Tenable Nessus Unlimited Version Installation
This post summarizes some scripts to install Nessus into your OS.
For Debian
For Debian:
【1】Download nessus.sh script。
【2】Grant execute permission for this script

【3】using root account to run nessus.sh.(Wait about 10-15 Mins)


Nessus stop and start commands

For Ubuntu
For Ubuntu:
chmod +x nessus.sh
Issue :After system or Nessus restarted,scan button might not enable yet to use。
Cause:Nessus is updating / re-compileing the plug-ins.
Solution:Wait for 3~5 minutes.
- 每次系统初次启动时开启Nessus会对插件进行编译安装,编译时间根据系统的CPU资源决定!编译过程时CPU资源会占用到98%+!
- 不推荐让Nessus进行开机自启!
- 关闭Nessus开机自动启动
- 停止Nessus服务
- 开启Nessus服务
NETSEC Version:
if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]] ; then echo "Please run as root" ; exit 1 ; fi
echo //==============================================================
echo Nessus latest DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, and Config
echo //==============================================================
echo " o antiskid extra thing added removing all chattr"
chattr -i -R /opt/nessus
echo " o making sure we have prerequisites.."
apt update &>/dev/null
apt -y install curl dpkg expect &>/dev/null
echo " o stopping old nessusd in case there is one!"
/bin/systemctl stop nessusd.service &>/dev/null
echo " o downloading Nessus.."
curl -A Mozilla --request GET /
--url 'https://www.tenable.com/downloads/api/v2/pages/nessus/files/Nessus-latest-ubuntu1404_amd64.deb' /
--output 'Nessus-latest-ubuntu1404_amd64.deb' &>/dev/null
{ if [ ! -f Nessus-latest-ubuntu1404_amd64.deb ]; then
echo " o nessus download failed :/ exiting. get copy of it from local downloading or searching 51sec.org"
exit 0
fi }
echo " o installing Nessus.."
dpkg -i Nessus-latest-ubuntu1404_amd64.deb &>/dev/null
echo " o starting service once FIRST TIME INITIALIZATION"
/bin/systemctl start nessusd.service &>/dev/null
echo " o let's allow Nessus time to initalize - we'll give it like 20 seconds..."
sleep 20
echo " o stopping the nessus service.."
/bin/systemctl stop nessusd.service &>/dev/null
echo " o changing nessus settings to NETSEC preferences"
echo " listen port: 12345"
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fix --set xmlrpc_listen_port=12345 &>/dev/null
echo " theme: dark"
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fix --set ui_theme=dark &>/dev/null
echo " safe checks: off"
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fix --set safe_checks=false &>/dev/null
echo " logs: performance"
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fix --set backend_log_level=performance &>/dev/null
echo " updates: off"
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fix --set auto_update=false &>/dev/null
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fix --set auto_update_ui=false &>/dev/null
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fix --set disable_core_updates=true &>/dev/null
echo " telemetry: off"
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fix --set report_crashes=false &>/dev/null
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fix --set send_telemetry=false &>/dev/null
echo " o adding a user you can change this later (u:admin,p:ddosi)"
cat > expect.tmp<<'EOF'
spawn /opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli adduser admin
expect "Login password:"
send "netsec/r"
expect "Login password (again):"
send "netsec/r"
expect "*(can upload plugins, etc.)? (y/n)*"
send "y/r"
expect "*(the user can have an empty rules set)"
send "/r"
expect "Is that ok*"
send "y/r"
expect eof
expect -f expect.tmp &>/dev/null
rm -rf expect.tmp &>/dev/null
echo " o downloading new plugins.."
curl -A Mozilla -o all-2.0.tar.gz /
--url 'https://plugins.nessus.org/v2/nessus.php?f=all-2.0.tar.gz&u=4e2abfd83a40e2012ebf6537ade2f207&p=29a34e24fc12d3f5fdfbb1ae948972c6' &>/dev/null
{ if [ ! -f all-2.0.tar.gz ]; then
echo " o plugins all-2.0.tar.gz download failed :/ exiting. get copy of it from local downloading or searching in 51sec.org"
exit 0
fi }
echo " o installing plugins.."
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli update all-2.0.tar.gz &>/dev/null
echo " o fetching version number.."
# i have seen this not be correct for the download. hrm. but, it works for me.
vernum=$(curl https://plugins.nessus.org/v2/plugins.php 2> /dev/null)
echo " o building plugin feed..."
cat > /opt/nessus/var/nessus/plugin_feed_info.inc <<EOF
PLUGIN_SET = "${vernum}";
PLUGIN_FEED = "ProfessionalFeed (Direct)";
PLUGIN_FEED_TRANSPORT = "Tenable Network Security Lightning";
echo " o protecting files.."
chattr -i /opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins/plugin_feed_info.inc &>/dev/null
cp /opt/nessus/var/nessus/plugin_feed_info.inc /opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins/plugin_feed_info.inc &>/dev/null
echo " o let's set everything immutable..."
chattr +i /opt/nessus/var/nessus/plugin_feed_info.inc &>/dev/null
chattr +i -R /opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins &>/dev/null
echo " o but unsetting key files.."
chattr -i /opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins/plugin_feed_info.inc &>/dev/null
chattr -i /opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins &>/dev/null
echo " o starting service.."
/bin/systemctl start nessusd.service &>/dev/null
echo " o Let's sleep for another 20 seconds to let the server have time to start!"
sleep 20
echo " o Monitoring Nessus progress. Following line updates every 10 seconds until 100%"
while [ $zen -ne 100 ]
statline=`curl -sL -k https://localhost:11127/server/status|awk -F"," -v k="engine_status" '{ gsub(/{|}/,""); for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { if ( $i ~ k ){printf $i} } }'`
if [[ $statline != *"engine_status"* ]]; then echo -ne "/n Problem: Nessus server unreachable? Trying again../n"; fi
echo -ne "/r $statline"
if [[ $statline == *"100"* ]]; then zen=100; else sleep 10; fi
echo -ne '/n o Done!/n'
echo " Access your Nessus: https://localhost:12345/ (or your VPS IP)"
echo " username: admin"
echo " password: netsec"
echo " you can change this any time"
read -p "Press enter to continue"
Nessus Windows Installation Method
For Windows:
- https://www.tenable.com/products/nessus/nessus-essentials
- https://zh-cn.tenable.com/products/nessus/nessus-essentials
第3步: 破解
第4步: 关闭更新
- 根据任务管理器与服务,自行控制程序的自启与运行状态!
Check Settings
Even it is still compiling the plugins, you can log in to check the about settings, which shows unlimited notes, and latest policy template version.
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