
for the summer months
on a small private island in Scotland.
Live with the fmaily in a big house.
interesting work and good pay
for the right peroson
Phone Greta Poss. Telephone number 071....
'Well, that sounds interesting,' said my mother. 'I'd like to work as secretary on an islad in Scotland. It's becautiful country, Carol, and you can go to a college there in the autumn.'
'And it's a place to live for the summer,' I said,' Hotels are expensive.'
My mother teleohoned Greta Ross.
Come and see me tomorrow, Greta Ross told her. 'Come to Savoy Hotal at eleven o'clock.'
I went to Savoy Hotel with my mother. It was big and expensive, bigger than our hotel, and in the centre of London.
'Mum need this job, I thought.' And a private island in Scotland is a nice place to live.
Perhaps I can forget what's happened if I go there.'
'Room twenty-two,' said the woman at the hotel desk. 'Go on up. Mrs Ross will see you now.'
Greta Ross was waiting for us. She was about thirty years old and very beautiful. She wore an expensive red dress and her hair was very long and dark.
'This is my daughter, Carol,' said my mother.
'Hallo, Carol,' said Greta Ross.
'Hallo,' I said.
'Carol is eighteen years old.' said my mother. 'Can she come with me, if I get the job? Perhaps she can help in the house or in the garden. She likes gardening. She's studying farming at college.'
'Perhaps, said Greta Ross. 'There's a small farm on the isalnd.'
'I'd like to work on the farm,' I said.
Greta Ross looked at my mother. 'How long did you live in Hong Kong, Mrs Sanders?'
'Seven years,,' answered my mother. 'My husband died in a plane crash last year, so we've come back to live in England.'
'Were did you live before Hong Kong?'
'We lived in India for three years.'
Then Greta Ross took my mother into a room an asked her more questions. I waited outside.
'Greta Ross is nice,' I thought. 'I hope my mother gets the job.'
Soon after, the door opened and my mother came out. She was smiling.
Greta Ross siad. 'Please wait here for a minute, Mrs Sanders. I want to make a phone call.' she went back into the room, and closed the door.
I was sitting on a chiar near the door, and I could just hear Greta Ross's voice speaking on the phone.
'I think I;'ve found someone,' she was saying.' She has a daughter, but the girl can work in the garden or on the farm... Don't worry, they've been away from England for ten years... It's ll be all right, I tell you... Don't worry.'
After a few minutes, Greta Ross put down the phone and came out of the room.
'You've got the job,' she told my mother.
My mother was pleased. 'Thank you,' she replied.
I was pleased, too, but now I was worried about that phone call. I didn't understand it.


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