with 的高频口语/俚语

1-deal with处理,应对,对付,解决

I have to deal with this problem alone.我不得不独自处理这个问题。

2-agree with同意某人的看法或观点

I totally agree with you on this.对此我完全赞同你的看法。

3-live with承受,忍受,接受(本意是与……生活在一起)

I guess I can live with that.我想我能接受得了。

4-stay with someone or something陪伴,与……在一起,坚持

Please stay with me for a little while.拜托你陪我一会儿吧。

5-have to do with与……有关;have nothing to do with与……无关

I have nothing to do with this problem.这个问题跟我完全无关。

6-done with something or someone受够某事或某人了

Seriously, I'm done with you.说真的,我受够你了。

7-have a fght with someone和某人吵架

I had a fight with my girlfriend last night.我昨晚跟女朋友吵了一架。

8-mess with somebody惹某人;逗某人玩

You don't wanna mess with that guy.你最好不要去惹那个人。I'm just messing with you.我只是在逗你玩呢。

9-What's with something?怎么了?怎么回事?

What's with the long face?你一脸不高兴,怎么回事?

10-What's wrong with……?出了什么毛病?有什么问题?

What's wrong with you?你怎么了?

11-keep up with跟上节奏,跟上思路(常用于否定形式)

I can't keep up with you我不懂你们在说什么。

12-get on with it 赶紧,快点儿

If you don't get on with it, we will never finish this work.如果你不赶快的话,我们永远都完成不了这项工作。

13-over with彻底完成,搞定

Let's get it over with quickly.我们快点儿搞定这事。

14-fall in love with someone爱上某人

I think he fell in love with Wendy.我觉得他爱上温蒂了。

15-break up with somebody和某人分手

Did you break up with your girlfriend?你跟你女朋友分手了?

16-have/got a problem with对……有意见,对……不满

You got a problem with that?你对此有意见吗?

17-end up with(someone or something)以……告终,结果是和……在一起

I thought my date was Wendy, but I ended up going out with her twin sister.我原以为是跟温蒂约会,结果是跟她的双胞胎妹妹约会。

18-go badly with someone or something变得糟糕,进展不顺利,关系变恶劣

I hope things are not going badly with you still.我希望你的事情不会仍然像以前那样不顺了。

19-play with fire玩火自焚,作死,做危险的事

If you don't play with fire, you won't get burned.你不作死就不会死。

20-flirt with somebody和某人调情

He's flirting with Wendy at the party.他在派对上跟温蒂调情。

21-with all due respect没有冒犯你的意思,说句不好听的

With all due respect, it's your fault.没有冒犯你的意思,但的确错在你。

22-go with the fow随大流

I don't wanna make enemies with the world.So I decided to go with the flow.我可不想与所有人为敌,所以还是决定随大流吧。

23-keep up with the times紧随潮流

I am too old-fashioned.I have to keep up with the times.我太落伍了,我得跟上时代的步伐。

24-come clean with someone about something向某人坦白某事

I want you to come clean with me about your affair.我想让你向我坦白你出轨的事情。

25-go well with everything百搭,即搭配任何东西效果都很好

Those shoes go well with everything.那双鞋子百搭呀。


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