No matter how difficult I was,I never thought of giving up.

After the busy day, I don't want to go on anything at all,tired or nervous? Perhaps both,because we all know the importance of the exam, so we can't take it for granted, sometimes our words even some expressions can influence them, it's just OK that our lead comfort us, after all they're going to enter the exam not us.

However, seeing them I always thought about my old days twenty years ago.At that time,I didn't do well enough in the schoolwork, I felt horrible during all the senior high school,I wanted to learn well but I couldn't, because I didn't believe myself and I couldn't find the suitable ways either,as a matter of fact I just wanna hug the past me,just like the song " To the myself of fifteen years old", though I often got low scores I never thought of giving up,meanwhile I admire the ones who had high scores,He is among of them, and He entered the exam the same year as me,of course he did far better than me,and as the time goes by, He has a better ability to solve the problems, so as a parent , we'd better let our kids learn more and better,not only for a brighter future but also a more challenging life.

Finally,I am grateful for myself before, because my insistence,I can get what I want, of course I didn't know anything about the future,but I know if I gave up, my life will be just a dream all the time.


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