DD Windows OS to Cloud Linux VM (Oracle /GCP /Azure)

This post is to record the process to change my Ubuntu Linux VM to Windows 7 VM in Oracle cloud.

There are many reasons you might want to have a Windows system machine in the cloud for your lab. The steps are completely based on some other genius people's contribution. 

DD Windows to  Oracle Cloud Platform Ubuntu VM


1. Only Ubuntu works in Oracle Cloud Platform (OCP).
2. Not all images works for OCP. The image will need to support UEFI. 
1. Create your own Ubuntu compute instance as usual:

2. Prepare Your Ubuntu VM's Environment (Optional)
If you are using latest Ubuntu version 20.04, you do not have to run following commands. For older version, you might need to run following commands to get some dependencies installed.
sudo -i
apt-get update
apt-get install -y xz-utils openssl gawk file

3. One command to download script and install DD image from one of moeclub.org's sharing post:.
For example, DD a Chinese Win7 image:
wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1NHKdm3xfQ3HySNCGvrzgdz7RMVCI1qGy'
username : administrator
password : www.nat.ee
Above one is Chinese Win7 DD image.  Here is one for English Win7:
wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'http://d.nat.ee/win/lite/us/win7-sp1-ent-x64-us/win7-sp1-ent-x64-us-efi.vhd.gz'
Account: Administrator
password: nat.ee
For other Windows versions:
  • 2012 R2 English
wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'http://d.nat.ee/win/lite/us/winsrv2012r2-data-x64-us/winsrv2012r2-data-x64-us-efi.vhd.gz'
Account: Administrator
password: nat.ee
  • 2016 English
wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'http://d.nat.ee/win/lite/us/winsrv2016-data-x64-us/winsrv2016-data-x64-us-efi.vhd.gz'
Account: Administrator
password: nat.ee
  • 2022 English
wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'http://d.nat.ee/win/lite/us/winsrv2022-data-x64-us/winsrv2022-data-x64-us-efi.vhd.gz'
Account: Administrator
password: nat.ee
You will see lots of texts are scrolling up in your terminal sessions. After one or two minutes, you will lose your SSH connection. Please give the machine 5-10 minutes, before you manual reboot your Ubuntu VM. During reboot, the VM status will become stopping.

The VM will maintain this stopping status for 20-25 minutes, then it will become Running status.

At that time, all DD imaging processes and  system rebooting processes will be completed. You will be able to RDP to this VM's public ip with port 3389. Please make sure you have add RDP port 3389 into your Network Security Groups.

Different DD images might have different log in credentials. Those are pre-set by those image maker. All risks are yours since no guarantee those images are clean and safe. I have run some of images for years and no issues found. Strongly suggested to change 3389 port to something else. 
After log in, please change password asap. It is best also change 3389 port to others.

The system is either English or Chinese version, and following is Chinese Windows 7 64B Ultimate version. You will need to activate it by yourself. 

The default system after installed,  memory usage will be around 366MB, and CPU usage will be less than 1%. 

DD Windows to GCP / Azure Ubuntu Cloud VM

For GCP or Azure cloud environment, all steps are similar. Only different is that you will need to manual pass network parameters into the Windows VM during DD process.

# Change X.X.X.X to your Ubuntu's configuration# --ip-addr :IP Address# --ip-mask :Netmask # --ip-gate :Gateway wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh --ip-addr X.X.X.X --ip-mask X.X.X.X --ip-gate X.X.X.X -dd 'DD Image'

Wait about 30 minutes then use RDP to connect. Make sure RDP port has been opened from your security group firewall rule.

username : administrator
password : www.nat.ee

    Command Example 1 for Windows 2008 64B R2: 
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh --ip-addr X.X.X.X --ip-mask --ip-gate 10.x.0.1 -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1DTps9WwC6RZ8szflais8YazpkCVdqdI7'
    Command Example 2 for Win7 64B SP1 with IIS:
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh --ip-addr X.X.X.X --ip-mask --ip-gate 10.x.0.1 -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1KA9PDH4T2ODbxS97T6MtTk5TwifQQoIp'

    You will need to replace x.x.x.x with your own Linux VM's ip. You will need to change the gateway as well.

    DD Image List and Commands

    Simplified DD Image
    #DD Windows Server 2003 32位 精简版 [账户Administrator密码cxthhhhh.com]
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1j9ow8dsIA7DucsGpDI-kzJwiNW9kMceT'

    #DD Windows Server 2008 R2 64位 精简版 [账户Administrator密码WinSrv2008x64-Chinese]
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1DTps9WwC6RZ8szflais8YazpkCVdqdI7'

    #DD Windows Server 2012 R2 64位 精简版 [账户Administrator密码WinSrv2012r2x64-Chinese]
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1KTzROA2eWTHC8qWUG2Vr-onuRTwaIOSe'

    #DD Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 64位 精简版 [账户Administrator密码WinSrv2019dc-Chinese]
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1NbOzolHsDGbp3gJ3TeQ9_4qkmSLIuO07'

    #DD Windows7 32位 精简版 [账户Administrator密码Windows7x86-Chinese]
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/15NkZxVdkcx2P9cFez9gxkqVEQksKMrx1'

    #DD Windows7 sp1 64位 旗舰精简版 自带IIS [账户Administrator密码www.nat.ee]
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1KA9PDH4T2ODbxS97T6MtTk5TwifQQoIp'

    #DD Windows7 64位 旗舰精简版 [账户Administrator密码www.nat.ee]
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1C9Y0Iu1pGX4-blb_3G49jOqv13Zeka6-'

    #DD Windows10 64位 企业精简版 2019LTSC [账户Administrator密码www.nat.ee]
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1pUNKV0nQvFXDZYJnfq2FzEfQNCZ3_5g7'

    Full DD Image

    #DD Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 64位 完整版 [账户administrator密码Password147]
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1bfXS59h0y8Ibz5o84DvcBMfqhP0d12Ib'

    #DD Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 64位 完整版 [账户administrator密码Password147]
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1CElbDjEXrjPIX4GpdRBwRXBWTtSHOwzi'

    #DD Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 64位 完整版 [账户administrator密码Password147]
    wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd 'https://api.moeclub.org/GoogleDrive/1gRIT702MrVzLr8Bmk8OF-_Ckp02_tOxE'

    English DD Image

    • http://d.nat.ee/?win/lite/us

    Backup storage is at Dropbox:
    Simplified DD Image: 
    #DD Windows Server 2003 32位 精简版 [账户Administrator密码cxthhhhh.com]

    #DD Windows Server 2008 R2 64位 精简版 [账户Administrator密码WinSrv2008x64-Chinese]

    #DD Windows Server 2012 R2 64位 精简版 [账户Administrator密码WinSrv2012r2x64-Chinese]

    #DD Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 64位 精简版 [账户Administrator密码WinSrv2019dc-Chinese]

    #DD Windows7 sp1 64位 旗舰精简版 自带IIS [账户Administrator密码www.nat.ee]

    #DD Windows7 64位 旗舰精简版 [账户Administrator密码www.nat.ee]

    #DD Windows10 64位 企业精简版 2019LTSC [账户Administrator密码www.nat.ee]

    #Oracle专用 DD Windows7 64位 精简版 [账户Administrator密码www.nat.ee]

    #OVH专用 DD Windows7 64位 精简版 [账户administrator密码www.80host.com]
    #DD Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 64位 完整版 [账户administrator密码Password147]

    #DD Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 64位 完整版 [账户administrator密码Password147]

    #DD Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 64位 完整版 [账户administrator密码Password147]


    YouTube video - DD Windows to VM in Google Cloud Platform:


    1. Internet won't work, until changed DNS as following:

    2. Activate Windows

    Right click to run CMD as administrator
    slmgr.vbs -upk
    slmgr.vbs -ipk RHTBY-VWY6D-QJRJ9-JGQ3X-Q2289
    slmgr.vbs -ato
    slmgr.vbs -dlv

    3. Enable Ping:

    Right click to run CMD as administrator
    Enable Ping:
    netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8
    Stop Ping:
    netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 disable

    4. Resize Hard Drive:

    计算机右键-管理-存储-磁盘管理, 扩展卷 到最大,就能用所有的10G Hard Drive. 



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