今天,跟队长一起将我之前做的怪物系统与他自己做的人物行为、技能系统整合到一起。 但是我由于第一次做怪物AI,所以整体并不是很熟练,导致整合过程中耦合问…… -
Colletions工具类 定义了存取以外的集合常用方法 排序用法:Collections.sort(list); 二分查找:Collections.binarySearch(list,12); 返回负数就是没有找…… -
Build a Reverse Proxy Using Cloudflare Workers
CloudFlare has always been known to webmasters for its domain name hosting service and CDN service. Recently I just found a free CloudFlare Workers…… -
Free Cloud Monitoring Services, Netdata, New Relic, Datadog, Instrumental
NodeQuery is a free monitoring service provider which provides a free, lightweight and easy to use linux server monitoring service. You al…… -
Switching From Ezoic Hosting to My Own Hosting Arm64 based Ubuntu 20.04
Ezoic DNS and Hosting screwed up my site this morning. All of my root doman's A records are gone and even I added them back in, they are still not w…… -
Blogger Usage Tips and Tricks
Here are some tips and tricks collections for bloggers from my blogger experience: There are one related post in this blog: Website and Tools f…… -
OWASP Top 10 (2010, 2013, 2017,2021)
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing unbiased, practical information about applicat……