Tutorial: How-to Update Plex Media Server on Synology NAS
This tutorial will show you step-by-step how to update your Plex Media Server on your Synology NAS. It's simple. Update Plex Media Server on Synolog…… -
Tutorial: How-to Install ES File Explorer to NVIDIA Shield TV
This tutorial will show you how to download and install ES File Explorer to your NVIDIA Shield TV. ES File Explorer is one of the most popular file …… -
Tutorial: How-to Install Google Chrome Browser to NVIDIA Shield TV
This tutorial will show you how to download Google Chrome to your NVIDIA Shield TV. Google Chrome is an excellent browser for the NVIDIA Shield TV b…… -
function delCookie () { var keys = document.cookie.match(/[^ =;]+(?==)/g) if (keys) { for (var i = keys.length; i--;) { document.cook…… -
在网上收集到的一段代码,我增加了指定挂载点的参数 function ScriptLoader() {} ScriptLoader.prototype = { timer: function( times, // number of time…… -
如果node项目中遇到了依赖python2.7、node v8等旧版本的依赖,可以将相关版本的zip下载到当前目录解压 然后执行以下命令进行安装依赖和启动项目 set path=%c…… -
以管理员权限打开命令提示符 输入 bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype Auto 重启计算机 此时VMware Workstation将无法启动虚拟机 本方法用于临时需要在本地…… -
go http接口返回1×1像素图片
最近做一个统计接口,准备用图片方式发起网络请求 new Image().src='http://xxx.xxx.com/s?_='+new Date().getTime(); 然后接口/s用go快速写了个接口,返回2……