Linux 下进行 C 或 C++ 编程时重要的 GCC 标志
如果您在 Linux 下进行 C 或 C++ 编程,则必然要采用 GNU GCC 来编译 C 或 C++ 源代码生成可执行程序。 和往常一样,您可以使用标志来扩展功能。 那么让我们看…… -
开发人员为什么更喜欢 NeoVim 而不是 Vim
Vim 编辑器是原始 UNIX 上的vi编辑器的继承者。作为 Vim 的一个分支,Neovim 是一个旨在提高所有开发人员生活质量的编辑器,有开发者比 Vim 更好。 Vim 是经验…… -
[Free Hosting] x10hosting : WordPress in 5 Minutes with Your Own Domain and SSL Auto-Renew
x10 Free hosting for the masses since 2006! Domain Integration Diagrams There are two ways you can integrate your domain with x10hosting. I am…… -
Enable Azure File Shares SMB Over QUIC
This post summarize a easy way with detailed steps to enable SMB over QUIC using a Windows 2022 Azure Edition server in the Azure Cloud without join…… -
Alist Advanced Usages
This post summarized some advanced usages of AList. Add different network drive Google Drive: If you have your own Client ID, Client Secret, a…… -
[5 Minutes Docker Series] Deploy A Free File List App for Multiple Cloud Storages – Alist
AList is a file list program that supports multiple storage, powered by Gin (back end) and Solidjs (front end). It is similar as some other programs…… -
Barracuda Basic Firewall Access-list Policy Lab
This post is a continuous post from previous one Barracuda CloudGen Firewall F12 Initial Configuration Lab. In this post, I am gonna show you h…… -
TOGAF Knowledges Collection
TOGAF®, an Open Group standard, is a proven enterprise architecture methodology and framework used by the world’s leading organizations t…… -
Cybersecurity Governance Overview
Cybersecurity governance refers to the component of governance that addresses an organization’s dependence on cyberspace in the presence of ad…… -
关于 GNU/Linux 操作系统的 10 个神话
简介:在本指南中,我们讨论一些已经存在了一段时间的 GNU Linux 神话和误解。 如果您刚开始使用 Linux或已经使用它一段时间,那么您很有可能偶然发现了一些关……