

These are the parts of philosophy; but so dismembered it loses its beauty and its joy. We shall seek it not in its shrivelled abstractness and formality, but clothed in the living form of genius; we shall study not merely philosophies, but philosophers; we shall spend our time with the saints and martyrs of thought, letting their radiant spirit play about us until perhaps we too, in some measure, shall partake of what Leonardo called “the noblest pleasure, the joy of understanding.” Each of these philosophers has some lesson for us, if we approach him properly. “Do you know,” asks Emerson, “the secret of the true scholar? In every man there is something wherein I may learn of him; and in that I am his pupil.” Well, surely we may take this attitude to the master minds of history without hurt to our pride! And we may flatter ourselves with that other thought of Emerson’s, that when genius speaks to us we feel a ghostly reminiscent of having ourselves, in our distant youth, had vaguely this selfsame thought which genius now speaks, but which we had not art or courage to clothe with form and utterance. And indeed, great men speak to us only so far as we have ears and souls to hear them; only so far as we have in us the roots, at least, of that which flowers out in them. We too have had the experiences they had, but we did not suck those experiences dry other secret and subtle meanings: we were not sensitive to the overtones of the reality that hummed about us. Genius hears the overtones, and the music of the spheres; genius knows what Pythagoras meant when he said that philosophy is the highest music.


用爱默生的一句名言来佐证上一句哲学家给我们的lesson。原话出息《美国学者》(The American Scholar):“Shall I tell you the secret of the true scholar? It is this: Every man I meet is my master in some point, and in that I learn of him.” 杜兰特将其进行了改装。我现在的理解是爱默生心中的学者应有的态度,正如现在我们要读各个哲学家一样,他们中总有些东西值得我们学习。

1、‘“Do you know,” asks Emerson, “the secret of the true scholar?…’这是一个直接引语结构, 这是自问自答的前半问的部分:你知道真正学者的秘密吗?

2、’... In every man there is something wherein I may learn of him; …’他指出每个人的身上都有值得学习的东西,跟中国的“三人行,必有我师”一样。every man 对应something,可当我们老师的人是每个人,学的内容是一部分。
Wherein I may learn of him 是一个定语从句,修饰something,
learn:说“从(某人)学习……”在表示某人的词前面通常用 from,有时用 of,偶尔用 with。例如:I am learning English from(或of,或with)an excellent teacher. 《葛传椝英语惯用法词典》

3、’...and in that I am his pupil.”’“在这一点上说,我是他的学生”。学习可以显性、隐性的
in that
— used to introduce a statement that explains or gives more specific information about what you have just said
The book is good, in that it's well written, but I didn't actually like reading it.



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