Ubuntu Online 21.10 发布,让你在 Web 浏览器中体验 Ubuntu 桌面
Ubuntu Online 21.10 今天作为基于 Web 的 Ubuntu 21.10 桌面重制版发布,可让您在 Web 浏览器中试用最新的 Ubuntu 桌面版本。 受Canonical 几年前创建的现已…… -
如何在 Debian 11/10 上安装 Zabbix 监控工具
Zabbix是一款使用PHP语言开发的免费、开源、流行且功能丰富的IT基础设施监控软件。它用于监控网络、服务器、应用程序、服务以及云资源。它还支持对存储设备、…… -
发现存在 10 年之久的 PHP-FPM 本地提权漏洞
该漏洞允许低权限用户使用 PHP-FPM 中的错误将其权限提升为 root。 PHP 是最常用的编程语言之一。如您所知,它是一种最初设计用于具有 HTML 内容的基于 Web 的…… -
Quickest and Easiest Way to Install Mac OS into Windows VMWare Workstation
Mac OS is a proprietary operating system that runs on Apple Macs. There are now many techniques you can use to install macOS on your Intel PC (Hacki…… -
Build a Reverse Proxy Using Cloudflare Workers
CloudFlare has always been known to webmasters for its domain name hosting service and CDN service. Recently I just found a free CloudFlare Workers …… -
Free Cloud Server Monitoring Services: Netdata, New Relic, Datadog, Instrumental
NodeQuery is a free monitoring service provider which provides a free, lightweight and easy to use linux server monitoring service. You al…… -
Blog Platform Blogger’s Usage Tips and Tricks
Here are some tips and tricks collections for bloggers from my blogger experience: There are one related post in this blog: Website and Tools for Bl…… -
OWASP Top 10 (2010, 2013, 2017)
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing unbiased, practical information about applicat…… -
EUSERV IPv6-Only VPS Usage
This post is a continuous post for working on setting up my EUServ’s IPv6-Only vps. It summarizes some of typical usages which I usually will …… -
Facebook 已死?元宇宙重装上阵
美东时间 10 月 28 日周四,在名为Facebook Connect的年度活动大会上,Facebook宣布,已有 17 年历史的社交网络 Facebook 将公司名称更改为“Meta”,这个新名字……