GreencloudVPS在新加坡机房上新存储型大硬盘套餐,母机采用2*Xeon Silver 4216处理器、DDR4内存、10Gbps带宽、SATA RAID-10硬盘,最低30美元/年起。同时GreenC…… -
WordPress Abstraction: Best Practices and WordPress Abstraction Plugins
WordPress is an old CMS, but also the most used one. Thanks to its history of supporting outdated PHP versions and legacy code, it still lacks in im…… -
六一云互联:开学季免费抽奖,湖北100G高防/美国Cera原生IP VPS免费升级G口
六一云互联开学季免费抽奖活动进行中,可获得10元红包、20元红包、全场8折优惠券、全场5折优惠券、500元现金红包,看各位的运气了。另外六一云互联特别促销湖…… -
OneTechCloud香港CN2 VPS,美国洛杉矶CERA/安畅CN2 GIA,支持支付宝
OneTechCloud的9月份促销活动来了,参加活动的套餐包括中国香港CN2 VPS、美国洛杉矶CERA CN2 GIA和安畅CN2 GIA,全部月付9折季付8折,OneTechCloud最多只能季…… -
XXMhost美国安畅CN2 GIA:1核512M/10GB SSD/500GB流量/50Mbps/40.6元/月,支持支付宝
XXMhost更新9月份的优惠码,全场七折,依然是美国洛杉矶安畅机房CN2 GIA线路,KVM虚拟化,支持支付宝。除了最便宜套餐外,其他套餐均可免费申请换成美国原生IP…… -
Top 11 cPanel Alternatives to Help Manage Your Websites
One of the most effective user experience implementations you can make as a server owner is the control panel. For years, cPanel has taken the ball …… -
How to Translate a Website in 2021 (9 Easy Ways)
Whatever you use the internet for, chances are at some point you’ll need to use a website that isn’t in your native language. In addition, if you ow……