A. Texts & Notes

1. Where is the park?

Girl: Can you help me, please?
Policeman: Yes, of course.
Girl: Where's the park?
Policeman: The park? It's voer there. On the left.
Girl: Thanks.
Woman: Excuse me. Where's the post office, please?
Policeman: The post office is over there, madam. On the right.
Woman: Thank you.
Man: Help! Can you help me, please? Where's the police staition?
Policeman: It's there. Look. Straight ahead. This way. This way, please. The police staition is straight ahead.

注1. where是地点疑问副词,Where's 是where is 的缩略形式,回答用It's…的句式,it在此代表所问的地点。
注2. of course 当然。常作为句中的独立成份,放在句首、句中或句尾使用。
注3. over there 中的over有跨越一个距离的意思,指稍远处。
注4. on the left, on the right 用来表明有关地点所在方向:在左边、在右边。注意这里用介词on。
注5. Help! 是呼救用语,意思是“救命啊!”“请帮忙啊!”“快来人啊!”
注6. This way. 带路时说“请走这边!”就可以用手一指说:This way, please.

2. Where is the nearest one?

Young man: Good morning.
Policeman: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
Young man: Yes, please. Where's the nearest post offices?
Policeman: Er - look this map. There's a post office in North Street, and there's one in West Street and one in Market Street.
Young man: Where's the nearest one?
policeman: Ah, yes. The nearest post office is in Market Street. It's opposite the bank and next to the Grand Hotel.

注7. 形容词(如near 近)加上后缀 -er 为比较级(如nearer 最近),加后缀-est 为最高级(如nearest 最近)。这是形容词比较级变化的一般形式。
注8. 英语动词有及物动词(vt.)和不及物动词(vi.)之分,及物动词须有宾语,意思才完整,如:Can I take your luggage? 不及物动词本身意思完整,可以单独用,如:Come. Look.
注9. look at 是短语动词,可以视为一个整体,作及物动词用,后跟宾语。如:Look at the map.
注10. There's (=There is) … 是一种常用的句子结构,表示有什么(东西或人),这里的there没有“那里”的意思。如东西或人是复数,则说 There are …。
注11. a 和 the 是英语的冠词,用在名词前。a 是不定冠词,泛指任何一个。the 是定冠词,特指某个。冠词一般均弱读:a /ə/; the /ðə/。
注12. 英语中再次提到的同一事物时,如果这个事物是可数的,常用one作为代词,避免重复。如课文中的one 变是代替 post office。
注13. North Street; West Street; Market Street等街名前均不用冠词。

3. It's this way.

Husband: It's this way.
Wife: No, isn't. It's this way. It's on the left. Look at the map! Look!
Husband: It's this way. It's straight ahead.
Wife: Excuse me. Can you help me? Where's the Grand Hotel, please?
Man: The Grand Hotel? I'm sorry, I don't know.
Husband: Excuse me. Can you help me? Where's the Grand Hotel, please?
Woman: Oh, it's near here. It's in North Street. No, it isn't in North Street. I think it's in Market Street.
Wife: Thank you very much.
policeman: Can I help you?
Husband: Yes. Where's the Grand Hotel?
Policeman: Oh, it's near here. It's in Market Street.

注14. It's near here. (它)就在附近。near在句中是介词。
注15. I don't know. 我不知道。don't=do not
注16. I think it's in Market Street. 我想它在集市街。 I think … 表示谈话人对此事不太肯定。
注17. 请注意这段话中三个人回答问题的不同态度和语气,第一个人不知道,第二个不肯定,第三个人很有把握。

B. Exercise

  1. 照录音带,读下列短语和句子:
    first right 右边第一条(街)
    cecond right 右边第二条(街)
    third left 左边第三条(街)
    fourth left 左边第四条(街)
    fifth right 右边第五条(街)
    It's on the corner of Market Street and North Street. 它在集市街和北街的转角上。
  2. 电视节目中和录音带中有两人段对话,请听熟后填空,并译成中文。
    (1) Where's the nearest cafe?
    --- It's on the left. There's one in Cundle Street.
    --- And where's Cundle Street?
    --- First left and Cundle Street's first right. Where' s a hotel on the corner.
    (2) You are at the railway station in Station Street. This way. Then first right into North Street. Then cecond right, and the Grand Hotel is on the corner of Market Street and North street.
  3. 假如你地图中●处请回答下列问题:

    (1) Where' s the Grand Hotel?
    ---- The Grand Hotel is straight ahead, on the right. It's on the corner of Market Street and North Street.
    (2) Where's the railway station?
    ---- The railway stration is in first right in New Street.
    (3) Where' the bank?
    ---- The bank is staight ahead. It's on the left.
    (4) Where' the post office?
    ---- The post office is in Old Street, It's first left.
    (5) Where's Long Street?
    ---- Long Street is thirth left.
    (6) Where's Green Street?
    ---- Green Street is cecond right.

  4. 看图填空:

    The Grand Hotel is on the corner of Market Street and North Street. It's next to the Post Office, opposite the bank.

  5. 完成下列各句:
    (1)Where's the Grand Hotel?
    ---- I think it's in Market Street.
    (2) Were's the railway station?
    ---- I'm sorry, I don't know.
    (3) Is the post office in Market Street?
    ---- Yes, it's in Market Street. (或:Yes, it is.)

C. Summary

1. 说法与用法:

Where is …, please? (请问……在哪里?)
Is there a … near here? (附近有没有……?)
It's over there. (在那边。)
It's on the left. (在左边。)
It's on the right. (在右边。)
It's in … Street. (在……街。)
It's near here. (在附近。)
It's next to …. (在……隔壁。)
It's opposite …. (在……对面。)
It's on the corner of … Street and … Street. (在……街和……的拐弯角上。)
It's …. (它在某处。)
There is a …. (在某处有一家……。)
I think … (表示不肯定)
I'm sorry, I don't know. (不知道。)

2. 语法

(1)形容词的比较级:near (近的);nearer(较近的);nearest (最近的)
(3)英语的冠词:a … 不定冠词,泛指;the …定冠词,特指。

Where's the nearest post office?
On the left.
On the right.
Straight ahesd.
There's post office in West Street.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I think it's in Market Street.
It's opposite the bank.
It's next to the post office.

D. Words & Expressions

单词与表达方式 单词与表达方式
where /weə(r)/ adv. 哪里 street /striːt/ n. 街
park /pɑːk/ n. 公园 west /west/ n. 西方
over /ˈəʊvə(r)/ prep. 在……上方 market /ˈmɑːkɪt/ n. 集市,市场
over there adv. 在另一边 opposite /ˈɒpəzɪt/ prep. 在……对面
post /pəʊst/ n. 邮政 next to /ˈnekst tu/ prep. 紧挨着
office /ˈɒfɪs/ n. 办公室 grand /ɡrænd/ adj. 重大的,盛大的
post office 邮局
bank /bæŋk/ n. 银行 hotel /həʊˈtel/ n. 旅馆
left /left/ n. 左边 the Grand Hotel 大旅馆,大饭店
on /ɒn/ prep. 在……上; 在 way /weɪ/ n. 道路
right /raɪt/ n. 右边 this way 走这条路;这儿走
straight /streɪt/ adv. 一直
ahead /əˈhed/ adv. 向前 to think /θɪŋk/ vt. vi. 想
police /pəˈliːs/ n. 警察(总称) first /fɜːst/ num. 第一
second /ˈsekənd/ num. 第二
station /ˈsteɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 站 third /θɜːd/ num. 第三
police station 警察局 fourth /fɔːθ/ num. 第四
policeman n. 警察(指人) fifth /fɪfθ/ num. 第五
corner /ˈkɔːnə(r)/ n. 角落
near /nɪə(r)/ prep. 在……附近 on the corner 在拐角处
at /æt; ət/ prep. 在 cafe /ˈkæfeɪ/ n. 咖啡馆
map /mæp/ n. 地图
there's /ðeəz/ 有 railway station n. 火车站
north /nɔːθ/ n. 北方

附:Follow me (欧洲版教材)

UNIT 4 Left, right, straight ahead


on the left bank north street
on the right corner on there
next to in one west
over there to know opposite where
straight ahead to look at park woman
Thank you very much. map policeman
there is market police station
this way near/nearest post office

Listen to the cassette

Woman: Can you help me, please?
Policeman: Yes, of course.
Woman: Where's the park?
Policeman: The park? It's over there. On the left.
Woman: Thank you very mach.

Listen to the cassette and repeat the phrases

Excuse me, where's the park? It's over there. On the left.
Excuse me, where's the police station? It's here. On the right.
Excuse me, where's the Grand Hotel? It's there. On the left.
Excuse me, where's the post office? It's there. On the right.
Excuse me, where's the bank? It's that way. On the right.
Excuse me, where's Market Street? It's straight ahead.
the park .............. the police station .......... the Grand Hotel
Market Street ..... the bank......................... the post office
THE bank ........... Market Street
THE park .............London Road

Listen to the cassette

Man: Good morning.
Policeman: Good morning, Sir. Can I help you?
Man: Yes, please. Where's the nearest post office?
Policeman: Look at this map. There's a post office in North Street. And there's one in West Street, and one in Market Street. and...
Man: Where's the nearest one?
Policeman: Yes, The nearest post office is in Market Street. Look at this map.

There's a post office in North Street.
There's a post office in West Street.
There's a post office in Mraket Street.
There's a post office in North Street, and there's one in West Street, and there's one in Market Street.
The nearest post office is in Market Street.

Listen to the cassette and repeat the phrases

A Where's the park, please? Where's the nearest post office, please?
B There's a post office in Market Street. There's one in Market Street.

Listen to the cassette

Wife: Excuse me. Can you help me? Where's the Grand Hotel, please?
Man: The Grand Hotel? I'm sorry, I don‘t know.
Husband: Excuse me. Where's the Grand Hotel, please?
Woman: It's near here. It's in North Street. No it isn't. It isn't in North Street. I think it's in Market Street.
Wife: Thank you very much.
Policeman: Can I help you?
Husband: Yes. Where's the Grand Hotel?
Ppliceman: It's near here. It's in Market Street.

Listen to the cassette and repeat the phrases


first right ......... (1st) ........ New Street is first right.
second right .... (2nd) ...... Green Street is second right.
third left .......... (3rd) ....... Long Street is third left.
fourth left ........ (4th) ....... West Street is fourth Street left.
fifth left ........... (4th) ........ Hill Street is fifth right.
The Grand Hetel: it's on the corner of Market Street and North Street.
The Grand Hotel: it's next to post office.
The Grand Hotel: it's opposite the bank.


Where is ... ? Where's ... ?
Where's the post office?
Where's the nearest post office?
There is ... There's ...
There's a post office in North Street.
Where's the nearest post office? It's OVER there.
Where's the nearest post office? It's ON the left.
Where's the nearest post office? It's IN Market Street.
Where's the nearest post office? It's near here.
Where's the nearest post office? It's NEXT TO the bank.
Where's the nearest post office? It's OPPPSITE OF North Street and Market Street.
Where's the nearest bank? It's in Market Street.
Where's the nearest bank? I think ...
Where's the nearest bank? I think it's in Market Street.
Where's the nearest bank? I don't (do not) know.


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