FFmpeg 5.0 发布,功能强大的开源视音频处理软件
FFmpeg 是一个开源和跨平台的多媒体框架,提供了一系列库和工具来处理多媒体内容,已更新至 5.0 版。 尽管人们日常接触的多是金玉其外的商业软件,但是软件界…… -
Linux 中的 Watch 命令示例
在本指南中,我们将使用易于理解的示例讨论 watch 命令的一些基本功能。 Linux 中的watch命令用于定期运行其他命令,然后在终端中显示输出。以下是如何使用它…… -
Configure IPv6 on Azure Virtual Machine
IPv6 for Azure Virtual Network was generally available worldwide starting from April 2020. During testing IPv6 I found it is quite confusing with Mi…… -
Deploy OpenWRT Virtual Machine in Azure Cloud
There are many reasons you might want to put OpenWRT into Azure Cloud. For me, I was looking for a free and light weight solution which can do routi…… -
Deploy a Free NAT Gateway, Firewall and Router in Azure – VNS3 NATe
I were looking for a free and light-weight virtual appliance to act as nat gateway in my cloud environment to do some port forwarding. Azure NSG (Ne…… -
Palo Alto VM-Series Firewall Configuration in Azure
There are some configuration on Azure network to get your Palo Alto firewall working well for the passing through traffic. Especially for ping traff…… -
Mount Azure Blob Storage into Local Windows File System
This post is going to show you how to mount Azure Blob Storage Account into your local windows file system, which can make the management of Blob…… -
Log Into Azure VM Using Azure AAD
Dec 12 2019, Microsoft announced that Azure AD authentication to Windows Virtual Machines (VMs) in Azure is now available in public preview—giv…… -
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing (2021 – 2014)
Gartner defines the Application Security Testing (AST) market as the buyers and sellers of products and services designed to analyze and test applic…… -
Deploy Azure File Sync on Cloud VM and Mount Azure File Share to Machine Without Port 445
Use Azure File Sync to centralize your organization’s file shares in Azure Files, while keeping the flexibility, performance, and compatibilit……