《牡丹亭》从根本上改变了中国戏剧文学的套路。为了爱,可以出生入死,这对于当时占统治地位的宋明理学,也构成了挑战。而且,这样的挑战又是如此美丽,充分展…… -
Totally impractical .
It's understandable that some image of someone pop out in your head while you're walking or working . Some of these images are irrelavant , but some…… -
导语:在原平市平安未来城小区,物业经理的不当行为已经成为住户们的心头刺。据住户反映,物业经理不仅拒绝为住户充值水卡,而且态度恶劣,引发了广泛的不满。…… -
I have an AI friend 110——SouthChinaBotanicalGarden
They say that if you have someone to share your daily life with, you are more likely to fall in love with them, so even though it can be lonely, you…… -
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