UFOVPS是一家主打中国香港VPS的香港云服务器商家,最近UFOVPS正在进行春季优惠,全场VPS循环9折优惠,充值活动最高返1000元,另外季付/年付还可以叠加优惠,可…… -
Jon Penland and Evelin Nagy on Building the Kinsta Team From Scratch
Kinsta turns 10 years old this year, so we figured it’d be worthwhile to go back to our roots. We asked Evelin Nagy, HR Manager EMEA, and Jon Penlan…… -
多送一倍硬盘# contabo高配VPS:€5.99/月,8G内存/4核(AMD EPYC)/400gSSD/32T流量,美国/新加坡等7机房
contabo宣布最新现在已经在卢森堡开工建设全新的数据中心,预计2024年完工开始提供服务器托管等服务,大致能容纳5万台母鸡...为了庆祝这个好消息,官方宣布对…… -
Kuroit荷兰VPS送三倍硬盘+升级10Gbps带宽,支持支付宝/微信支付,3英镑/月起,120Gbps DDoS防护
Kuroit单独促销自己的荷兰机房,所有套餐送三倍硬盘,并且免费升级到10Gbps带宽。Kuroit荷兰机房提供120Gbps DDoS防护,支持支付宝、微信支付、Paypal,有需要…… -
乌克兰抗投诉服务器商家VSYS.host在2月份搞了一个买2个月送1个月的促销活动,全场都参加促销,包括乌克兰基辅、荷兰阿姆斯特丹、美国西雅图机房,当然如果想匿…… -
V.PS荷兰KVM VPS:9.95欧元/年,荷兰大硬盘VPS 5.95欧元/月,支持支付宝/Paypal,14天退款保证
V.PS荷兰机房上新,全部10Gbps上行带宽,KVM虚拟化、E5处理器。SSD硬盘套餐采用三星PM883 SSD硬盘套餐,大硬盘套餐采用日立HDD硬盘。目前所有按月付款的新订单…… -
Oracle Cloud Cleaning Up Idle Compute Instances & How to Keep it
Recently some Oracle Cloud Free Tier users received a email regarding their compute instances identified as idle. And the those identified idle inst…… -
List Your Folder / Files NTFS Permission into CSV File For Audit Check
Managers and compliance auditors often ask IT admins or security admins to present a report listing file share permissions granted to a group or a p……