Ubuntu 24.04 LTS“Noble Numbat”预计于 2024 年 4 月 25 日发布
Canonical 今天公布了 Ubuntu 下一个版本 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS 的代号“Noble Numbat”,计划于明年的 4 月 25 日发布。 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS“Noble Numbat”将是 Canon…… -
一个时代的结束:openSUSE 呼吁提交全新 Logo
openSUSE项目已经发起了一项新徽标(Logo)设计竞赛,包括 Tumbleweed、Leap、Slowroll 和 Kalpa 等不同变种的竞赛。 信不信由你,准备告别被全球无数开源爱好…… -
Zsh 与 Bash 脚本编写,有何不同?
在类Unix操作系统中,当涉及到shell脚本编写时,两种shell占主导地位:Bash(Bourne Again Shell)和Zsh(Z Shell)。如果你是程序员或系统管理员,选择这两者…… -
Email Security to Protect Your Sent Emails From Your Domain (Office 365)
The three main email security protocols complement one another, so implementing all trio of Authentication methods (SPF, DKIM and DMARC) will provde…… -
Install NextCloud AIO Using Docker
There are many different ways to install NextCloud and I had quite a few posts to show the installation. Recently I found this Github AIO (All in On…… -
Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnels (Previously Argo) for Home Internal Application Access
Cloudflare Tunnel was previously named Warp during the beta phase. As Warp was added to the Argo product family, Cloudflare changed the name to Argo…… -
One Command To Send Spoofing Test Email Easily & One DNS Record to Prevent Phishing For Your Domain
Sending a spoofed email is a very simple task to do and it is also can be easily blocked if your email service has been configured correctly. …… -
Improve UI/UX Design for Better Cybersecurity
Good user interface and user experience design in cybersecurity isn’t just about looks, it’s about making cybersecurity tools easy to us…… -
Fedora Linux 39 发布跳票,习惯成自然
由于在接近发布的最后时刻出现了一些问题,原定于 10 月 24 日发布的 Fedora 39 已经推迟,新的发布日期为 10 月 31 日。 Fedora 的发布推迟对于这个备受欢迎…… -
Geany 2.0 发布,开源集成开发环境
Geany 2.0 已于近日发布,这是一款快速轻量级的GTK开源集成开发环境(IDE),支持多种文件类型,如C、Java、PHP、HTML、Python、Perl和Pascal,具备语法高亮、……