EUSERV IPv6-Only VPS Usage
This post is a continuous post for working on setting up my EUServ's IPv6-Only vps. It summarizes some of typical usages which I usually will do on …… -
Switching From Ezoic Hosting to My Own Hosting Arm64 based Ubuntu 20.04
Ezoic DNS and Hosting screwed up my site this morning. All of my root doman's A records are gone and even I added them back in, they are still not w…… -
Thycotic Secret Server Best Practice
Secret Rotation Secret template - Password requirements STANDARD SECURITY &nbs…… -
Popular Website Dashboards to List Your Web Application
Recently, I spent quite a few time to look for an application which can provide me a list for organizing my personal web applications created in the…… -
Thycotic Privilege Manager Basic Policies
Privilege Manager’s toolset is two-fold. First, Local Security discovers all accounts that exist on endpoints and allows Privilege Manager Administr……