Cybersecurity Governance Overview
Cybersecurity governance refers to the component of governance that addresses an organization's dependence on cyberspace in the presence of adversar…… -
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Network Firewall (2010-2022)
Based on Gartner's definition, the enterprise network firewall " is composed primarily of purpose-built appliances for securing enterprise corporate…… -
Would you like to try this out
Good day to you, I hope you don’t mind us contacting you. We are currently looking for companies that have, or are currently running ads online (Soc…… -
Configure NTFS Permissions (Windows ACLs) on Azure File Share Folders
We can configure Windows access control lists (ACLs), also known as NTFS permissions, at the root, directory, or file level on directory and file le…… -
Cybersecurity Architecture Practice
This post summarizs some popular practical security architecture designs / concepts from different security vendors. More related posts: C…… -
Cybersecurity Architect Knowledge Overview
This guide walks you through the steps to mount Google drive locally using Rclone. The process has been well tested on Ubuntu Linux,…… -
PowerShell Script Relating to Azure
This post is to collect some userful powershell commands I met during my daily IT work. Test remote port if open - Test-NetConnection …… -
[5 Mins Docker Series] Minimalist Web Notepad – A Simple Online Notepad
This post introduces a small open source project from Github pereorga/minimalist-web-notepad, It creates a online web notepad for you to store …… -
CIS CAT Pro Installation and Configuration for CIS Benchmark Assessment
The CIS Benchmarks are a powerful set of best practices to help your organization ensure its IT systems, software, networks, and cloud infrastruc…… -
CIS-Hosted Controls Self Assessment Tool (CIS CSAT) to Track & Prioritize Your CIS Controls Implementation
There are two versions of CIS CSAT: Pro and Hosted. Here are some of their introuductions: CIS CSAT Pro: CIS CSAT Pro is the on-premises version of……