnd/ adj. 宽容的,体贴的,亲切友好的)

Fox: Keep drinking. 

        I’ll just jump on your back and climb out now. (climb /klaɪm/ n. 攀登、爬升,攀登物)

    The Fox steps on the Goat’s back and swiftly get out of the well. (step /step/ v. 踏,踩;swiftly /ˈswɪftli/ adv. 很快地,敏捷地)

Fox: Thank goodness. I’m out.

Goat:(echoing voice from the well ) Are you there, Fox? (echo /ˈekəʊ/ v. 回响,发出回声)

          I am finished drinking. (finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ v. 完成,做好)

          I want to get out now. 

          Help me up, please. 

Fox: I’m sorry, Goat. I can’t help you. 

        If I do, I might fall in again. (might /maɪt/ v. 可能、可以,may 的过去式;fall /fɔːl/ v. 降落、落下,进入某状态)

Goat: Please help me out. 

          I’m not thirsty anymore. 

          And it’s getting dark in here. (dark /dɑːk/ adj. 黑暗的,昏暗的)

Fox: That’s too bad, Goat. 

         You should have thought of way out before. 

         Next time, think before you act, okay? (act /ækt/ v. 行动)

         I’m busy. I must be going. (busy /ˈbɪzi/ adj. 繁忙的,忙碌的)

Goat: Don’t leave me here alone, Fox!  

         I’m afraid. How can I get out by myself? (afraid /əˈfreɪd/ adj. 害怕的,担心的)

Fox: Trick another foolish animal like yourself. (trick /trɪk/ n. 花招、诡计、骗局,v. 欺骗、哄骗;another /əˈnʌðə(r)/ pron. 又一个、再一个;foolish /ˈfuːlɪʃ/ adj. 愚蠢的,傻的;animal /ˈænɪm(ə)l/ n. 动物;兽类)

         Good luck. Good-bye. 

    MORAL : Think carefully before you act. 

    Did you enjoy the story? Now, let's do the workbook. Are you ready? Okay, let's begin.

Phonics time two: Short vowel Ee

egg /eɡ/ n. 蛋,鸡蛋    elbow /ˈelbəʊ/  n. 肘,肘部

elephant  /ˈelɪfənt/ n. 大象    bed /bed/ n. 床

jet /dʒet/ n. 喷气式飞机    net /net/ n. 网,网状物

leg /leɡ/ n. 腿    nest /nest/ n. 窝,巢,穴

desk /desk/ n. 书桌,办公桌    pencil /ˈpens(ə)l/ n. 铅笔

Listen and circle the picture that shows what the sentence is about.

Number one: Where are you?I'm inside the well.

Number two: Where is the goat? It's near the well.

Number three: Where is the Fox? It's on the back of the goat.

Number four: Where is the well? it's under the tree.

Number five: Where is the Fox? It's far from the well.

Listen and rewrite the scrambled sentence.

Number one: It's so hot today.

Number two: There's lots of water here.

Number three: Where is the water.

Number four: I'm coming down now.

Number five: I'm not thirsty anymore.

Number six: Think before you act.

Listen and write the number in correct order.

Number one: I can't stand it anymore. I'll just jump in.

Number two: I'm in big trouble. Boo-hoo.

Number three: It's so hot today.

Number four: I'll just step on your back and climb out now.

Number five: I'm inside the well.

Number six: Thanks a lot, Fox. I'm coming down now。

Number seven: I want to get out now. Help me up, please.

Number eight: Good luck, good-bye.

Number nine: There's a well. I found some water!

Chant and song: The Fox and the Goat

    It's a hot day, hot, hot, hot! A fox is thirsty, water, water, water! Find the well, jump into the well. Here I go! 

    It's a hot day, hot, hot, hot! A goat is thirsty. water, water, water! Find the well, jump into the well. I'm coming down, I'm cool. I'm full. I'want to go out! (full /fʊl/ adj. 饱的)


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