
I had your love I had it all.拥有你我便拥有一切了。

I have plenty of work to finish this week.我这周还有很多工作要做。

Would you have the goodness to help me with the bag?劳驾帮我拿拿袋子好吗?

Why don't you have your room cleaned?你为什么不把房间打扫一下?

I'm having a baby.我怀孕了

I've had it! 我受够了!

★ I'm glad to have you back.我很高兴能与你复合。

★ It's impossible to have her back if you go on behaving in this way.如果你再这样继续下去的话不可能和她复合。

★ Can you let me have the book back?你能把书还给我吗?

★ You can have your car back after registering.在登记之后你可以拿回你的车。

★ I don't want to have you on.我不想欺骗你

★ Don't believe him. He's just having you on.别相信他,他不过是在哄骗你。

★ “May I come in? ” “No! I have nothing on.”“我可以进来吗?”“不!我没穿衣服。”

★ I have no money on me right now.我现在随身没带着钱。

★ I have too much on now.我现在正忙于很多事情。

★ He was had up for stealing.他因偷窃而遭到控告。

★ You can't have me up without evidence.没证据你不能控告我。

★ I don't know why he still had me up after I had helped him so much.我不知道为什么在我帮了他那么多忙之后他还是控告了我。

★ May I have you up to have a chat?我能请你上楼来聊聊吗?

A: It's said that the snowstorm is coming here. 据说暴风雪快来这儿了。

B: Oh, honey, don't worry. We have enough food in. 噢,亲爱的,别担心。我们已经存了足够的食物。

A: That's great. But what we will do in such a terrible weather?太好了!可是这么糟糕的天气我们可以做什么呢?

B: Well, let's have a drink and take a good rest. 嗯,我们喝一杯好好休息一下吧。(have... in表示“家里等存有某物”,have a drink的意思是“喝酒”)

A: Rumor has it that we'll have a new manager next month. 据说下个月我们将有一个新经理。

B: Why? What happened to Miss Jones? 为什么?琼斯小姐怎么了?

A: She's having a baby. 她怀孕了。

B: That's good news. 真是个好消息。(rumor has it that表示“据说”)


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