Deployment of KASM with Four Commands or Docker

Kasm Workspaces is a container streaming platform for delivering Linux browser, desktop, and application workloads to the web browser. Basically it streams desktops, browsers and applications directly to your browser. Deliver digital workspaces using KASM's open-source web-native rendering technology to establish a modern devops-enabled delivery of KASM's open-source docker image library. The good thing is there is no endpoint installation required.

Workspaces can be customized with your applications, configurations, and security controls, providing you remote access to your resources, from anywhere and on any device.



The easiest way to see what we are about is to try an on-demand casting session in your browser. No signup or install – just open the link and solve a captcha:
Demo Sites:
Kasm Workspaces CE is a no-cost version of the Professional/Enterprise container streaming platform for individual users, non-profit organizations, and businesses wanting to test the platform. Workspaces CE has nearly all the same features as the paid versions with community based support.

Deploy with KASM Installation Guide


1 Create a Ubuntu VM - Size B2MS - 2vCPU, 8GRAM, 30G SSD.

Minimum requiremenets:


2 cores




50GB (SSD)

2 Run following four commands from installation guide

E.g. 1.14 version

cd /tmp curl -O tar -xf kasm_release_1.14.0.3a7abb.tar.gz sudo bash kasm_release/ 

For 1.15 version:

cd /tmp curl -O tar -xf kasm_release_1.15.0.06fdc8.tar.gz sudo bash kasm_release/

3 Once done, launch Web Application running on port 443 at https://<public ip>

4 Default username 

The Default usernames are [email protected] and [email protected]. The passwords will be randomly generated and presented at the end of the install

Output of installation:

root@free-linux-1:~# cd /tmp
curl -O
tar -xf kasm_release_1.14.0.3a7abb.tar.gz
sudo bash kasm_release/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 25.9M  100 25.9M    0     0  7599k      0  0:00:03  0:00:03 --:--:-- 7602k

End User License Agreement

1.1.  “Documentation” means that documentation that is generally provided to You by Kasm
Technologies with the Software and which may include end user manuals, operation instructions,
installation guides, release notes, and on-line help files regarding the use of the Software.
1.2.  “Kasm Technologies” means Kasm Technologies Inc, a Virginia corporation, located at 1765
Greensboro Station Place STE 900, MCLEAN, VA 22102.
1.3.  “License” means a license granted under Section 2.1 (General License Grant).
1.4.  “Open-Source Software” or “OSS” means software components embedded in the Software
and provided under separate license terms, which can be found in the open_source_licenses.txt file
provided within the Software.
1.5.  “Order” means a purchase order, enterprise license agreement, or other ordering document
issued by You to Kasm Technologies or a Kasm Technologies authorized reseller that references and
incorporates this EULA and is accepted by Kasm Technologies. No Orders are binding on Kasm
Technologies until accepted by Kasm Technologies.
1.6.  “Software” means the Kasm Technologies computer programs to which You acquire a license
under an Order, together with any software code pursuant to a support and/or subscription service
contract and that is not subject to a separate license agreement.
1.7.  “You” means the individual, company or other legal entity using the software.
2.1.  General License Grant. Kasm Technologies grants to You a non-exclusive, non-transferable
license to use the Software and Documentation for the duration of the license solely for Your
business operations, and subject to the provisions of your Order, Documentation and related support
2.2. Community Edition Restrictions. The Community Edition of the Kasm Workspaces license is
restricted to the following usage and may not be used for revenue-generating business activities.
Notwithstanding any other provision in this EULA, the Community Edition License of the Software is
provided “AS-IS” without indemnification, support or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.
2.2.1.  Evaluation. Temporary usage of the Software to validate business requirements.
2.2.2.  Personal/Home. For use by an individual/household for personal, non-business activities.
2.2.3.  Non-Profit. For use by non-profit organizations or researchers.
2.3.  Software Support and Subscriptions. Except as expressly specified in your software Order,
Kasm Technologies does not provide any support or subscription services for the Software under this
EULA. You have no rights to any updates, upgrades or extensions or enhancements to the Software
developed by Kasm Technologies other than those defined in a separate software license Order.
2.4.  Software Updates. The Software may be updated with enhancements or improvements to the
features/functionality, which may include patches, bug fixes, updates, upgrades and other
modifications. Updates may modify or delete certain features and/or functionalities of the Software.
You agree that Kasm Technologies has no obligation to (i) provide any Updates, or (ii) continue to
provide Software features and/or functionalities.
2.5.  Third Party Agents. Under the License You may permit Your third-party agents to access, use
and/or operate the Software on Your behalf for the sole purpose of delivering services to You,
provided that You will be fully responsible for compliance with terms and conditions of this EULA and
any breach of this EULA by a third-party agent shall be deemed to be a breach by You.
2.6.  Open-Source Software. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Open-Source
Software is licensed to You under such OSS’s own applicable license terms. These OSS license
terms are consistent with the license granted in this Section. The OSS license terms shall take
precedence over this EULA to the extent that this EULA imposes greater restrictions on You than the
applicable OSS license terms. To the extent the license for any Open-Source Software requires
Kasm Technologies to make available to You the corresponding source code and/or modifications,
You may obtain a copy of the applicable Source Files.
3.1.  License Restrictions. Without Kasm Technologies’ prior written consent, You must not, and
must not allow any third-party to: (a) use Software in an application services provider except that You
may use the Software to deliver hosted services to Your affiliates; (b) make available Software in any
form to anyone other than Your employees, except as specified in Section 2.5 (Third Party Agents);
(c) transfer or sublicense Software or Documentation to an affiliate or any third party; (d) use
Software in conflict with the terms and restrictions of the Software’s licensing model and other
requirements specified in Documentation and/or Order; (e) except to the extent permitted by
applicable mandatory law, modify, translate, enhance, or create derivative works from the Software,
or reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to derive source code from the Software; or (f)
violate or circumvent any technological restrictions within the Software or specified in this EULA.
3.2.  Ownership. The Software and Documentation and all improvements, enhancements,
modifications and derivative works thereof, and all Intellectual Property Rights therein, are and shall
remain the sole and exclusive property of Kasm Technologies. Intellectual property rights, including
without limitation, copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, know how, inventions,
patents, patent applications, moral rights and all other proprietary rights, whether registered or
unregistered. Your rights to use the Software and Documentation shall be limited to those expressly
granted in this EULA and any applicable Order. No other rights with respect to the Software or any
related Intellectual Property Rights are implied. You are not authorized to use (and shall not permit
any third party to use) the Software, Documentation or any portion thereof except as expressly
authorized by this EULA or the applicable Order. Kasm Technologies reserves all rights not expressly
granted to You.
3.3. Third Party Software. You acknowledge that You are responsible for obtaining and complying
with any licenses necessary to integrate, orchestrate or access all third-party software used within the
3.4. Software Feedback. Feedback, bug reports, enhancements or recommendations provided by
You to Kasm Technologies for the purpose of improving the Software shall become exclusively
owned by Kasm Technologies and may be used/redistributed without compensation to the source of
the submission.
4.1.  Software Usage Responsibility. Kasm Technologies is not responsible for the information,
content and activities of the Software users. You understand and agree that You are solely
responsible for the content and for all activity that occurs under your Software, whether done so by
You or any third person.
4.2.  Content and Usage Disclaimer. Kasm Technologies does not control or restrict content or
activities by users and/or third parties within the Software, you agree to use the Software at your own
risk. You agree that under no circumstances will Kasm Technologies be liable in any way for any
content within the Software, activities performed using the Software, or any loss or damage incurred
as a result of your use of the Software.
5.1.  Software Warranty, Duration and Remedy. Kasm Technologies warrants to You that the
Software will, for a period of ninety (90) days following notice of availability for electronic download or
delivery (“Warranty Period”), substantially conform to the applicable Documentation, provided that
the Software: (a) has been properly installed and used at all times in accordance with the applicable
Documentation; and (b) has not been modified or added to by persons other than Kasm Technologies
or its authorized representative. Kasm Technologies will provide remedy for any breach of this
warranty, either replace that Software or correct any reproducible error in that Software reported to
Kasm Technologies by You in writing during the Warranty Period. If Kasm Technologies determines
that it is unable to correct the error or replace the Software, Kasm Technologies will refund to You the
amount paid by You for that Software, in which case the License for that Software will terminate.
5.2.  Software Disclaimer of Warranty. Other than the warranty above, and to the maximum extent
permitted by applicable law, Kasm Technologies and its suppliers make no other express warranties
or guarantees under this EULA, and disclaim all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, title and non-infringement, and any warranty arising by statute, operation of law,
course of dealing or performance, or usage of trade. Kasm technologies and its licensors do not
warrant that the software will operate uninterrupted or that it will be free from defects or that it will
meet your requirements.
6.1.  Defense and Indemnification. Kasm Technologies shall defend You against any third party
claim that the Software infringes any patent, trademark or copyright of such third party, or
misappropriates a trade secret (but only to the extent that the misappropriation is not a result of Your
actions) and indemnify You from the resulting costs and damages finally awarded against You to
such third party by a court of competent jurisdiction or agreed to in settlement. The foregoing
obligations are applicable only if You: (i) promptly notify Kasm Technologies in writing of the
Infringement Claim; (ii) allow Kasm Technologies sole control over the defense for the claim, any
settlement negotiations and any related action challenging the validity of the allegedly infringed
patent, trademark, or copyright; and (iii) reasonably cooperate in response to Kasm Technologies
requests for assistance. You may not settle or compromise any Infringement Claim without the prior
written consent of Kasm Technologies.
6.2.  Remedies. If the alleged infringing Software become, or in Kasm Technologies’ opinion be likely
to become, the subject of an Infringement Claim, Kasm Technologies will, at Kasm Technologies’
option and expense, do one of the following: (a) procure the rights necessary for You to make
continued use of the affected Software; (b) replace or modify the affected Software to make it non-
infringing; or (c) terminate the License to the affected Software and discontinue the related support
services, and, upon Your certified deletion of the affected Software, refund: (i) the fees paid by You
for the License to the affected Software, less straight-line depreciation over a three (3) year useful life
beginning on the date such Software was delivered; and (ii) any pre-paid service fee attributable to
related support services to be delivered after the date such service is stopped.
6.3.  Exclusions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Kasm Technologies will have no obligation under
this Section 8 (Intellectual Property Indemnification) or otherwise with respect to any claim based on:
(a) a combination of Software with non-Kasm Technologies products (other than non-Kasm
Technologies products that are listed on the Order and used in an unmodified form); (b) use for a
purpose or in a manner for which the Software was not designed; (c) use of any older version of the
Software when use of a newer Kasm Technologies version would have avoided the infringement; (d)
any modification to the Software made without Kasm Technologies’ express written approval; (e) any
claim that relates to open source software or freeware technology or any derivatives or other
adaptations thereof that is not embedded by Kasm Technologies into Software; or (f) any Software
provided on a no charge or evaluation basis. This Section 8 (intellectual property indemnification)
states your sole and exclusive remedy and Kasm Technologies’ entire liability for any infringement
claims or actions.
7.1.  Limitation of Liability. To the maximum extent mandated by law, in no event will Kasm
Technologies and its licensors be liable for any lost profits or business opportunities, loss of use, loss
of revenue, loss of goodwill, business interruption, loss of data, or any indirect, special, incidental, or
consequential damages under any theory of liability, whether based in contract, tort, negligence,
product liability, or otherwise. Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
liability for consequential or incidental damages, the preceding limitation may not apply to you. Kasm
Technologies’ and its licensors’ liability under this EULA will not, in any event, regardless of whether
the claim is based in contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise, exceed the greater of the license fees
you paid for the software giving rise to the claim or $100. The foregoing limitations shall apply
regardless of whether Kasm Technologies or its licensors have been advised of the possibility of such
damages and regardless of whether any remedy fails of its essential purpose. You may not bring a
claim under this EULA more than twelve (12) months after the cause of action arises.
7.2.  Indemnification. You agree to indemnify and hold Kasm Technologies and its parents,
subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners and licensors (if any) harmless from any
claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, due to or arising out of your: (a) use of the
Software; (b) violation of this agreement or any law or regulation; or (c) violation of any right of a third
8.1.  EULA Term. The term of this EULA begins on the notice of availability for electronic download
or delivery of the Software and continues until this EULA is terminated.
8.2.  Termination for Breach. Kasm Technologies may terminate this EULA effective immediately
upon written notice to You if: (a) You fail to pay any portion of the fees under an applicable Order
within ten (10) days after receiving written notice from Kasm Technologies that payment is past due;
or (b) You breach any other provision of this EULA and fail to cure within thirty (30) days after receipt
of Kasm Technologies’ written notice thereof.
8.3.  Termination for Insolvency. Kasm Technologies may terminate this EULA effective
immediately upon written notice to You if You: (a) terminate or suspend your business; (b) become
insolvent; or become subject to control of a trustee or similar authority; or (c) become subject to a
bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding.
8.4.  Effect of Termination. Upon Kasm Technologies’ termination of this EULA: (a) all Licensed
rights to all Software granted to You under this EULA will immediately cease; and (b) You must cease
all use of all Software, and certify destruction of all Software, confidential information, and license
9.1.  “Confidential Information” means information or materials provided by one party (“Discloser”)
to the other party (“Recipient”) which are in tangible form and labelled “confidential” or the like, or,
information which a reasonable person knew or should have known to be confidential. The following
information shall be considered Confidential Information whether or not marked or identified as such:
(a) license keys; (b) information regarding Kasm Technologies’ pricing, product roadmaps or strategic
marketing plans; and (c) non-public materials relating to the Software.
9.2.  Protection. Recipient may use Confidential Information of Discloser; (a) to exercise its rights
and perform its obligations under this EULA; or (b) in connection with the parties’ ongoing business
relationship. Recipient will not use any Confidential Information of Discloser for any purpose not
expressly permitted by this EULA and will disclose the Confidential Information of Discloser only to
the employees or contractors of Recipient who have a need to know such Confidential Information for
purposes of this EULA and who are under a duty of confidentiality no less restrictive than Recipient’s
duty hereunder. Recipient will protect Confidential Information from unauthorized use, access, or
disclosure in the same manner as Recipient protects its own confidential or proprietary information of
a similar nature but with no less than reasonable care.
9.3. Data Privacy. You agree that Kasm Technologies may process technical and related information
about Your use of the Software which may include internet protocol address, hardware identification,
operating system, application software, peripheral hardware, and non-personally identifiable Software
usage statistics to facilitate the provisioning of updates, support, invoicing or online services.
10.1.  Transfers & Assignment. Except to the extent transfer may not legally be restricted, You will
not assign this EULA, any Order, or any right or obligation herein or delegate any performance
without Kasm Technologies’ prior written consent, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
Kasm Technologies may use sufficiently qualified subcontractors to provide services to You, provided
that Kasm Technologies remains responsible to You for the performance of the services.
10.2.  Waiver. The failure to exercise a right or to require performance of an obligation under this
Agreement shall not effect a party's ability to exercise such right or require such performance at any
time thereafter nor shall be the waiver of a breach constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.
10.3.  Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid, such
provision will be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the
greatest extent possible under applicable law and the remaining provisions will continue in full force
and effect.
10.4.  Compliance with Laws; Export Control; Government Regulations. Each party shall comply
with all laws applicable to the actions contemplated by this EULA. You acknowledge that the Software
is of United States origin, is provided subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, may
be subject to the export control laws of the applicable territory, and that diversion contrary to applicable
export control laws is prohibited. You represent that (1) you are not, and are not acting on behalf of,
(a) any person who is a citizen, national, or resident of, or who is controlled by the government of any
country to which the United States has prohibited export transactions; or (b) any person or entity
listed on the U.S. Treasury Department list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons,
or the U.S. Commerce Department Denied Persons List or Entity List; and (2) you will not permit the
Software to be used for, any purposes prohibited by law, including, any prohibited development,
design, manufacture or production of missiles or nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. The
Software and accompanying documentation are deemed to be “commercial computer software” and
“commercial computer software documentation”, respectively, pursuant to DFARS Section 227.7202
and FAR Section 12.212(b), as applicable. Any use, modification, reproduction, release, performing,
displaying or disclosing of the Software and documentation by or for the U.S. Government shall be
governed solely by the terms and conditions of this EULA.
10.5.  Governing Law. This EULA is governed by the laws of the State of Virginia, United States of
America (excluding its conflict of law rules), and the federal laws of the United States. The state and
federal courts located in Virginia will be the exclusive jurisdiction for disputes.
10.6.  Order of Precedence. In the event of conflict or inconsistency among this EULA and the
Order, the terms of this EULA shall supersede and control over any conflicting or additional terms and
conditions of any order, acknowledgement or confirmation or other document issued by You.
10.7. Entire Agreement. This EULA, including accepted Orders and any amendments, contain the
entire agreement of the parties with respect to this EULA and supersede all previous or
contemporaneous communications, representations, proposals, commitments, understandings and
agreements, whether written or oral, between the parties.
10.8. Contact Information. Please direct legal notices or other correspondence to:
[email protected]
Kasm Technologies
1765 Greensboro Station Place STE 900
McLean, Virginia 22102
United States of America

A copy of the End User License Agreement is located at:
I have read and accept End User License Agreement (y/n)? y
Hit:1 jammy InRelease
Hit:2 jammy-updates InRelease
Hit:3 jammy-backports InRelease
Hit:4 jammy-security InRelease
Reading package lists...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 32534  100 32534    0     0  62620      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 62565
WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following additional packages will be installed:
  build-essential bzip2 cpp cpp-11 cpp-12 dctrl-tools dkms dpkg-dev fakeroot
  fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core g++ g++-11 gcc gcc-11 gcc-11-base gcc-12
  libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl libalgorithm-merge-perl
  libasan6 libasan8 libatomic1 libc-dev-bin libc-devtools libc6-dev libcc1-0
  libcrypt-dev libdeflate0 libdpkg-perl libfakeroot libfile-fcntllock-perl
  libfontconfig1 libgcc-11-dev libgcc-12-dev libgd3 libgomp1 libisl23 libitm1
  libjbig0 libjpeg-turbo8 libjpeg8 liblsan0 libmpc3 libnsl-dev libquadmath0
  libstdc++-11-dev libtiff5 libtirpc-dev libtsan0 libtsan2 libubsan1 libwebp7
  libxpm4 linux-libc-dev lto-disabled-list make manpages-dev rpcsvc-proto
Suggested packages:
  bzip2-doc cpp-doc gcc-11-locales gcc-12-locales cpp-12-doc debtags menu
  debian-keyring g++-multilib g++-11-multilib gcc-11-doc gcc-multilib autoconf
  automake libtool flex bison gdb gcc-doc gcc-11-multilib gcc-12-multilib
  gcc-12-doc glibc-doc bzr libgd-tools libstdc++-11-doc make-doc
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  build-essential bzip2 cpp cpp-11 cpp-12 dctrl-tools dkms dpkg-dev fakeroot
  fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core g++ g++-11 gcc gcc-11 gcc-11-base gcc-12
  libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl libalgorithm-merge-perl
  libasan6 libasan8 libatomic1 libc-dev-bin libc-devtools libc6-dev libcc1-0
  libcrypt-dev libdeflate0 libdpkg-perl libfakeroot libfile-fcntllock-perl
  libfontconfig1 libgcc-11-dev libgcc-12-dev libgd3 libgomp1 libisl23 libitm1
  libjbig0 libjpeg-turbo8 libjpeg8 liblsan0 libmpc3 libnsl-dev libquadmath0
  libstdc++-11-dev libtiff5 libtirpc-dev libtsan0 libtsan2 libubsan1 libwebp7
  libxpm4 linux-libc-dev lto-disabled-list make manpages-dev rpcsvc-proto
0 upgraded, 60 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
Need to get 104 MB/104 MB of archives.
After this operation, 346 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 /tmp/ubuntu_22.04-v4l2loopback-dkms.deb v4l2loopback-dkms all 0.12.7-2ubuntu2~22.04.1 [32.5 kB]
Get:2 jammy-updates/main amd64 gcc-11-base amd64 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [20.2 kB]
Get:3 jammy/main amd64 libisl23 amd64 0.24-2build1 [727 kB]
Get:4 jammy/main amd64 libmpc3 amd64 1.2.1-2build1 [46.9 kB]
Get:5 jammy-updates/main amd64 cpp-11 amd64 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [10.0 MB]
Get:6 jammy/main amd64 cpp amd64 4:11.2.0-1ubuntu1 [27.7 kB]
Get:7 jammy-updates/main amd64 libcc1-0 amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [48.3 kB]
Get:8 jammy-updates/main amd64 libgomp1 amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [126 kB]
Get:9 jammy-updates/main amd64 libitm1 amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [30.2 kB]
Get:10 jammy-updates/main amd64 libatomic1 amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [10.4 kB]
Get:11 jammy-updates/main amd64 libasan6 amd64 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [2282 kB]
Get:12 jammy-updates/main amd64 liblsan0 amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [1069 kB]
Get:13 jammy-updates/main amd64 libtsan0 amd64 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [2260 kB]
Get:14 jammy-updates/main amd64 libubsan1 amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [976 kB]
Get:15 jammy-updates/main amd64 libquadmath0 amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [154 kB]
Get:16 jammy-updates/main amd64 libgcc-11-dev amd64 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [2517 kB]
Get:17 jammy-updates/main amd64 gcc-11 amd64 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [20.1 MB]
Get:18 jammy/main amd64 gcc amd64 4:11.2.0-1ubuntu1 [5112 B]
Get:19 jammy-updates/main amd64 cpp-12 amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [10.8 MB]
Get:20 jammy-updates/main amd64 libasan8 amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [2442 kB]
Get:21 jammy-updates/main amd64 libtsan2 amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [2477 kB]
Get:22 jammy-updates/main amd64 libgcc-12-dev amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [2618 kB]
Get:23 jammy-updates/main amd64 gcc-12 amd64 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [21.7 MB]
Get:24 jammy-updates/main amd64 libdpkg-perl all 1.21.1ubuntu2.2 [237 kB]
Get:25 jammy/main amd64 bzip2 amd64 1.0.8-5build1 [34.8 kB]
Get:26 jammy/main amd64 make amd64 4.3-4.1build1 [180 kB]
Get:27 jammy/main amd64 lto-disabled-list all 24 [12.5 kB]
Get:28 jammy-updates/main amd64 dpkg-dev all 1.21.1ubuntu2.2 [922 kB]
Get:29 jammy-updates/main amd64 libc-dev-bin amd64 2.35-0ubuntu3.5 [20.3 kB]
Get:30 jammy-updates/main amd64 linux-libc-dev amd64 5.15.0-91.101 [1332 kB]
Get:31 jammy/main amd64 libcrypt-dev amd64 1:4.4.27-1 [112 kB]
Get:32 jammy/main amd64 rpcsvc-proto amd64 1.4.2-0ubuntu6 [68.5 kB]
Get:33 jammy-updates/main amd64 libtirpc-dev amd64 1.3.2-2ubuntu0.1 [192 kB]
Get:34 jammy/main amd64 libnsl-dev amd64 1.3.0-2build2 [71.3 kB]
Get:35 jammy-updates/main amd64 libc6-dev amd64 2.35-0ubuntu3.5 [2098 kB]
Get:36 jammy-updates/main amd64 libstdc++-11-dev amd64 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [2101 kB]
Get:37 jammy-updates/main amd64 g++-11 amd64 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 [11.4 MB]
Get:38 jammy/main amd64 g++ amd64 4:11.2.0-1ubuntu1 [1412 B]
Get:39 jammy/main amd64 build-essential amd64 12.9ubuntu3 [4744 B]
Get:40 jammy/main amd64 dctrl-tools amd64 2.24-3build2 [66.9 kB]
Get:41 jammy-updates/main amd64 dkms all 2.8.7-2ubuntu2.2 [70.1 kB]
Get:42 jammy/main amd64 libfakeroot amd64 1.28-1ubuntu1 [31.5 kB]
Get:43 jammy/main amd64 fakeroot amd64 1.28-1ubuntu1 [60.4 kB]
Get:44 jammy/main amd64 fonts-dejavu-core all 2.37-2build1 [1041 kB]
Get:45 jammy/main amd64 fontconfig-config all 2.13.1-4.2ubuntu5 [29.1 kB]
Get:46 jammy/main amd64 libalgorithm-diff-perl all 1.201-1 [41.8 kB]
Get:47 jammy/main amd64 libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl amd64 0.04-6build3 [11.9 kB]
Get:48 jammy/main amd64 libalgorithm-merge-perl all 0.08-3 [12.0 kB]
Get:49 jammy/main amd64 libfontconfig1 amd64 2.13.1-4.2ubuntu5 [131 kB]
Get:50 jammy/main amd64 libjpeg-turbo8 amd64 2.1.2-0ubuntu1 [134 kB]
Get:51 jammy/main amd64 libjpeg8 amd64 8c-2ubuntu10 [2264 B]
Get:52 jammy/main amd64 libdeflate0 amd64 1.10-2 [70.9 kB]
Get:53 jammy-updates/main amd64 libjbig0 amd64 2.1-3.1ubuntu0.22.04.1 [29.2 kB]
Get:54 jammy-updates/main amd64 libwebp7 amd64 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 [206 kB]
Get:55 jammy-updates/main amd64 libtiff5 amd64 4.3.0-6ubuntu0.7 [185 kB]
Get:56 jammy-updates/main amd64 libxpm4 amd64 1:3.5.12-1ubuntu0.22.04.2 [36.7 kB]
Get:57 jammy/main amd64 libgd3 amd64 2.3.0-2ubuntu2 [129 kB]
Get:58 jammy-updates/main amd64 libc-devtools amd64 2.35-0ubuntu3.5 [28.9 kB]
Get:59 jammy/main amd64 libfile-fcntllock-perl amd64 0.22-3build7 [33.9 kB]
Get:60 jammy/main amd64 manpages-dev all 5.10-1ubuntu1 [2309 kB]
Fetched 104 MB in 1s (70.3 MB/s)
                                Selecting previously unselected package gcc-11-base:amd64.
(Reading database ... 62217 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../00-gcc-11-base_11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking gcc-11-base:amd64 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libisl23:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../01-libisl23_0.24-2build1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libisl23:amd64 (0.24-2build1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libmpc3:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../02-libmpc3_1.2.1-2build1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libmpc3:amd64 (1.2.1-2build1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package cpp-11.
Preparing to unpack .../03-cpp-11_11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking cpp-11 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package cpp.
Preparing to unpack .../04-cpp_4%3a11.2.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking cpp (4:11.2.0-1ubuntu1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libcc1-0:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../05-libcc1-0_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libcc1-0:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libgomp1:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../06-libgomp1_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libgomp1:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libitm1:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../07-libitm1_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libitm1:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libatomic1:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../08-libatomic1_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libatomic1:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libasan6:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../09-libasan6_11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libasan6:amd64 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package liblsan0:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../10-liblsan0_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking liblsan0:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libtsan0:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../11-libtsan0_11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libtsan0:amd64 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libubsan1:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../12-libubsan1_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libubsan1:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libquadmath0:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../13-libquadmath0_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libquadmath0:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libgcc-11-dev:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../14-libgcc-11-dev_11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libgcc-11-dev:amd64 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package gcc-11.
Preparing to unpack .../15-gcc-11_11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking gcc-11 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package gcc.
Preparing to unpack .../16-gcc_4%3a11.2.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking gcc (4:11.2.0-1ubuntu1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package cpp-12.
Preparing to unpack .../17-cpp-12_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking cpp-12 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libasan8:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../18-libasan8_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libasan8:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libtsan2:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../19-libtsan2_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libtsan2:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libgcc-12-dev:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../20-libgcc-12-dev_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libgcc-12-dev:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package gcc-12.
Preparing to unpack .../21-gcc-12_12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking gcc-12 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libdpkg-perl.
Preparing to unpack .../22-libdpkg-perl_1.21.1ubuntu2.2_all.deb ...
Unpacking libdpkg-perl (1.21.1ubuntu2.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package bzip2.
Preparing to unpack .../23-bzip2_1.0.8-5build1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking bzip2 (1.0.8-5build1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package make.
Preparing to unpack .../24-make_4.3-4.1build1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking make (4.3-4.1build1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package lto-disabled-list.
Preparing to unpack .../25-lto-disabled-list_24_all.deb ...
Unpacking lto-disabled-list (24) ...
Selecting previously unselected package dpkg-dev.
Preparing to unpack .../26-dpkg-dev_1.21.1ubuntu2.2_all.deb ...
Unpacking dpkg-dev (1.21.1ubuntu2.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libc-dev-bin.
Preparing to unpack .../27-libc-dev-bin_2.35-0ubuntu3.5_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libc-dev-bin (2.35-0ubuntu3.5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package linux-libc-dev:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../28-linux-libc-dev_5.15.0-91.101_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking linux-libc-dev:amd64 (5.15.0-91.101) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libcrypt-dev:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../29-libcrypt-dev_1%3a4.4.27-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libcrypt-dev:amd64 (1:4.4.27-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package rpcsvc-proto.
Preparing to unpack .../30-rpcsvc-proto_1.4.2-0ubuntu6_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking rpcsvc-proto (1.4.2-0ubuntu6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libtirpc-dev:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../31-libtirpc-dev_1.3.2-2ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libtirpc-dev:amd64 (1.3.2-2ubuntu0.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libnsl-dev:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../32-libnsl-dev_1.3.0-2build2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libnsl-dev:amd64 (1.3.0-2build2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libc6-dev:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../33-libc6-dev_2.35-0ubuntu3.5_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libc6-dev:amd64 (2.35-0ubuntu3.5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libstdc++-11-dev:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../34-libstdc++-11-dev_11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libstdc++-11-dev:amd64 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package g++-11.
Preparing to unpack .../35-g++-11_11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking g++-11 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Selecting previously unselected package g++.
Preparing to unpack .../36-g++_4%3a11.2.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking g++ (4:11.2.0-1ubuntu1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package build-essential.
Preparing to unpack .../37-build-essential_12.9ubuntu3_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking build-essential (12.9ubuntu3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package dctrl-tools.
Preparing to unpack .../38-dctrl-tools_2.24-3build2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking dctrl-tools (2.24-3build2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package dkms.
Preparing to unpack .../39-dkms_2.8.7-2ubuntu2.2_all.deb ...
Unpacking dkms (2.8.7-2ubuntu2.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libfakeroot:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../40-libfakeroot_1.28-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libfakeroot:amd64 (1.28-1ubuntu1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package fakeroot.
Preparing to unpack .../41-fakeroot_1.28-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking fakeroot (1.28-1ubuntu1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package fonts-dejavu-core.
Preparing to unpack .../42-fonts-dejavu-core_2.37-2build1_all.deb ...
Unpacking fonts-dejavu-core (2.37-2build1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package fontconfig-config.
Preparing to unpack .../43-fontconfig-config_2.13.1-4.2ubuntu5_all.deb ...
Unpacking fontconfig-config (2.13.1-4.2ubuntu5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-diff-perl.
Preparing to unpack .../44-libalgorithm-diff-perl_1.201-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking libalgorithm-diff-perl (1.201-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl.
Preparing to unpack .../45-libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl_0.04-6build3_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl (0.04-6build3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-merge-perl.
Preparing to unpack .../46-libalgorithm-merge-perl_0.08-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking libalgorithm-merge-perl (0.08-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libfontconfig1:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../47-libfontconfig1_2.13.1-4.2ubuntu5_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libfontconfig1:amd64 (2.13.1-4.2ubuntu5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg-turbo8:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../48-libjpeg-turbo8_2.1.2-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libjpeg-turbo8:amd64 (2.1.2-0ubuntu1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg8:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../49-libjpeg8_8c-2ubuntu10_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libjpeg8:amd64 (8c-2ubuntu10) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libdeflate0:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../50-libdeflate0_1.10-2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libdeflate0:amd64 (1.10-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjbig0:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../51-libjbig0_2.1-3.1ubuntu0.22.04.1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libjbig0:amd64 (2.1-3.1ubuntu0.22.04.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libwebp7:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../52-libwebp7_1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libwebp7:amd64 (1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libtiff5:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../53-libtiff5_4.3.0-6ubuntu0.7_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libtiff5:amd64 (4.3.0-6ubuntu0.7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxpm4:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../54-libxpm4_1%3a3.5.12-1ubuntu0.22.04.2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libxpm4:amd64 (1:3.5.12-1ubuntu0.22.04.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libgd3:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../55-libgd3_2.3.0-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libgd3:amd64 (2.3.0-2ubuntu2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libc-devtools.
Preparing to unpack .../56-libc-devtools_2.35-0ubuntu3.5_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libc-devtools (2.35-0ubuntu3.5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libfile-fcntllock-perl.
Preparing to unpack .../57-libfile-fcntllock-perl_0.22-3build7_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libfile-fcntllock-perl (0.22-3build7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package manpages-dev.
Preparing to unpack .../58-manpages-dev_5.10-1ubuntu1_all.deb ...
Unpacking manpages-dev (5.10-1ubuntu1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package v4l2loopback-dkms.
Preparing to unpack .../59-ubuntu_22.04-v4l2loopback-dkms.deb ...
Unpacking v4l2loopback-dkms (0.12.7-2ubuntu2~22.04.1) ...
Setting up gcc-11-base:amd64 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up manpages-dev (5.10-1ubuntu1) ...
Setting up lto-disabled-list (24) ...
Setting up libxpm4:amd64 (1:3.5.12-1ubuntu0.22.04.2) ...
Setting up libfile-fcntllock-perl (0.22-3build7) ...
Setting up libalgorithm-diff-perl (1.201-1) ...
Setting up libdeflate0:amd64 (1.10-2) ...
Setting up linux-libc-dev:amd64 (5.15.0-91.101) ...
Setting up libgomp1:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up bzip2 (1.0.8-5build1) ...
Setting up libjbig0:amd64 (2.1-3.1ubuntu0.22.04.1) ...
Setting up libfakeroot:amd64 (1.28-1ubuntu1) ...
Setting up libasan6:amd64 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up fakeroot (1.28-1ubuntu1) ...
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/fakeroot-sysv to provide /usr/bin/fakeroot (fakeroot) in auto mode
Setting up libtirpc-dev:amd64 (1.3.2-2ubuntu0.1) ...
Setting up rpcsvc-proto (1.4.2-0ubuntu6) ...
Setting up make (4.3-4.1build1) ...
Setting up libquadmath0:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up libmpc3:amd64 (1.2.1-2build1) ...
Setting up libatomic1:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up fonts-dejavu-core (2.37-2build1) ...
Setting up libjpeg-turbo8:amd64 (2.1.2-0ubuntu1) ...
Setting up libdpkg-perl (1.21.1ubuntu2.2) ...
Setting up libwebp7:amd64 (1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2) ...
Setting up libubsan1:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up libnsl-dev:amd64 (1.3.0-2build2) ...
Setting up libcrypt-dev:amd64 (1:4.4.27-1) ...
Setting up libasan8:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up libtsan2:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up libisl23:amd64 (0.24-2build1) ...
Setting up libc-dev-bin (2.35-0ubuntu3.5) ...
Setting up libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl (0.04-6build3) ...
Setting up libcc1-0:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up liblsan0:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up dctrl-tools (2.24-3build2) ...
Setting up libitm1:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up libalgorithm-merge-perl (0.08-3) ...
Setting up libtsan0:amd64 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up libjpeg8:amd64 (8c-2ubuntu10) ...
Setting up cpp-11 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up cpp-12 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up fontconfig-config (2.13.1-4.2ubuntu5) ...
Setting up dpkg-dev (1.21.1ubuntu2.2) ...
Setting up libgcc-12-dev:amd64 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up libgcc-11-dev:amd64 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up gcc-11 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up cpp (4:11.2.0-1ubuntu1) ...
Setting up libc6-dev:amd64 (2.35-0ubuntu3.5) ...
Setting up libtiff5:amd64 (4.3.0-6ubuntu0.7) ...
Setting up libfontconfig1:amd64 (2.13.1-4.2ubuntu5) ...
Setting up gcc (4:11.2.0-1ubuntu1) ...
Setting up gcc-12 (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up libgd3:amd64 (2.3.0-2ubuntu2) ...
Setting up libstdc++-11-dev:amd64 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up libc-devtools (2.35-0ubuntu3.5) ...
Setting up g++-11 (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) ...
Setting up dkms (2.8.7-2ubuntu2.2) ...
Setting up g++ (4:11.2.0-1ubuntu1) ...
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/g++ to provide /usr/bin/c++ (c++) in auto mode
Setting up build-essential (12.9ubuntu3) ...
Setting up v4l2loopback-dkms (0.12.7-2ubuntu2~22.04.1) ...
Loading new v4l2loopback-0.12.7 DKMS files...
Building for 6.2.0-1018-azure
Building initial module for 6.2.0-1018-azure
Can't load /var/lib/shim-signed/mok/.rnd into RNG
80BB2D767F7F0000:error:12000079:random number generator:RAND_load_file:Cannot open file:../crypto/rand/randfile.c:106:Filename=/var/lib/shim-signed/mok/.rnd
Secure Boot not enabled on this system.
Running module version sanity check.
 - Original module
   - No original module exists within this kernel
 - Installation
   - Installing to /lib/modules/6.2.0-1018-azure/updates/dkms/
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.35-0ubuntu3.5) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.10.2-1) ...
Checking if docker and docker compose are installed.
Docker is installed
24.0.5 is a supported version of docker.
Docker Compose is not installed.
Installing Docker Compose
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 25.2M  100 25.2M    0     0  21.5M      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 30.2M
installing rclone docker plugin
amd64: Pulling from rclone/docker-volume-rclone
Digest: sha256:312d45ae50b4970f29f3b40ba510690b564c7b9bfcaab5985eaa74ca2e12fa9b
b6c48cbe471b: Waiting
b6c48cbe471b: Pulling fs layer
b6c48cbe471b: Complete
Installed plugin rclone/docker-volume-rclone:amd64
Dependency Installation Complete
Checking if DEFAULT_PROXY_LISTENING_PORT (443) is free
Port (443) is not in use.
Swap Exists
Installing All Services
Creating docker network kasm_default_network
Initializing Database
Setting Seed file as /opt/kasm/1.14.0/conf/database/seed_data/default_properties.yaml
Using Database Master User postgres
Using Database Master Password from stdin -G
db Pulling
661ff4d9561e Pulling fs layer
3d6b5b928d6f Pulling fs layer
14d44538ca1a Pulling fs layer
259d5c44ed37 Pulling fs layer
6b18a35e2062 Pulling fs layer
7a97484ce551 Pulling fs layer
97bb5302f4b1 Pulling fs layer
9f129835aebf Pulling fs layer
d4134c070017 Pulling fs layer
259d5c44ed37 Waiting
6b18a35e2062 Waiting
7a97484ce551 Waiting
97bb5302f4b1 Waiting
9f129835aebf Waiting
d4134c070017 Waiting
14d44538ca1a Downloading [==================================================>]     116B/116B
14d44538ca1a Download complete
661ff4d9561e Downloading [>                                                  ]  34.77kB/3.408MB
3d6b5b928d6f Downloading [============================>                      ]     720B/1.263kB
3d6b5b928d6f Download complete
661ff4d9561e Downloading [==========================>                        ]  1.805MB/3.408MB
661ff4d9561e Verifying Checksum
661ff4d9561e Download complete
661ff4d9561e Extracting [>                                                  ]  65.54kB/3.408MB
661ff4d9561e Extracting [==================================================>]  3.408MB/3.408MB
661ff4d9561e Pull complete
3d6b5b928d6f Extracting [==================================================>]  1.263kB/1.263kB
3d6b5b928d6f Extracting [==================================================>]  1.263kB/1.263kB
6b18a35e2062 Downloading [====>                                              ]     720B/8.688kB
6b18a35e2062 Downloading [==================================================>]  8.688kB/8.688kB
6b18a35e2062 Verifying Checksum
6b18a35e2062 Download complete
259d5c44ed37 Downloading [>                                                  ]  539.9kB/88.54MB
7a97484ce551 Downloading [==================================================>]     129B/129B
7a97484ce551 Verifying Checksum
7a97484ce551 Download complete
259d5c44ed37 Downloading [======>                                            ]  11.77MB/88.54MB
97bb5302f4b1 Downloading [==================================================>]     170B/170B
97bb5302f4b1 Verifying Checksum
97bb5302f4b1 Download complete
259d5c44ed37 Downloading [==============>                                    ]   25.2MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Downloading [======================>                            ]   40.7MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Downloading [================================>                  ]  57.35MB/88.54MB
d4134c070017 Downloading [==================================================>]     185B/185B
d4134c070017 Verifying Checksum
d4134c070017 Download complete
9f129835aebf Downloading [======>                                            ]     720B/5.421kB
9f129835aebf Downloading [==================================================>]  5.421kB/5.421kB
9f129835aebf Verifying Checksum
9f129835aebf Download complete
259d5c44ed37 Downloading [=========================================>         ]  74.07MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Verifying Checksum
259d5c44ed37 Download complete
3d6b5b928d6f Pull complete
14d44538ca1a Extracting [==================================================>]     116B/116B
14d44538ca1a Extracting [==================================================>]     116B/116B
14d44538ca1a Pull complete
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [>                                                  ]  557.1kB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [=>                                                 ]  3.342MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [=====>                                             ]  8.913MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [========>                                          ]  14.48MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [===========>                                       ]  20.61MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [==============>                                    ]  26.18MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [=================>                                 ]  31.75MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [=====================>                             ]  37.32MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [======================>                            ]  39.55MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [========================>                          ]  42.89MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [==========================>                        ]  46.79MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [=============================>                     ]  51.81MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [================================>                  ]  57.38MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [=================================>                 ]  59.05MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [=================================>                 ]  60.16MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [===================================>               ]  62.95MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [=====================================>             ]  66.29MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [=======================================>           ]  70.75MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [==========================================>        ]  74.65MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [===========================================>       ]  77.43MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [===============================================>   ]  83.56MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [=================================================> ]  88.01MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Extracting [==================================================>]  88.54MB/88.54MB
259d5c44ed37 Pull complete
6b18a35e2062 Extracting [==================================================>]  8.688kB/8.688kB
6b18a35e2062 Extracting [==================================================>]  8.688kB/8.688kB
6b18a35e2062 Pull complete
7a97484ce551 Extracting [==================================================>]     129B/129B
7a97484ce551 Extracting [==================================================>]     129B/129B
7a97484ce551 Pull complete
97bb5302f4b1 Extracting [==================================================>]     170B/170B
97bb5302f4b1 Extracting [==================================================>]     170B/170B
97bb5302f4b1 Pull complete
9f129835aebf Extracting [==================================================>]  5.421kB/5.421kB
9f129835aebf Extracting [==================================================>]  5.421kB/5.421kB
9f129835aebf Pull complete
d4134c070017 Extracting [==================================================>]     185B/185B
d4134c070017 Extracting [==================================================>]     185B/185B
d4134c070017 Pull complete
db Pulled
Container kasm_db  Creating
Container kasm_db  Created
Container kasm_db  Starting
Container kasm_db  Started
Container kasm_db  Waiting
Container kasm_db  Healthy
kasm_api Pulling
edaedc954fb5 Pulling fs layer
b2e9581b7e46 Pulling fs layer
bd83fe445e58 Pulling fs layer
fc21f18ea459 Pulling fs layer
e0115e371eff Pulling fs layer
d18df83b815c Pulling fs layer
055b3b92b127 Pulling fs layer
d93c41bc4231 Pulling fs layer
fc21f18ea459 Waiting
e0115e371eff Waiting
d18df83b815c Waiting
055b3b92b127 Waiting
d93c41bc4231 Waiting
edaedc954fb5 Downloading [>                                                  ]  281.8kB/27.51MB
b2e9581b7e46 Downloading [>                                                  ]  527.6kB/83.39MB
bd83fe445e58 Downloading [>                                                  ]  1.369kB/71.44kB
bd83fe445e58 Downloading [==================================================>]  71.44kB/71.44kB
bd83fe445e58 Verifying Checksum
bd83fe445e58 Download complete
edaedc954fb5 Downloading [================>                                  ]   9.28MB/27.51MB
b2e9581b7e46 Downloading [===>                                               ]  6.433MB/83.39MB
edaedc954fb5 Downloading [================================================>  ]  26.41MB/27.51MB
edaedc954fb5 Verifying Checksum
edaedc954fb5 Download complete
b2e9581b7e46 Downloading [=========>                                         ]  16.62MB/83.39MB
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [>                                                  ]  294.9kB/27.51MB
fc21f18ea459 Downloading [==================================================>]     607B/607B
fc21f18ea459 Verifying Checksum
fc21f18ea459 Download complete
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [========>                                          ]  4.424MB/27.51MB
b2e9581b7e46 Downloading [===========>                                       ]  19.84MB/83.39MB
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [=============>                                     ]  7.668MB/27.51MB
b2e9581b7e46 Downloading [=================>                                 ]  29.45MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Downloading [========================>                          ]  41.24MB/83.39MB
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [=================>                                 ]  9.437MB/27.51MB
b2e9581b7e46 Downloading [===============================>                   ]  51.95MB/83.39MB
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [=====================>                             ]   11.8MB/27.51MB
d18df83b815c Downloading [==================================================>]     132B/132B
d18df83b815c Verifying Checksum
d18df83b815c Download complete
b2e9581b7e46 Downloading [======================================>            ]  63.73MB/83.39MB
e0115e371eff Downloading [===================>                               ]     722B/1.82kB
e0115e371eff Downloading [==================================================>]   1.82kB/1.82kB
e0115e371eff Verifying Checksum
e0115e371eff Download complete
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [===========================>                       ]  15.04MB/27.51MB
b2e9581b7e46 Downloading [==============================================>    ]  78.18MB/83.39MB
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [=================================>                 ]  18.58MB/27.51MB
b2e9581b7e46 Verifying Checksum
b2e9581b7e46 Download complete
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [========================================>          ]  22.41MB/27.51MB
055b3b92b127 Downloading [>                                                  ]  393.2kB/38.75MB
d93c41bc4231 Downloading [==================================================>]     609B/609B
d93c41bc4231 Verifying Checksum
d93c41bc4231 Download complete
055b3b92b127 Downloading [==============>                                    ]  11.41MB/38.75MB
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [==========================================>        ]   23.3MB/27.51MB
055b3b92b127 Downloading [===========================>                       ]  21.27MB/38.75MB
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [==============================================>    ]  25.66MB/27.51MB
055b3b92b127 Downloading [=============================================>     ]  35.43MB/38.75MB
055b3b92b127 Verifying Checksum
055b3b92b127 Download complete
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [=================================================> ]  27.13MB/27.51MB
edaedc954fb5 Extracting [==================================================>]  27.51MB/27.51MB
edaedc954fb5 Pull complete
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [>                                                  ]  557.1kB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [==>                                                ]  3.899MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [===>                                               ]  5.014MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [====>                                              ]  6.685MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [=====>                                             ]  8.356MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [======>                                            ]  10.03MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [=======>                                           ]   11.7MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [========>                                          ]  13.37MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [=========>                                         ]  15.04MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [===========>                                       ]  18.38MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [============>                                      ]  20.05MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [=============>                                     ]  22.28MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [==============>                                    ]  24.51MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [===================>                               ]  32.31MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [==========================>                        ]  44.56MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [===============================>                   ]  51.81MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [==================================>                ]  57.38MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [=====================================>             ]  62.39MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [========================================>          ]  66.85MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [===========================================>       ]  72.42MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [==============================================>    ]  77.99MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [=================================================> ]  81.89MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [=================================================> ]     83MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Extracting [==================================================>]  83.39MB/83.39MB
b2e9581b7e46 Pull complete
bd83fe445e58 Extracting [======================>                            ]  32.77kB/71.44kB
bd83fe445e58 Extracting [==================================================>]  71.44kB/71.44kB
bd83fe445e58 Extracting [==================================================>]  71.44kB/71.44kB
bd83fe445e58 Pull complete
fc21f18ea459 Extracting [==================================================>]     607B/607B
fc21f18ea459 Extracting [==================================================>]     607B/607B
fc21f18ea459 Pull complete
e0115e371eff Extracting [==================================================>]   1.82kB/1.82kB
e0115e371eff Extracting [==================================================>]   1.82kB/1.82kB
e0115e371eff Pull complete
d18df83b815c Extracting [==================================================>]     132B/132B
d18df83b815c Extracting [==================================================>]     132B/132B
d18df83b815c Pull complete
055b3b92b127 Extracting [>                                                  ]  393.2kB/38.75MB
055b3b92b127 Extracting [=======>                                           ]  5.898MB/38.75MB
055b3b92b127 Extracting [==========>                                        ]  8.258MB/38.75MB
055b3b92b127 Extracting [====================>                              ]  15.73MB/38.75MB
055b3b92b127 Extracting [==============================>                    ]  23.59MB/38.75MB
055b3b92b127 Extracting [=========================================>         ]  31.85MB/38.75MB
055b3b92b127 Extracting [==================================================>]  38.75MB/38.75MB
055b3b92b127 Pull complete
d93c41bc4231 Extracting [==================================================>]     609B/609B
d93c41bc4231 Extracting [==================================================>]     609B/609B
d93c41bc4231 Pull complete
kasm_api Pulled
2024-01-09 17:28:52,188 [INFO] root: Performing Database Connectivity Test
2024-01-09 17:28:52,210 [INFO] root: Initializing Postgres Database
2024-01-09 17:28:53,706 [INFO] root: Stamping Database with revision
Dropping Existing Schema
Creating Schema
Creating Installation ID
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1001}) with (b5fec098-8571-4a7e-9c61-4a1fd559909e)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1060}) with (29814939-5ef9-4fff-8623-a636f2ae5539)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:2}) with (2b70f6d5-4ddc-42a6-82ff-eb2b1ae13ff8)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:2004}) with (256e2b86-7085-4cdc-ba68-628db6d1e7c4)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:43}) with (c2316bd1-d4dc-4c6a-9302-57dcd179bb6e)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1019}) with (005ecd8c-cad9-4700-beec-6294b4366a24)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1011}) with (69a34362-1235-4fbd-a6c2-fbfe07f702df)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1014}) with (e62a62bd-9fef-4ea3-ba07-342a896b7523)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:8}) with (5b93046f-6e21-4d91-bfe0-159a3195c893)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1029}) with (171fca0d-866a-4913-9ec6-48ff1bdedba9)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:49}) with (93a815ae-d523-410b-8b37-3a749e64e820)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:59}) with (b9b44a95-a910-469c-bac0-521dcfae77a4)
Replacing: (${uuid:user_id:2}) with (c6aedbc6-2069-4adb-ab5e-6b87db398d17)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:23}) with (21cf24ea-dc89-4bef-b458-669ee5470f32)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:2003}) with (acaa4f96-e907-4a11-85a4-07950d68754b)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1013}) with (c96b70a2-314a-4a00-8823-3f820c5b5821)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:48}) with (166e7159-05cc-4528-bfc5-f204e056eb2d)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1012}) with (6509b241-c9b7-4d96-9dbb-1986180e5ae8)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:7}) with (1f92102b-0d22-4d9b-a0b2-a51fe03f6737)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:27}) with (260957df-56d1-4f3d-acb3-8c2bfb906865)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:55}) with (d5e033cb-e54e-441f-9597-1ae2b718219c)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:57}) with (e09e85fc-536b-4050-ab35-9cd474ad2dc1)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_id:2}) with (f610820e-e937-4622-89d4-9b10095be411)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1}) with (083d73ef-23af-41f9-a4d4-17e92fbb4621)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:3}) with (1c771937-ff24-447e-bfa6-f9099e807475)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:21}) with (017d7e3d-5381-42f6-97c0-a72c6ab8504a)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1015}) with (d9fbf24d-6d81-4ee1-b96c-88751b674e58)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:17}) with (d900b76d-cbfd-42aa-8dfa-52d1f0b55d8d)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1023}) with (6c3cf2d8-0792-486d-992e-262aa4626e14)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:19}) with (891c3bd4-059e-4072-9157-c62a15463014)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:20}) with (0f018ffe-ee10-44c0-a20b-b9a25ee874f7)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1024}) with (af7714ff-9336-47d1-a260-ca53800951ce)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1010}) with (ba27ef66-5243-4fe5-8b0b-113fc4429c3f)
Replacing: (${uuid:zone_id:1}) with (c0b4828d-2660-4712-a680-83b88f3e9c5a)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1003}) with (fb334079-a446-490a-929a-939331fa3bd8)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:60}) with (a405fd09-7dac-41a1-a14d-b25c6aa36107)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:32}) with (a2c2ba30-ca93-49d4-a74c-9d0357518fbf)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:13}) with (bc65dbae-8092-493d-a4dd-3c0f7442de4d)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:14}) with (07abe06a-01f5-44be-82bd-3b3ecc90956b)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:53}) with (c642f8a3-0546-49fc-aaf9-def6576bdb7b)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:5}) with (bd34574d-efa3-42ba-bcab-e775aedec8ff)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1055}) with (daf47d1f-5106-4c0e-9762-3318570191b8)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:37}) with (427d9b49-6f35-42db-8ff6-58090c5c589a)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1006}) with (12a91318-417a-477e-89ca-700b5dfdc150)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:52}) with (eddfadc6-de85-4c46-ba20-3bdffbd38422)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:33}) with (72c02745-69c8-47b6-a506-0e8ceb830427)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1018}) with (ec700fc6-7232-4b42-9410-c414a5bf775e)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:28}) with (76143df5-0a02-4905-98dd-3c2d32845cf8)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:46}) with (2aef0195-823a-409a-aa69-47e6b5cc66d6)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1020}) with (901d5870-2fd6-47c4-a5cd-cac530b17348)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:54}) with (710f7f9d-ba71-4247-bc90-418d7a57f530)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1028}) with (c76eb3cc-d67c-4cb1-a5b8-4ff22fcd65b6)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:25}) with (56f4aee4-27d4-428e-88f7-79b6f62f12db)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:2001}) with (798a602c-b3f0-404a-95ef-f77b53771a23)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1016}) with (215af392-f135-4a50-9002-ad900d732905)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:2005}) with (3fc26980-24ff-4dec-aa45-12d6deb7074f)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:12}) with (16b728f7-f474-405b-b2ec-a21074a56d7d)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:31}) with (3f19e8fd-9966-4765-afc3-2bad60aac624)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1026}) with (a4a48d4c-f67e-459d-8c38-a976050c9878)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:18}) with (2b11295d-84b9-4254-9778-ff5dd81c202f)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:47}) with (0ad9480e-2d83-4310-a2c3-0251b57daaf2)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:24}) with (87d666fe-f60b-4ae2-95ff-b943a785011c)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:6}) with (9ce390aa-b84c-4a7d-8e75-a35b819fce8e)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:26}) with (2bd826fd-75e1-437f-96df-15c99b724ee0)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1030}) with (b6ef593e-0ad9-4688-9bc4-d07d63ef343d)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:42}) with (d5cf2a3f-e733-46a2-88e1-956ec385d9b3)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:51}) with (3b1fc865-634b-439b-9b61-497566c995f8)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1022}) with (1b96281a-4585-40c7-9d41-65236a563f72)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:16}) with (64d17edf-fc68-4635-bf4a-c8190b21adba)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:38}) with (6fbeb9bb-4688-4b19-8d17-278725df764b)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1009}) with (fac94bb4-0366-47fb-8b9d-fe8817b7bf0c)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1008}) with (5184f5b2-5e7c-4d92-8803-11f6444138c6)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1002}) with (8bb7b1f7-abb7-49b4-a4c2-da1aa8f4ba27)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1025}) with (6243e98a-4b32-4745-a18e-efe18615a416)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:4}) with (99823920-0bff-4750-8dee-698a20892322)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:9}) with (54e5a54e-3d05-416d-96f8-d3433fb03511)
Replacing: (${uuid:user_id:1}) with (68f36622-3ecb-4258-a958-ca32a5089f0a)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:41}) with (098a7058-ed25-45b4-ab9a-b1233ec30764)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:56}) with (1437795f-8a68-4df8-96c8-118821088ada)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1017}) with (4ad3678b-c4e9-493e-b770-fff4c7b7eec8)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:36}) with (d663b17f-936b-40c1-ae1e-43cd0db7bb47)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1007}) with (cc270b3b-6b80-4a13-b35a-755dc9fa5648)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1004}) with (572596bb-3181-4db8-a926-ec486f146336)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:45}) with (0f4085f4-138e-4c97-85a2-7db3df498362)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:11}) with (84789352-0bce-4ca2-922d-7496138bb4a5)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1021}) with (3866a4e9-56d7-4c33-968a-0af4ff23c121)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:50}) with (77840a96-27b9-4290-84c7-b060e2d73727)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:1027}) with (6bde55d1-9c84-41ba-8a60-263dca5cc818)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:39}) with (fd87409d-9d62-4918-8263-63f32962bc40)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:10}) with (af48f602-4df1-4876-8ac0-e1d30b20b7a2)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:44}) with (d5aff1f1-94c6-4d57-bfd7-498ee046eb9a)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:40}) with (2dba391f-b34d-475d-937f-0edc61654d91)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:34}) with (d8c8738a-1873-4b7f-b952-05ee19590966)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:15}) with (fed89636-4bc9-4e61-8fd1-9c683180212f)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:22}) with (433e5b66-5be6-4747-8d9d-470327dd48ba)
2024-01-09 17:28:55,907 [INFO] root: Complete
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:58}) with (004bb704-305b-4d78-992c-67fc19a37045)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:30}) with (1b09249b-ea1c-40ce-bcbe-7fa6d8efc3f5)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:35}) with (f1399fd0-f00f-4c59-94cc-7543726cd430)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:2002}) with (71e76b8c-e931-4b6e-93c7-2e9fe5aa5db6)
Replacing: (${uuid:group_setting_id:29}) with (1bb3d6cd-9990-4f6c-a91e-ae55bd63b59b)
Replacing: (${datetime:utcnow}) with (2024-01-09 17:28:55.653644)
Container kasm_db  Stopping
Container kasm_db  Stopped
Database Initialization Complete
Not seeding default Workspaces Images.
Setting Seed file as /opt/kasm/1.14.0/conf/database/seed_data/default_agents.yaml
Container kasm_db  Stopping
Container kasm_db  Stopped
Container kasm_db  Creating
Container kasm_db  Created
Container kasm_db  Starting
Container kasm_db  Started
Container kasm_db  Waiting
Container kasm_db  Healthy
2024-01-09 17:29:29,033 [INFO] root: Performing Database Connectivity Test
2024-01-09 17:29:29,303 [INFO] root: Complete
Container kasm_db  Stopping
Container kasm_db  Stopped
Database Initialization Complete
Setting Seed file as /opt/kasm/1.14.0/conf/database/seed_data/default_connection_proxies.yaml
Container kasm_db  Stopping
Container kasm_db  Stopped
Container kasm_db  Creating
Container kasm_db  Created
Container kasm_db  Starting
Container kasm_db  Started
Container kasm_db  Waiting
Container kasm_db  Healthy
2024-01-09 17:30:02,174 [INFO] root: Performing Database Connectivity Test
2024-01-09 17:30:02,441 [INFO] root: Complete
Creating Connection Proxy (kasm-guac)
Container kasm_db  Stopping
Container kasm_db  Stopped
Database Initialization Complete
Starting Kasm Services
Skipping Pull of Kasm Service Images
Starting Kasm Services
kasm_manager Pulling
kasm_share Pulling
kasm_agent Pulling
kasm_guac Pulling
kasm_redis Pulling
proxy Pulling
4db1b89c0bd1 Pulling fs layer
bd338968799f Pulling fs layer
6a107772494d Pulling fs layer
9f05b0cc5f6e Pulling fs layer
4c5efdb87c4a Pulling fs layer
c8794a7158bf Pulling fs layer
8de2a93581dc Pulling fs layer
768e67c521a9 Pulling fs layer
04bc60c718f9 Pulling fs layer
f1f5f8bdd59e Pulling fs layer
bb256f247c28 Pulling fs layer
a0c86f9355d3 Pulling fs layer
034c7742795e Pulling fs layer
8f685a2e0870 Pulling fs layer
7915ce26bfb2 Pulling fs layer
9f05b0cc5f6e Waiting
4c5efdb87c4a Waiting
c8794a7158bf Waiting
8de2a93581dc Waiting
768e67c521a9 Waiting
04bc60c718f9 Waiting
f1f5f8bdd59e Waiting
bb256f247c28 Waiting
a0c86f9355d3 Waiting
034c7742795e Waiting
8f685a2e0870 Waiting
7915ce26bfb2 Waiting
4db1b89c0bd1 Downloading [>                                                  ]  34.72kB/3.375MB
6a107772494d Download complete
bd338968799f Downloading [>                                                  ]  19.88kB/1.932MB
ca7dd9ec2225 Pulling fs layer
83276aa4de36 Pulling fs layer
731cc432e6da Pulling fs layer
f67999d49aa9 Pulling fs layer
bdf1ab41b170 Pulling fs layer
18a7dec11639 Pulling fs layer
ca7dd9ec2225 Waiting
83276aa4de36 Waiting
731cc432e6da Waiting
f67999d49aa9 Waiting
bdf1ab41b170 Waiting
18a7dec11639 Waiting
edaedc954fb5 Already exists
4db1b89c0bd1 Downloading [===========================================>       ]  2.935MB/3.375MB
4db1b89c0bd1 Downloading [==================================================>]  3.375MB/3.375MB
4db1b89c0bd1 Verifying Checksum
4db1b89c0bd1 Download complete
4db1b89c0bd1 Extracting [>                                                  ]  65.54kB/3.375MB
a211077a2fba Pulling fs layer
edaedc954fb5 Already exists
10514d9b2a04 Pulling fs layer
8d08c983e5a4 Pulling fs layer
077f95cf4886 Pulling fs layer
14a50ff2d453 Pulling fs layer
584cac8e1e7a Pulling fs layer
ab6b803c8a06 Pulling fs layer
287c37af154b Pulling fs layer
aa3ee398a918 Pulling fs layer
a211077a2fba Waiting
10514d9b2a04 Waiting
8d08c983e5a4 Waiting
077f95cf4886 Waiting
14a50ff2d453 Waiting
584cac8e1e7a Waiting
ab6b803c8a06 Waiting
287c37af154b Waiting
aa3ee398a918 Waiting
bd338968799f Downloading [==================================================>]  1.932MB/1.932MB
bd338968799f Verifying Checksum
bd338968799f Download complete
a8a47b517fde Pulling fs layer
597d271b028e Pulling fs layer
ab0509852429 Pulling fs layer
320cab85c94d Pulling fs layer
652970e0efba Pulling fs layer
69e2a7d52f79 Pulling fs layer
b6741054234a Pulling fs layer
f32356a74abc Pulling fs layer
50f58028b455 Pulling fs layer
32ef7f54264d Pulling fs layer
feae26313ab5 Pulling fs layer
214a3abd1412 Pulling fs layer
1f3cc0d50839 Pulling fs layer
0c9e403aaaea Pulling fs layer
a8a47b517fde Waiting
597d271b028e Waiting
ab0509852429 Waiting
320cab85c94d Waiting
652970e0efba Waiting
69e2a7d52f79 Waiting
b6741054234a Waiting
f32356a74abc Waiting
50f58028b455 Waiting
32ef7f54264d Waiting
feae26313ab5 Waiting
214a3abd1412 Waiting
1f3cc0d50839 Waiting
0c9e403aaaea Waiting
4db1b89c0bd1 Extracting [==================================================>]  3.375MB/3.375MB
4db1b89c0bd1 Pull complete
bd338968799f Extracting [>                                                  ]  32.77kB/1.932MB
9f05b0cc5f6e Downloading [=====================================>             ]     721B/957B
9f05b0cc5f6e Downloading [==================================================>]     957B/957B
9f05b0cc5f6e Verifying Checksum
9f05b0cc5f6e Download complete
bd338968799f Extracting [==================================================>]  1.932MB/1.932MB
bd338968799f Extracting [==================================================>]  1.932MB/1.932MB
c8794a7158bf Downloading [=============================>                     ]     720B/1.211kB
c8794a7158bf Downloading [==================================================>]  1.211kB/1.211kB
c8794a7158bf Verifying Checksum
c8794a7158bf Download complete
4c5efdb87c4a Downloading [==================================================>]     366B/366B
4c5efdb87c4a Verifying Checksum
4c5efdb87c4a Download complete
edaedc954fb5 Already exists
548d632b64ac Pulling fs layer
b4b10482b50d Pulling fs layer
c94a91c73aa6 Pulling fs layer
781f74a7dfca Pulling fs layer
25c6d69b2672 Pulling fs layer
4ef20f2bd44b Pulling fs layer
548d632b64ac Waiting
b4b10482b50d Waiting
c94a91c73aa6 Waiting
781f74a7dfca Waiting
25c6d69b2672 Waiting
4ef20f2bd44b Waiting
8de2a93581dc Downloading [=========================>                         ]     721B/1.404kB
8de2a93581dc Downloading [==================================================>]  1.404kB/1.404kB
8de2a93581dc Verifying Checksum
8de2a93581dc Download complete
bd338968799f Pull complete
6a107772494d Extracting [==================================================>]     626B/626B
6a107772494d Extracting [==================================================>]     626B/626B
6a107772494d Pull complete
9f05b0cc5f6e Extracting [==================================================>]     957B/957B
9f05b0cc5f6e Extracting [==================================================>]     957B/957B
768e67c521a9 Downloading [>                                                  ]  118.7kB/11.65MB
9f05b0cc5f6e Pull complete
04bc60c718f9 Downloading [>                                                  ]   28.1kB/2.717MB
4c5efdb87c4a Extracting [==================================================>]     366B/366B
4c5efdb87c4a Extracting [==================================================>]     366B/366B
4c5efdb87c4a Pull complete
c8794a7158bf Extracting [==================================================>]  1.211kB/1.211kB
c8794a7158bf Extracting [==================================================>]  1.211kB/1.211kB
768e67c521a9 Downloading [=================================>                 ]  7.768MB/11.65MB
04bc60c718f9 Verifying Checksum
04bc60c718f9 Download complete
c8794a7158bf Pull complete
8de2a93581dc Extracting [==================================================>]  1.404kB/1.404kB
8de2a93581dc Extracting [==================================================>]  1.404kB/1.404kB
768e67c521a9 Verifying Checksum
768e67c521a9 Download complete
f1f5f8bdd59e Downloading [==================================================>]     337B/337B
f1f5f8bdd59e Download complete
8de2a93581dc Pull complete
768e67c521a9 Extracting [>                                                  ]  131.1kB/11.65MB
768e67c521a9 Extracting [==========>                                        ]  2.359MB/11.65MB
bb256f247c28 Downloading [==================================================>]     176B/176B
bb256f247c28 Verifying Checksum
bb256f247c28 Download complete
a0c86f9355d3 Downloading [==================================================>]     189B/189B
a0c86f9355d3 Verifying Checksum
a0c86f9355d3 Download complete
edaedc954fb5 Already exists
8d3b96ec7118 Pulling fs layer
43b1bb900281 Pulling fs layer
33b2b789427e Pulling fs layer
9a2705c50187 Pulling fs layer
894b5bb2ae35 Pulling fs layer
8d3b96ec7118 Waiting
43b1bb900281 Waiting
33b2b789427e Waiting
9a2705c50187 Waiting
894b5bb2ae35 Waiting
768e67c521a9 Extracting [=============================>                     ]  6.947MB/11.65MB
034c7742795e Downloading [==================================================>]     189B/189B
034c7742795e Verifying Checksum
034c7742795e Download complete
768e67c521a9 Extracting [==============================================>    ]  10.75MB/11.65MB
768e67c521a9 Extracting [==================================================>]  11.65MB/11.65MB
8f685a2e0870 Downloading [==================================================>]     308B/308B
8f685a2e0870 Verifying Checksum
8f685a2e0870 Download complete
7915ce26bfb2 Downloading [==================================================>]     308B/308B
7915ce26bfb2 Verifying Checksum
7915ce26bfb2 Download complete
ca7dd9ec2225 Downloading [>                                                  ]  28.09kB/2.806MB
ca7dd9ec2225 Download complete
ca7dd9ec2225 Extracting [>                                                  ]  32.77kB/2.806MB
ca7dd9ec2225 Extracting [==============================================>    ]  2.621MB/2.806MB
ca7dd9ec2225 Extracting [==================================================>]  2.806MB/2.806MB
83276aa4de36 Downloading [=============================>                     ]     758B/1.269kB
83276aa4de36 Downloading [==================================================>]  1.269kB/1.269kB
83276aa4de36 Verifying Checksum
83276aa4de36 Download complete
731cc432e6da Downloading [>                                                  ]  4.107kB/386.7kB
731cc432e6da Downloading [==================================================>]  386.7kB/386.7kB
731cc432e6da Verifying Checksum
731cc432e6da Download complete
bdf1ab41b170 Downloading [==================================================>]     135B/135B
bdf1ab41b170 Verifying Checksum
bdf1ab41b170 Download complete
f67999d49aa9 Downloading [>                                                  ]  67.92kB/6.445MB
ca7dd9ec2225 Pull complete
83276aa4de36 Extracting [==================================================>]  1.269kB/1.269kB
83276aa4de36 Extracting [==================================================>]  1.269kB/1.269kB
768e67c521a9 Pull complete
f67999d49aa9 Downloading [=============================================>     ]  5.802MB/6.445MB
04bc60c718f9 Extracting [>                                                  ]  32.77kB/2.717MB
f67999d49aa9 Verifying Checksum
f67999d49aa9 Download complete
18a7dec11639 Downloading [==================================================>]     578B/578B
18a7dec11639 Verifying Checksum
18a7dec11639 Download complete
83276aa4de36 Pull complete
731cc432e6da Extracting [====>                                              ]  32.77kB/386.7kB
04bc60c718f9 Extracting [==================================================>]  2.717MB/2.717MB
04bc60c718f9 Pull complete
f1f5f8bdd59e Extracting [==================================================>]     337B/337B
f1f5f8bdd59e Extracting [==================================================>]     337B/337B
731cc432e6da Extracting [==================================================>]  386.7kB/386.7kB
731cc432e6da Extracting [==================================================>]  386.7kB/386.7kB
f1f5f8bdd59e Pull complete
bb256f247c28 Extracting [==================================================>]     176B/176B
bb256f247c28 Extracting [==================================================>]     176B/176B
bb256f247c28 Pull complete
a0c86f9355d3 Extracting [==================================================>]     189B/189B
a0c86f9355d3 Extracting [==================================================>]     189B/189B
a211077a2fba Downloading [>                                                  ]  371.9kB/36.43MB
a0c86f9355d3 Pull complete
034c7742795e Extracting [==================================================>]     189B/189B
034c7742795e Extracting [==================================================>]     189B/189B
10514d9b2a04 Downloading [>                                                  ]   98.3kB/9.607MB
731cc432e6da Pull complete
a211077a2fba Downloading [=======>                                           ]  5.585MB/36.43MB
f67999d49aa9 Extracting [>                                                  ]  65.54kB/6.445MB
034c7742795e Pull complete
8f685a2e0870 Extracting [==================================================>]     308B/308B
8f685a2e0870 Extracting [==================================================>]     308B/308B
10514d9b2a04 Downloading [===========================>                       ]  5.282MB/9.607MB
8d08c983e5a4 Downloading [==================================================>]     610B/610B
8d08c983e5a4 Verifying Checksum
8d08c983e5a4 Download complete
a211077a2fba Downloading [===================>                               ]  14.51MB/36.43MB
10514d9b2a04 Downloading [=========================================>         ]  7.912MB/9.607MB
f67999d49aa9 Extracting [======>                                            ]    852kB/6.445MB
a211077a2fba Downloading [===============================>                   ]  22.73MB/36.43MB
10514d9b2a04 Verifying Checksum
10514d9b2a04 Download complete
f67999d49aa9 Extracting [============================>                      ]  3.736MB/6.445MB
a211077a2fba Downloading [================================================>  ]  34.99MB/36.43MB
077f95cf4886 Downloading [===================>                               ]     721B/1.819kB
077f95cf4886 Downloading [==================================================>]  1.819kB/1.819kB
077f95cf4886 Verifying Checksum
077f95cf4886 Download complete
a211077a2fba Verifying Checksum
a211077a2fba Download complete
a211077a2fba Extracting [>                                                  ]  393.2kB/36.43MB
f67999d49aa9 Extracting [==================================================>]  6.445MB/6.445MB
14a50ff2d453 Downloading [==================================================>]     131B/131B
14a50ff2d453 Verifying Checksum
14a50ff2d453 Download complete
a211077a2fba Extracting [====>                                              ]  3.539MB/36.43MB
584cac8e1e7a Downloading [==================================================>]     193B/193B
584cac8e1e7a Verifying Checksum
584cac8e1e7a Download complete
a211077a2fba Extracting [============>                                      ]  9.437MB/36.43MB
ab6b803c8a06 Downloading [>                                                  ]  69.77kB/6.863MB
a211077a2fba Extracting [=====================>                             ]  15.73MB/36.43MB
ab6b803c8a06 Downloading [=================================>                 ]   4.61MB/6.863MB
ab6b803c8a06 Verifying Checksum
ab6b803c8a06 Download complete
287c37af154b Downloading [>                                                  ]  2.738kB/232.8kB
a211077a2fba Extracting [==============================>                    ]  22.41MB/36.43MB
287c37af154b Downloading [==================================================>]  232.8kB/232.8kB
287c37af154b Verifying Checksum
287c37af154b Download complete
aa3ee398a918 Downloading [>                                                  ]  44.32kB/4.321MB
a211077a2fba Extracting [========================================>          ]  29.49MB/36.43MB
aa3ee398a918 Downloading [===================>                               ]  1.665MB/4.321MB
aa3ee398a918 Verifying Checksum
aa3ee398a918 Download complete
a211077a2fba Extracting [================================================>  ]     35MB/36.43MB
a8a47b517fde Downloading [==================================================>]     303B/303B
a8a47b517fde Verifying Checksum
a8a47b517fde Download complete
a8a47b517fde Extracting [==================================================>]     303B/303B
a8a47b517fde Extracting [==================================================>]     303B/303B
a211077a2fba Extracting [==================================================>]  36.43MB/36.43MB
597d271b028e Downloading [>                                                  ]  539.9kB/103.8MB
320cab85c94d Downloading [>                                                  ]  16.43kB/1.626MB
320cab85c94d Verifying Checksum
320cab85c94d Download complete
ab0509852429 Downloading [==================================================>]     115B/115B
ab0509852429 Verifying Checksum
ab0509852429 Download complete
597d271b028e Downloading [=====>                                             ]  11.32MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Downloading [===========>                                       ]   24.8MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Downloading [==================>                                ]  37.69MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Downloading [==========================>                        ]  54.34MB/103.8MB
652970e0efba Downloading [>                                                  ]  540.7kB/78.81MB
69e2a7d52f79 Downloading [>                                                  ]  326.9kB/31.27MB
597d271b028e Downloading [================================>                  ]   68.3MB/103.8MB
652970e0efba Downloading [======>                                            ]  10.19MB/78.81MB
69e2a7d52f79 Downloading [=================>                                 ]   10.7MB/31.27MB
597d271b028e Downloading [=====================================>             ]  77.45MB/103.8MB
69e2a7d52f79 Downloading [====================================>              ]  22.71MB/31.27MB
69e2a7d52f79 Verifying Checksum
69e2a7d52f79 Download complete
597d271b028e Downloading [============================================>      ]   92.5MB/103.8MB
652970e0efba Downloading [==============>                                    ]  23.08MB/78.81MB
597d271b028e Verifying Checksum
597d271b028e Download complete
652970e0efba Downloading [=======================>                           ]  37.07MB/78.81MB
b6741054234a Downloading [>                                                  ]  25.36kB/2.454MB
652970e0efba Downloading [=================================>                 ]  53.21MB/78.81MB
b6741054234a Verifying Checksum
b6741054234a Download complete
652970e0efba Downloading [===========================================>       ]  69.34MB/78.81MB
f32356a74abc Downloading [==================================================>]     189B/189B
f32356a74abc Verifying Checksum
f32356a74abc Download complete
652970e0efba Verifying Checksum
652970e0efba Download complete
50f58028b455 Downloading [==================================================>]     192B/192B
50f58028b455 Verifying Checksum
50f58028b455 Download complete
feae26313ab5 Download complete
32ef7f54264d Downloading [>                                                  ]  14.38kB/1.415MB
214a3abd1412 Downloading [>                                                  ]  32.03kB/3.094MB
32ef7f54264d Verifying Checksum
32ef7f54264d Download complete
214a3abd1412 Downloading [=======================================>           ]  2.464MB/3.094MB
214a3abd1412 Verifying Checksum
214a3abd1412 Download complete
1f3cc0d50839 Download complete
0c9e403aaaea Downloading [====================>                              ]     733B/1.821kB
0c9e403aaaea Download complete
548d632b64ac Downloading [>                                                  ]  535.8kB/67.06MB
b4b10482b50d Downloading [==================================================>]     610B/610B
b4b10482b50d Verifying Checksum
b4b10482b50d Download complete
548d632b64ac Downloading [======>                                            ]  8.067MB/67.06MB
548d632b64ac Downloading [===============>                                   ]  20.96MB/67.06MB
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c94a91c73aa6 Download complete
781f74a7dfca Downloading [==================================================>]     132B/132B
781f74a7dfca Verifying Checksum
781f74a7dfca Download complete
548d632b64ac Downloading [=======================>                           ]  31.17MB/67.06MB
548d632b64ac Downloading [=================================>                 ]   44.6MB/67.06MB
4ef20f2bd44b Downloading [==================================================>]     611B/611B
4ef20f2bd44b Verifying Checksum
4ef20f2bd44b Download complete
548d632b64ac Downloading [============================================>      ]  59.63MB/67.06MB
25c6d69b2672 Downloading [>                                                  ]  392.5kB/38.75MB
548d632b64ac Verifying Checksum
548d632b64ac Download complete
548d632b64ac Extracting [>                                                  ]  557.1kB/67.06MB
25c6d69b2672 Downloading [=======>                                           ]  5.511MB/38.75MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [==>                                                ]  2.785MB/67.06MB
25c6d69b2672 Downloading [========================>                          ]   19.3MB/38.75MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [==>                                                ]  3.899MB/67.06MB
25c6d69b2672 Downloading [=======================================>           ]  30.71MB/38.75MB
43b1bb900281 Downloading [==================================================>]     610B/610B
43b1bb900281 Verifying Checksum
43b1bb900281 Download complete
25c6d69b2672 Verifying Checksum
25c6d69b2672 Download complete
8d3b96ec7118 Downloading [>                                                  ]  195.9kB/19.32MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [====>                                              ]  5.571MB/67.06MB
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8d3b96ec7118 Downloading [==============================================>    ]  17.97MB/19.32MB
8d3b96ec7118 Verifying Checksum
8d3b96ec7118 Download complete
8d3b96ec7118 Extracting [>                                                  ]  196.6kB/19.32MB
33b2b789427e Downloading [===================>                               ]     721B/1.818kB
33b2b789427e Downloading [==================================================>]  1.818kB/1.818kB
33b2b789427e Verifying Checksum
9a2705c50187 Downloading [==================================================>]     132B/132B
8d3b96ec7118 Extracting [=========>                                         ]  3.539MB/19.32MB
9a2705c50187 Verifying Checksum
9a2705c50187 Download complete
894b5bb2ae35 Downloading [>                                                  ]  393.2kB/38.75MB
8d3b96ec7118 Extracting [=========>                                         ]  3.736MB/19.32MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [=====>                                             ]  7.799MB/67.06MB
894b5bb2ae35 Downloading [=======>                                           ]  5.907MB/38.75MB
8d3b96ec7118 Extracting [====================>                              ]  8.061MB/19.32MB
894b5bb2ae35 Downloading [===================>                               ]  15.36MB/38.75MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [======>                                            ]  8.913MB/67.06MB
8d3b96ec7118 Extracting [=======================>                           ]  9.241MB/19.32MB
894b5bb2ae35 Downloading [===================================>               ]  27.19MB/38.75MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [=======>                                           ]   9.47MB/67.06MB
8d3b96ec7118 Extracting [===========================>                       ]  10.81MB/19.32MB
894b5bb2ae35 Downloading [================================================>  ]  37.84MB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Verifying Checksum
894b5bb2ae35 Download complete
8d3b96ec7118 Extracting [==================================>                ]  13.17MB/19.32MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [=======>                                           ]  10.58MB/67.06MB
8d3b96ec7118 Extracting [==========================================>        ]  16.32MB/19.32MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [========>                                          ]   11.7MB/67.06MB
8d3b96ec7118 Extracting [================================================>  ]  18.68MB/19.32MB
8f685a2e0870 Pull complete
548d632b64ac Extracting [=========>                                         ]  12.81MB/67.06MB
f67999d49aa9 Pull complete
548d632b64ac Extracting [===========>                                       ]  15.04MB/67.06MB
7915ce26bfb2 Extracting [==================================================>]     308B/308B
7915ce26bfb2 Extracting [==================================================>]     308B/308B
8d3b96ec7118 Extracting [================================================>  ]  18.87MB/19.32MB
8d3b96ec7118 Extracting [==================================================>]  19.32MB/19.32MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [============>                                      ]  16.71MB/67.06MB
bdf1ab41b170 Extracting [==================================================>]     135B/135B
bdf1ab41b170 Extracting [==================================================>]     135B/135B
548d632b64ac Extracting [=============>                                     ]  18.38MB/67.06MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [==============>                                    ]  20.05MB/67.06MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [================>                                  ]  21.73MB/67.06MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [=================>                                 ]  23.95MB/67.06MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [===========================>                       ]  36.77MB/67.06MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [==================================>                ]  46.79MB/67.06MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [======================================>            ]  51.81MB/67.06MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [==========================================>        ]  57.38MB/67.06MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [==============================================>    ]  62.95MB/67.06MB
548d632b64ac Extracting [=================================================> ]  66.85MB/67.06MB
a8a47b517fde Pull complete
548d632b64ac Extracting [==================================================>]  67.06MB/67.06MB
597d271b028e Extracting [>                                                  ]  557.1kB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Extracting [=>                                                 ]  2.228MB/103.8MB
a211077a2fba Pull complete
10514d9b2a04 Extracting [>                                                  ]   98.3kB/9.607MB
8d3b96ec7118 Pull complete
548d632b64ac Pull complete
bdf1ab41b170 Pull complete
7915ce26bfb2 Pull complete
43b1bb900281 Extracting [==================================================>]     610B/610B
597d271b028e Extracting [==>                                                ]  5.014MB/103.8MB
43b1bb900281 Extracting [==================================================>]     610B/610B
10514d9b2a04 Extracting [==========================>                        ]  5.112MB/9.607MB
597d271b028e Extracting [==>                                                ]  6.128MB/103.8MB
10514d9b2a04 Extracting [==========================================>        ]  8.159MB/9.607MB
18a7dec11639 Extracting [==================================================>]     578B/578B
18a7dec11639 Extracting [==================================================>]     578B/578B
b4b10482b50d Extracting [==================================================>]     610B/610B
b4b10482b50d Extracting [==================================================>]     610B/610B
43b1bb900281 Pull complete
proxy Pulled
33b2b789427e Extracting [==================================================>]  1.818kB/1.818kB
33b2b789427e Extracting [==================================================>]  1.818kB/1.818kB
597d271b028e Extracting [====>                                              ]  8.913MB/103.8MB
10514d9b2a04 Extracting [==============================================>    ]  8.847MB/9.607MB
597d271b028e Extracting [====>                                              ]   9.47MB/103.8MB
10514d9b2a04 Extracting [==================================================>]  9.607MB/9.607MB
597d271b028e Extracting [=====>                                             ]  12.26MB/103.8MB
b4b10482b50d Pull complete
18a7dec11639 Pull complete
33b2b789427e Pull complete
10514d9b2a04 Pull complete
597d271b028e Extracting [======>                                            ]  13.37MB/103.8MB
c94a91c73aa6 Extracting [==================================================>]  1.821kB/1.821kB
c94a91c73aa6 Extracting [==================================================>]  1.821kB/1.821kB
9a2705c50187 Extracting [==================================================>]     132B/132B
9a2705c50187 Extracting [==================================================>]     132B/132B
597d271b028e Extracting [======>                                            ]  13.93MB/103.8MB
8d08c983e5a4 Extracting [==================================================>]     610B/610B
8d08c983e5a4 Extracting [==================================================>]     610B/610B
c94a91c73aa6 Pull complete
9a2705c50187 Pull complete
597d271b028e Extracting [=======>                                           ]  15.04MB/103.8MB
kasm_redis Pulled
597d271b028e Extracting [========>                                          ]  17.27MB/103.8MB
8d08c983e5a4 Pull complete
781f74a7dfca Extracting [==================================================>]     132B/132B
781f74a7dfca Extracting [==================================================>]     132B/132B
597d271b028e Extracting [==========>                                        ]  22.28MB/103.8MB
077f95cf4886 Extracting [==================================================>]  1.819kB/1.819kB
077f95cf4886 Extracting [==================================================>]  1.819kB/1.819kB
597d271b028e Extracting [============>                                      ]  25.07MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Extracting [==============>                                    ]  30.08MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Extracting [=================>                                 ]  35.65MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Extracting [==================>                                ]  38.99MB/103.8MB
781f74a7dfca Pull complete
077f95cf4886 Pull complete
14a50ff2d453 Extracting [==================================================>]     131B/131B
14a50ff2d453 Extracting [==================================================>]     131B/131B
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [>                                                  ]  393.2kB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [=>                                                 ]  786.4kB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [====================>                              ]  42.34MB/103.8MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [>                                                  ]  393.2kB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [===>                                               ]  2.359MB/38.75MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [===>                                               ]  2.359MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [=====================>                             ]  44.01MB/103.8MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [=====>                                             ]  3.932MB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [======>                                            ]  4.719MB/38.75MB
14a50ff2d453 Pull complete
597d271b028e Extracting [======================>                            ]  46.24MB/103.8MB
584cac8e1e7a Extracting [==================================================>]     193B/193B
584cac8e1e7a Extracting [==================================================>]     193B/193B
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [======>                                            ]  5.112MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [======================>                            ]  46.79MB/103.8MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [========>                                          ]  6.291MB/38.75MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [========>                                          ]  6.291MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [=======================>                           ]  48.46MB/103.8MB
584cac8e1e7a Pull complete
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [==========>                                        ]  8.258MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [========================>                          ]  50.14MB/103.8MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [==========>                                        ]  7.864MB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [=============>                                     ]  10.62MB/38.75MB
ab6b803c8a06 Extracting [>                                                  ]   98.3kB/6.863MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [============>                                      ]  9.437MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [=========================>                         ]  52.36MB/103.8MB
ab6b803c8a06 Extracting [====================================>              ]  5.014MB/6.863MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [===============>                                   ]  12.19MB/38.75MB
ab6b803c8a06 Extracting [==================================================>]  6.863MB/6.863MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [==============>                                    ]   11.4MB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [================>                                  ]  12.98MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [==========================>                        ]  54.03MB/103.8MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [=================>                                 ]  13.76MB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [====================>                              ]  15.73MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [===========================>                       ]  56.26MB/103.8MB
ab6b803c8a06 Pull complete
287c37af154b Extracting [=======>                                           ]  32.77kB/232.8kB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [====================>                              ]  15.73MB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [========================>                          ]  18.87MB/38.75MB
287c37af154b Extracting [==================================================>]  232.8kB/232.8kB
597d271b028e Extracting [============================>                      ]  58.49MB/103.8MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [=====================>                             ]  16.52MB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [=========================>                         ]  19.66MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [============================>                      ]  59.05MB/103.8MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [=========================>                         ]  20.05MB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [===========================>                       ]  21.63MB/38.75MB
287c37af154b Pull complete
597d271b028e Extracting [=============================>                     ]  60.72MB/103.8MB
aa3ee398a918 Extracting [>                                                  ]  65.54kB/4.321MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [==============================>                    ]  23.59MB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [===============================>                   ]  24.38MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [=============================>                     ]  61.28MB/103.8MB
aa3ee398a918 Extracting [==============>                                    ]  1.245MB/4.321MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [=================================>                 ]  25.95MB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [=================================>                 ]  26.35MB/38.75MB
aa3ee398a918 Extracting [============================>                      ]  2.425MB/4.321MB
597d271b028e Extracting [==============================>                    ]   63.5MB/103.8MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [====================================>              ]  27.92MB/38.75MB
aa3ee398a918 Extracting [===========================================>       ]  3.801MB/4.321MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [====================================>              ]  28.31MB/38.75MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [======================================>            ]  29.49MB/38.75MB
aa3ee398a918 Extracting [==================================================>]  4.321MB/4.321MB
aa3ee398a918 Extracting [==================================================>]  4.321MB/4.321MB
597d271b028e Extracting [===============================>                   ]  65.18MB/103.8MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [=======================================>           ]  30.28MB/38.75MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [========================================>          ]  31.06MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [===============================>                   ]  66.29MB/103.8MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [==========================================>        ]  33.03MB/38.75MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [===========================================>       ]  33.42MB/38.75MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [===============================================>   ]  36.57MB/38.75MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [==============================================>    ]  35.78MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [================================>                  ]   67.4MB/103.8MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [=================================================> ]  38.14MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [================================>                  ]  68.52MB/103.8MB
894b5bb2ae35 Extracting [==================================================>]  38.75MB/38.75MB
25c6d69b2672 Extracting [==================================================>]  38.75MB/38.75MB
597d271b028e Extracting [=================================>                 ]  69.07MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Extracting [==================================>                ]  70.75MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Extracting [==================================>                ]  71.86MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Extracting [=====================================>             ]  77.43MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Extracting [=========================================>         ]  85.23MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Extracting [============================================>      ]  92.47MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Extracting [================================================>  ]  99.71MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Extracting [==================================================>]  103.8MB/103.8MB
597d271b028e Pull complete
25c6d69b2672 Pull complete
aa3ee398a918 Pull complete
894b5bb2ae35 Pull complete
ab0509852429 Extracting [==================================================>]     115B/115B
ab0509852429 Extracting [==================================================>]     115B/115B
4ef20f2bd44b Extracting [==================================================>]     611B/611B
4ef20f2bd44b Extracting [==================================================>]     611B/611B
ab0509852429 Pull complete
4ef20f2bd44b Pull complete
320cab85c94d Extracting [=>                                                 ]  32.77kB/1.626MB
320cab85c94d Extracting [==================================================>]  1.626MB/1.626MB
kasm_share Pulled
kasm_agent Pulled
320cab85c94d Pull complete
kasm_manager Pulled
652970e0efba Extracting [>                                                  ]  557.1kB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [==>                                                ]  3.899MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [=====>                                             ]  8.356MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [======>                                            ]  10.58MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [=======>                                           ]  12.26MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [========>                                          ]  13.93MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [==========>                                        ]  16.71MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [==============>                                    ]  22.28MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [================>                                  ]  26.74MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [==================>                                ]  29.52MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [======================>                            ]  35.09MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [==========================>                        ]  41.22MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [=============================>                     ]  46.24MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [===============================>                   ]  50.14MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [==================================>                ]  54.59MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [===================================>               ]  55.71MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [=====================================>             ]  59.05MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [=========================================>         ]  65.73MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [=============================================>     ]  72.42MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [===============================================>   ]  74.65MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [=================================================> ]  77.43MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [=================================================> ]  78.54MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Extracting [==================================================>]  78.81MB/78.81MB
652970e0efba Pull complete
69e2a7d52f79 Extracting [>                                                  ]  327.7kB/31.27MB
69e2a7d52f79 Extracting [========>                                          ]  5.571MB/31.27MB
69e2a7d52f79 Extracting [=================>                                 ]  11.14MB/31.27MB
69e2a7d52f79 Extracting [=========================>                         ]  16.06MB/31.27MB
69e2a7d52f79 Extracting [===================================>               ]  21.95MB/31.27MB
69e2a7d52f79 Extracting [==========================================>        ]  26.87MB/31.27MB
69e2a7d52f79 Extracting [==================================================>]  31.27MB/31.27MB
69e2a7d52f79 Pull complete
b6741054234a Extracting [>                                                  ]  32.77kB/2.454MB
b6741054234a Extracting [======================>                            ]  1.114MB/2.454MB
b6741054234a Extracting [===============================>                   ]   1.54MB/2.454MB
b6741054234a Extracting [===============================================>   ]  2.327MB/2.454MB
b6741054234a Extracting [==================================================>]  2.454MB/2.454MB
b6741054234a Extracting [==================================================>]  2.454MB/2.454MB
b6741054234a Pull complete
f32356a74abc Extracting [==================================================>]     189B/189B
f32356a74abc Extracting [==================================================>]     189B/189B
f32356a74abc Pull complete
50f58028b455 Extracting [==================================================>]     192B/192B
50f58028b455 Extracting [==================================================>]     192B/192B
50f58028b455 Pull complete
32ef7f54264d Extracting [=>                                                 ]  32.77kB/1.415MB
32ef7f54264d Extracting [=================================================> ]  1.409MB/1.415MB
32ef7f54264d Extracting [==================================================>]  1.415MB/1.415MB
32ef7f54264d Pull complete
feae26313ab5 Extracting [==================================================>]     710B/710B
feae26313ab5 Extracting [==================================================>]     710B/710B
feae26313ab5 Pull complete
214a3abd1412 Extracting [>                                                  ]  32.77kB/3.094MB
214a3abd1412 Extracting [===============>                                   ]  950.3kB/3.094MB
214a3abd1412 Extracting [==========================>                        ]  1.638MB/3.094MB
214a3abd1412 Extracting [============================>                      ]  1.737MB/3.094MB
214a3abd1412 Extracting [==================================>                ]   2.13MB/3.094MB
214a3abd1412 Extracting [==============================================>    ]  2.884MB/3.094MB
214a3abd1412 Extracting [==================================================>]  3.094MB/3.094MB
214a3abd1412 Pull complete
1f3cc0d50839 Extracting [==================================================>]     221B/221B
1f3cc0d50839 Extracting [==================================================>]     221B/221B
1f3cc0d50839 Pull complete
0c9e403aaaea Extracting [==================================================>]  1.821kB/1.821kB
0c9e403aaaea Extracting [==================================================>]  1.821kB/1.821kB
0c9e403aaaea Pull complete
kasm_guac Pulled
Container kasm_redis  Creating
Container kasm_guac  Creating
Container kasm_db  Created
Container kasm_api  Creating
Container kasm_manager  Creating
Container kasm_manager  Created
Container kasm_agent  Creating
Container kasm_api  Created
Container kasm_guac  Created
Container kasm_redis  Created
Container kasm_share  Creating
Container kasm_agent  Created
Container kasm_share  Created
Container kasm_proxy  Creating
Container kasm_proxy  Created
Container kasm_guac  Starting
Container kasm_db  Starting
Container kasm_redis  Starting
Container kasm_guac  Started
Container kasm_db  Started
Container kasm_manager  Starting
Container kasm_api  Starting
Container kasm_redis  Started
Container kasm_share  Starting
Container kasm_api  Started
Container kasm_manager  Started
Container kasm_agent  Starting
Container kasm_share  Started
Container kasm_agent  Started
Container kasm_proxy  Starting
Container kasm_proxy  Started
Not pulling default Workspaces Images.

Installation Complete

Kasm UI Login Credentials
  username: [email protected]
  password: ELcAMhF7wGtrm
  username: [email protected]
  password: 0fayy6b5fU3mk
Kasm Database Credentials
  username: kasmapp
  password: kyQRtvJxtucmkee79i5A
Kasm Redis Credentials
  password: p4jHqvwH7L2bVdgNjl9u
Kasm Manager Token
  password: zmzjyE7YMjvrpV6L6h26
Kasm Guac Token
  password: PmmHybH3A6cyiegYuBHDmo
Service Registration Token
  password: tczwt3q0CKhWHpULmVmp


If you would like to run the Web Application on a different port pass the -L flag when calling the installer. e.g sudo bash kasm_release/ -L 8443

Deploy with One Docker Run Command


If you would like to use just one command to deploy KASM, here is a simple Docker Run command you can use to have KASM quickly deployed into your Virtual Machine.

docker run -d / --name=kasm / --privileged / -e KASM_PORT=8443 / -p 3000:3000 / -p 8443:8443 / -v /path/to/data:/opt / --restart unless-stopped / 

Installation wizard: https://<Public IP>:3000

root@kasm:~# docker run -d / > --name=kasm / > --privileged / > -e KASM_PORT=8443 / > -p 3000:3000 / > -p 8443:8443 / > -v /path/to/data:/opt / > --restart unless-stopped / > Unable to find image '' locally latest: Pulling from linuxserver/kasm bd9f9b2ee374: Pull complete 07a0e16f7be1: Pull complete b768ca0fb825: Pull complete f256d99ded60: Pull complete 0b8e043dd856: Pull complete 6e369b932975: Pull complete 87829d409ea3: Pull complete 323ef463c3c7: Pull complete Digest: sha256:ea3539f5f49ae656b283f93f1f5ff845dcbb9a8f164058bcd78fae7d193825af Status: Downloaded newer image for b8027cbfd470e2b1714c5c04c5241e9ba9b3cafdec5a9829e69e6186ba3324a0 root@kasm:~#  

KASM Portal : https://<Public IP>:8443

Deploy with Docker-Compose.yml file


nano docker-compose.yml
version: "2.1" services: kasm: image: container_name: kasm privileged: true environment: - KASM_PORT=8443 volumes: - ./data:/opt - ./profiles:/profiles #optional - /dev/input:/dev/input #optional - /run/udev/data:/run/udev/data #optional ports: - 3000:3000 - 8443:8443 restart: unless-stopped
  • Port : You can always change the port number 8443 based on your enviroment.
  • Port 3000 will used for Kasm installation.

start the container with below command.

docker compose up

Configure Your Own Domain for KASM







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