雅思写作7.5分语料| 环境类:现在采取措施保护动植物太晚了吗?

雅思写作历年大作文真题:Human activities have hurt the plants and animals. As a result, some people think it is too late to take any measure, but someone still believe we should take effective actions to improve the current situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

have had a detrimental effect on plants and animals对植物和动物有有害的影响argue that the damage is already done辩称损害已经造成little point in attempting to rectify the situation试图纠正这种情况没有什么意义is never too late to take effective action to improve the current situation采取有效行动来改善现状永远不会太晚take action now to prevent further harm to our planet's flora and fauna现在就采取行动,防止我们星球上的动植物受到进一步的伤害

the significant damage already done to ecosystems across the globe已经对全球生态系统造成了重大破坏pollution, deforestation, and climate change污染、森林砍伐和气候变化have had drastic effects on plant and animal populations对动植物种群产生了巨大的影响is irreversible无法逆转的undo what has been done撤销已经做过的事learn to live with the consequences of our actions学会承担自己行为的后果

suggest that such a defeatist attitude is dangerous认为这种失败主义的态度是危险的have caused significant harm to the planet对地球造成了重大危害act now立即行动by taking steps such as reducing our carbon footprint, protecting endangered species, and promoting sustainable agriculture通过采取措施,如减少我们的碳足迹,保护濒危物种,促进可持续农业begin to reverse the effects of our actions开始扭转我们行为的影响

take steps to ensure that we reduce the effects of our actions采取措施确保减少我们行为的影响strive to reduce our carbon footprint, reduce pollution, and protect endangered species努力减少碳足迹,减少污染,保护濒危物种promote sustainable agriculture促进可持续农业identify alternative sources of energy 确定可替代能源protect the planet's resources保护地球资源

cannot afford to throw our hands up and accept the status quo我们不能举手投降,接受现状work towards a more sustainable future为更可持续的未来而努力is not too late to make a difference现在做出改变还来得及


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