品读《瓦尔登湖》- 迎接春天

前言:正值春节 - 春天将至,《瓦尔登湖》以"春天"结束 - 寓意深远,从今天开始用系列短文,让我们与美国思想家梭罗一起领略春天的美丽。

新季节来临 - 总伴随妙不可言的感动和惊喜,尤其春天 - 恰似鸿蒙初辟 - 于混沌中催生宇宙万物 - 仿佛人类的黄金时代再次降临。As every season seems best to us in its turn, so the coming in of spring is like the creation of Cosmos out of Chaos and the realization of the Golden Age.





人诞生了 - 宇宙有了主人

美好人间 - 源于赋予圣灵的神



"The East-Wind withdrew to Aurora and the Nabathæn kingdom,

And the Persian, and the ridges placed under the morning rays.

. . . . . . .

Man was born. Whether that Artificer of things,

The origin of a better world, made him from the divine seed;

Or the earth, being recent and lately sundered from the high

Ether, retained some seeds of cognate heaven."

蒙蒙春雨 - 潜入人间、润绿了大地 - “天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无“。A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener.

卓越思想 - 灌入脑海、点亮了未来。So our prospects brighten on the influx of better thoughts.

活在当下 - 才能接受天道祝福。We should be blessed if we lived in the present always。

小草 - 哪怕再小的露水滋润 - 都感恩不尽;

我们 - 无论多小的当下机缘 - 都珍惜感激;

and took advantage of every accident that befell us, like the grass which confesses the influence of the slightest dew that falls on it;

不要 - 花时间弥补错失的机遇 - 过去不再是我们的职责。and did not spend our time in atoning for the neglect of past opportunities, which we call doing our duty.

以免- 春天已来,我们仍在冬天徘徊。We loiter in winter while it is already spring.

春天晨光 - 使人心旷神怡 - 仿佛宽恕了人间一切原罪,这是一个洗刷罪恶的日子。阳光渐渐变得如此炙热强劲,以至于最邪恶的人也要回头了。In a pleasant spring morning all men's sins are forgiven. Such a day is a truce to vice. While such a sun holds out to burn, the vilest sinner may return.

春光明媚 - 让我们返璞归真,也觉察了邻居的性本善。Through our own recovered innocence we discern the innocence of our neighbors.

也许 - 昨天邻居是小偷、酒鬼,或色鬼 - 对他不是怜悯就是鄙视,也因此对世界绝望;You may have known your neighbor yesterday for a thief, a drunkard, or a sensualist, and merely pitied or despised him, and despaired of the world;

可是 - 和煦艳阳温暖了初春的晨光,让世界焕然一新,给邻居带来宁静 - 让他的邪恶褪去、血管里充满了静静的喜乐和对世界的祝福 - 像纯真的婴儿享受着春天的美丽。于是,他的一切差错也被人忘掉了。but the sun shines bright and warm this first spring morning, recreating the world, and you meet him at some serene work, and see how it is exhausted and debauched veins expand with still joy and bless the new day, feel the spring influence with the innocence of infancy, and all his faults are forgotten.

善意 - 充溢周身,圣灵 - 试图表白;虽然像初生婴儿的本能 - 短暂而茫然,然而连南边山坡 - 都不会附和粗鄙的言谈。There is not only an atmosphere of good will about him, but even a savor of holiness groping for expression, blindly and ineffectually perhaps, like a new-born instinct, and for a short hour the south hill-side echoes to no vulgar jest.

看啊 - 纯洁天真的嫩芽正从粗糙的树皮中脱颖而出 - 期待着一年的生命时节,全身融入了上帝的喜乐。You see some innocent fair shoots preparing to burst from his gnarled rind and try another year's life, tender and fresh as the youngest plant. Even he has entered into the joy of his Lord.

可是,为什么 - 狱卒不把牢门打开、法官不把案子撤销、传教士不让信徒离去?那是因为他们不领受上帝的启示和无偿赐予的宽恕。Why the jailer does not leave open his prison doors—why the judge does not dismis his case—why the preacher does not dismiss his congregation! It is because they do not obey the hint which God gives them, nor accept the pardon which he freely offers to all.

后记:中国千年文化 - 留下无数描述春天的诗篇 - 东风有信无人见,露微意,柳际花边 - 天涯流落思无穷,既相逢,却匆匆。为问东风馀几许,春纵在,与谁同 - 料峭春风吹酒醒,微冷,山头斜照却相迎 - 罗浮山下四时春,卢橘杨梅次第新 - 春未老,风细柳斜斜。试上超然台上望,半壕春水一城花。- 春节长假,陪亲朋好友到大自然走走 - 跟随春天的脚步、体味万物复苏的美丽。


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