揭秘 GNU/Linux:为什么几乎没人敢这么称呼它?
你对Linux感兴趣并读了一些博文。在其中,你遇到了一个有趣的名字:GNU/Linux。这些字母代表着什么意思,为什么人们总是将它们与Linux联系在一起呢? 这个问题…… -
VS Code 的 6 个最佳 ChatGPT 扩展插件
你在通过网络聊天向 ChatGPT 寻求编程问题的解答是正确的。但是频繁在 VS Code 和聊天之间切换可能会分散注意力。请记住,在任何任务中,每一毫秒都很重要。 …… -
HetrixTools – A Free & Powerful with Full Function Website and Server Performance Cloud Monitor Site
HetrixTools (beta), launched in May 2015, was created with the purpose of giving webmasters a useful set of monitoring tools that would improve thei…… -
Azure AD PowerShell Commands and Usages
The Azure PowerShell Az module is a rollup module. Installing the Az PowerShell module downloads the generally available modules and makes their cmd…… -
Canadian Cybersecurity and Privacy Framework
In Canada, the cybersecurity legal landscape is governed by various laws including privacy, anti-spam, criminal liability, and intellectual property…… -
[5 Min Docker] Free Sshwifty Web SSH & Telnet Client Deploy to Koyeb
Sshwifty is a SSH and Telnet connector made for the Web. It can be deployed on your computer or server to provide SSH and Telnet access interfa…… -
PowerApp Studying Notes
Microsoft Power Apps makes it easy for everyone to build professional-grade, custom business apps. Power Apps empowers everyone, no matter thei…… -
Learning Unix By Access This Public Free Unix Server (Running Since 1987)
Super Dimension Fortress (SDF, also known as freeshell.org) is a non-profit public access UNIX shell provider on the Internet. It has been in contin…… -
CyberArk P-Cloud (CyberArk Privilege Cloud)
CyberArk Privilege Cloud is a SaaS solution that enables organizations to securely store, rotate and isolate credentials (for both human and non-hum…… -
5 个鲜为人知的现代 Bash 脚本编写技术