
Every nation in the world has the time when it rises its power and become the most dominant force in the world. A nation located in the westcentral of Europe known as Germany has been established in 1871 when Germany became an unified state known as "Germanic". The horror of war began on the mainlands of Europe.

From 1870 to 1871, Germany has been suffered from Franco Prussian War when the ruler of Germany at that time was Bismarck known as "Iron Chancellor". He was one of the founding father of Germany Federal and he had strong capacity of combating. He was the true hero that helped Germany wining the war only about a year. After the Franco Prussian War, German ambitions began to grow.

Germany massively developed its economy and military power and became one of the strongest power in Europe around 1900s. The ambition of Germany promoted it to conquer more territories. World War One started in 1914 when the Allied Powers heard the news of The Sarajevo Incident. Germany, in order to support its allied (Austria Hungary) declared the war on Serbia, France, UK, and Russia. World War One was famous for Battle of Somme where the main military power has been contained in that area where France has less pressure in Verdun. It was the first war in human history where tanks appears. Another battle was the Battle of Verdun where both Germany and France has a lot of casualties. When Germany Empire attacked on US cargo ship in 1917 and US declared war on Germany, the situation of World War One has been significantly adjusted.

In 1918, Germany finally announced surrender. Under the pressure of Treaty of Versailles and Great Depression in an international background, Germany has been suffered from a difficulties of life. The price in Germany was extremely high, which leads to inflation in markets. Civilians even did not have potential to purchase a piece of bread. In this case, a soldier from World War One came into his political career and the most evil dictator Adolf Hitler rises his power in Germany in 1933 and became an authentic dictator in the following year. Nazi becme the largest party in Germany during that time. Hitler abolish rules of Treaty of Versailles and enlarge his army force. Before 1939, Germany has become second strongest nation in Europe behind the Soviet Union. In 1939, German ambition to conquer land became even more stronger. Therefore, the Europe and the world were demanded to suffer from a war again. Poland became the first county Nazis had conquerd and then Belgium, Demark, Norway... Finally, the strongest land force France has been conquered by Hitler. However, Hilter and Nazis wanted more, thus they sent troops to fight against UK even the Soviet Union in 1941. The Nazis must be punished for their widespread expansion and atrocities. As two superpowers Soviet Union and the USA joined the war, the allied power began into victory.

Germany finally surrendered again in 1945 and as punishment, Germany has been split into 4 zones. Germany has been divided into East Germany where lead by Soviet and West Germany where lead by western powers. In 1961, the rise of Berlin Wall symbolized the division of two world and intensity of Cold War. Finally, in 1989, Berlin Wall was crashed down and Germany finally became an independent unified nation again until now. Germany becomes the largest economy in Europe, one of the most important members of European Union, and one of the most developed countries in the world nowadays.



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