Comments on Gone With The Wind

      (闲笔)  Had little to do recently , and therefore I chose the old movie Gone With The Wind for some leisure time(had loads of academic tasks objectively speaking but always procrastinating)  Those old American movies share a common feature , that is spreading  shoking senses of value that would be banned forever if conveyed today(lucky it's an old movie).

    The work probably means to shape a progressive female figure that is brave enough to break the existing moral limitations , just as important as its theme of revolting against war.However, just as it's revolutionary and inspiring in that era, its plot contains some common misunderstandings of female consciousness that , as far as I'm concerned, have been passed down in people's minds till today.

    First is about Scarlett's restlessness. Possessing beauty and social status, Scarlett is rather self-centered and unrestrained, not having the ability of compassion.The most uncomfortable point about the movie for me was probably when Scarlett left the temporary hospital simply due to unabling to endure the painful moans of the wounded soldiers, while it was obvious that the author was attempting to praise Scarlett  for her being independent.Anyway, maybe her round charactor is what fascinates readers centuries beyond.

    Second is probably the way she gains interest.Sincere as she was when she proposed to Ashly , she still tangles with Captain Butler for money , reputation and social status(though they developed true love later but honestly speaking it disgusts me a little)Scarlett is strong, but she shouldn't be a symbol of beauty and faminine virtue(just as how the movie is translated:乱世佳人) I feel rather disappointed after watching because instead of saying Scarlett is a strong woman , it's better to describe her as a sharp trader who sells her beauty as bargaining counters to achieve her wills. No need to say she does not possess any substantial power-she is an independent woman in the writer's imaginations, but the truth is that today's female rights are beyond anyone's expectations in that era.Therefore I think the movie has obvious sterotypes due to limitations of the era it's produced, and is fairly misleading.But that doesn't stop it from being a classical American work of literature and a successful movie.


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