《我弥留之际》As I Lay Dying(二)(翻译系列52)


SO I saved out the eggs and baked yesterday. The cakes turned out right well. We depend a lot on our chickens. They are good layers, what few we have left after the possums and such. Snakes too,in the summer. A snake will break up a hen-house quicker than anything.


So after they were going to cost so much more than Mr Tull thought,and after I promised that the difference in the number of eggs would make it up,I had to be more careful than ever because it was on my final say-so we took them.


We could have stocked cheaper chickens,but I gave my promise as Miss Lawington said when she advised me to get a good breed,because Mr Tull himself admits❶ that a good breed of cows or hogs pays in the long run.


So when we lost so many of them we couldn't afford to use the eggs ourselves,because I could not have had Mr Tull chide me when it was on my say-so we took them. So when Miss Lawington❷ told me about the cakes I thought that I could bake them and earn enough,at one time to increase the net value of the flock the equivalent of two head.


And that by saving the eggs out one at a time,even the eggs wouldn't be costing anything. And that week they laid so well that I not only saved out enough eggs above what we had engaged to sell,to bake the cakes with,I had saved enough so that the flour and the sugar and the stove wood would not be costing anything.


So I baked yesterday, more careful than ever I baked in my life,and the cakes turned out right well❸. But when we got to town this morning Miss Lawington told me the lady had changed her mind and was not going to have the party after all.


"She ought to taken those cakes anyway," Kate says.

"Well," I say,"I reckon she never had no use for them now."

"She ought to taken them," Kate says."But those rich town ladies can change their minds. Poor folks cant."


Riches is nothing in the face of the Lord❹,for He can see into the heart."Maybe I can sell them at the bazaar(集市,义卖) Saturday," I say. They turned out real well.

"You cant get two dollars a piece for them," Kate says.

"Well,it isn't like they cost me anything," I say.


I saved them out and swapped a dozen of them for the sugar and flour. It isn't like the cakes cost me anything,as Mr Tull himself realises that the eggs I saved were over and beyond what we had engaged(从事,雇佣) to sell,so it was like we had found the eggs or they had been given to us.


"She ought to taken those cakes when she same as gave you her word," Kate says. The Lord can see into the heart. If it is His will that some folks has different ideas of honesty from other folks,it is not my place to question His decree(法令,判决;政令).

"I reckon she never had any use for them," I say. They turned out real well, too.


The quilt(被子) is drawn up to her chin, hot as it is,with only her two hands and her face outside. She is propped on the pillow,with her head raised so she can see out the window,and we can hear him every time he takes up the adze or the saw. If we were deaf we could almost watch her face and hear him,see him❺.


Her face is wasted away so that the bones draw just under the skin in white lines. Her eyes are like two candles when you watch them gutter down into the sockets(插孔槽;窝,孔穴) of iron candle-sticks❻. But the eternal and the everlasting salvation and grace is not upon her.


By William Faulkner




❶第三段突然提到屠尔讲过买牛和猪,这和前文说的养鸡好像不搭边,似乎很突兀,但是我们注意到小说用了两个good breed,那就知道它这里是强调“优良品种”,也就是多花了钱买鸡也是值得的。所以我把admits翻译成“承认说”。

❷Miss Lawington,通常翻译喜欢用“劳温顿”,这里我用“老温”不是说这位女子多老,而是用了中文里“老”也是一个姓氏,不放给这位姑娘按和“老”姓氏,反正都是小说,无所谓了。下文有个名字Kate ,我给译成“柯特”,同样的道理,也是取了中文姓氏“柯”。

❸the cakes turned out right well,这一句话,小说用了好几次,我翻译时就用了不同的翻译。这里我译成“蛋糕烤出来品相还蛮像样”,下面我又译成了“这些蛋糕确实真不错”。

❹the Lord,欧美的“主,上帝”的意思,引申为“阁下,大人,勋爵,领主”等等意思,这里我仍然用中国人自己的方式,那就是老天。

❺If we were deaf we could almost watch her face and hear him,see him这句话,我看还是不要直译为好,假设我们是聋子,不论是自己还是读者,都会觉得有几分感官的不适,所以我把它译成“哪怕我们不用耳朵,单看她的脸,我们似乎就能感受到卡什的动作。”

❻Her eyes are like two candles when you watch them gutter down into the sockets of iron candle-sticks,这句话很生动形象,是一个比喻句描写,一个忧伤的女人立刻仿佛就在眼前。这一段前后意思稍稍有点不搭,前面是她生动的眼泪描写,紧接着是一个“but”,我还以为是转折,结果它说“永恒的救赎,并没降到她头上”,这好像不是转折关系,倒像是因果关系,因为没有降临永恒的救赎,她才有这样一双悲戚的双眼。这是否是作者的一个笔误呢?也未可知,莫若用“Because”。一开始,我确实这么想,但是经过仔细思考,觉得也未尝不能用“转折”来理解,她都如此可怜了,老天是不是应该怜悯一下这么可怜的人了呢?一个“但是”就能强调老天的这种“视万物为刍狗”,老子说,天地不仁,以万物为刍狗,大概也是作者要表达的同样意思吧。


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