《Follow Me 跟我学 (中国版)》UNIT 5 WHERE ARE THEY?

A. Texts & Notes

1. Is Mr Jones there?

Receptionist: Grand Hotel. Good morning. Can I help you?
John: Yes. Is Mr Jones there, please?
Receptionist: Mr Jones? No, he isn't here. I think he's at London Airport.

Receptionist: Good morning.
Sam: Good morning. Can you help me? Is Miss Brown here -- at the Hotel?
Receptionist: Miss Brown? Yes,she's here, Room 301.

*注1. 约翰打电话问琼斯在不在旅馆,因而用 there: Is Mr Jones there? 而山姆是当面问布朗在不在这里,因而用 here: Is Miss Brown here?
注2. at London Airport(在伦敦机场),at是介词,表明地点,基本意思是在某处,如:at the hotel (在旅馆);at the cinema(在电影院);at home(在家);at school(在学校);at work(在工作)等。 at 有时也包含着“从事”的意思,如:at school 指“上学”,at work 指“上班”。注例子中有的用冠词 the,有的不用。

2. Is Miss Brone in?

Visitor: Is Miss Bron in, please?
Receptionist: I don't know, madam. Jast a moment, please. I'm sorry. She isn't in her room.
Visitor: Thank you.
Man: Mr and Mis White, please.
Receptionist: Mr and Mis White are in the hotel. But they aren't in their room. I think.
Man: Are they in the bar?
Receptionist: Ah, yes. Mr and Mis White are in the bar.
Man: Where's the bar?
Receptionist: It's over there.
Man: thank you.
Visitor: Is Mr Black in the hotel?
Receptionist: Yes. I thank Mr Black's in his room.
Visitor: Thank you. (打电话)Ah, Mr Black? He's not there. (对接线员)He's not in the room. Where is he?
Receptionist: I don't know. Oh, yes. He's gone in the cinema. Yes He's at the cinema.

注3. 无论打电话或当面问某人在不在都可以用 Is … in? 回答时,如在就说 Yes, He's in. 或 Yes, he is. 如不在说 No, he isn't. 或 No, he's not.
注4. 系动词 to be 的否定省略形式如下:
I am not => I'm not
you are not => you're not => you aren't
he is not => he's not => he isn't
she is not => she's not => she isn't
it is not => it's not => it isn't
we are not => we're not => we aren't
you are not => you're not => you aren't
they are not => they're not => they aren't
注5. in 是介词,表示地点,其基本意思是:在……里面,有时包含着“处于某种状态”的意思。
in the hotel 在旅馆(没有出去)
in his room 在他房间
in bed 在床上(睡觉)
in town 在城里
in hospital 在医院里(住院)
介词是比较难学的词类,请注意与有关名词联系起来记住它的用法和意思,同时注意有无定冠词 the。
注6. 找人有两种问法:
Is he here? (他在这里吗?)这是一般疑问句,回答用 Yes 或 No.
Where is he? ( 他在哪里?)这是特殊疑问句,不能回答 Yes. 或 No. 面要说出究竟在何处。
泩7. He's gone to … He has gone to … 是现在完成时态,表示已经到某处去了,现在不在这里。
He's gont to work. (他上班去了。)He's gone to England. (他到英国去了。)
比较He's at work. (他在工作。)He's in England. (他在英国。)

3. Where's Bob?

Receptionist: Where's Bob? Bob, where you?
Bob: London.
Receptionist: Where in London.
Bob: I'm in South Street.
Receptionist: Where's Mr Jones?
Bob: He's in his office.
Receptionist: In the office?
Bob: Yes. He's gone to his office. He's gone work. He's at work.
Receptionist: Bob, where are you now?
Bob: I'm in South Street. Then at Victoria Station.
Receptionist: Yes.
Bob: Then at the Tower of London. Then at Buckingham Palece. Then at London Airport.
Receptionist: Then where?
Bob: Home.

注8. 维多利亚车站是伦敦最大的火车站,伦敦塔是伦敦最著名的古堡,现为游览圣地。白金汉宫是在伦敦的英国王宫。
注9. in 和 at 均可用来指在某处,用于较大的范围,如国家、城市、街名等用 in ,用于某一具体的地点,如机场、学校、车站等用 at 。如:
in England; in Beijing; in South Street
at London Airport; at the station; at Sam's
in 和 at 在概念上的基本区别是:in 强调在……中、在……内; at 则指在一个点上。
注10. at his girlfriend's = at his girlfrien's house,一般省略 house 用 at -''s 表示在谁家。如:
at his friend's (在他朋友家里)
at Mr White's (在怀特先生家里)
at my brother's (在我哥哥家里)

B. Exercise

  1. 电视片和录音带里有一片断是 Francis 去找人,开门的女子告诉他每个人的去处,你能听出他们到什么地方去了吗?请填空,然后朗读对话,可能的话,两人一起练习。
    Woman: Yes?
    Francise: Hello. Is Alice in?
    Woman: Who are you?
    Francise: Francise Matthews.
    Woman: No, she isn't here. She's gone to a paty.
    Francise: Well. Is John in?
    Woman: No, I think he's at cinema.
    Francise: Is Bill in?
    Woman: No. He is at his girlfriend's.
    Francise: Where's Kathy?
    Woman: She's gone to the theatre.
    Francise: Well, Where's Bob? Is he at home?
    Woman: No. He is at work. Goodbye.
  2. 假如你去一家公司找 Mr Jones 等人,接待员按下表告诉你他们的去向,请编一对话。

Mr Jones / gone to the Bank
Miss Smith / at the post office
Kathy / gone home
Mrs Adams / at the Royval Hotel / in Paris
Mr White / at the Grand Hotel / in New York

__ May I see Mr Jones, please?
__ Mr Jones? No. I'm sorry. He's gone to the bank.
__ Is Miss Smith in?
__ No. She's at the post office.
__ Is Kathy at work?
__ She's gone home.
__ And Mrs Adams?
__ She's at the Royal Hotel in Paris.
__ Oh, she's gone to Paris?
__ Yes, she has.
__ And Mr White?
__ He's gone to New York. He's at the Grand Hotel in New York.
__ Sorry. Goodbye.

  1. 将 at , in,to 填入下列各句。
    (1)Francise is at home. He isn't in his office.
    (2)She isn't in the garden. She's at the docter's.
    (3)They're in Paris. They aren't in London.
    (4)John isn't at the cinema. I think he's at the theatre.
    (5)Mr Jones isn't in Hamburg. He's gone to Frankfurt.

C. Summary


Where's Miss Brown, please?
Where are Mr and Mrs Williams?
Is Mr Jones in, please?
Is Mrs Brown here, please?
He's at the cinema.
She's in her room.

2. 语法

肯定:we are…; you are…; they are…
简式:we're…; you're…;they're…
问句:are we…? are you…? are they…?
否定:we are not…; you are not …;they are not…
I'm not…
you're not…; you aren't…
he's not…; he isn't…
she's not…; she isn't…
it's not…; it ins't…
we're not…; we aren't…
you're not…; you aren't…
they're not…; they aren't…
我们的 --- our --- our canteen
你们的--- your --- your work
他(她、它)们的 --- their --- their party

Where's Bob?
Is Mary in?
She's at the Grand Hotel.
She isn't in her room.
They aren't in their room.
Are they in the bar?
She's gone to the cinema.
He's at work.
He's at home.

D. Words & Expressions

单词与表达方式 单词与表达方式
receptionist /rɪˈsepʃənɪst/ n. 旅馆接待员 then /ðen/ adv. 然后,于是
airport /ˈeəpɔːt/ n. 机场 tower n. /ˈtaʊə(r)/ n. 塔
school /skuːl/ n. 学校 the tower of London 伦敦塔
at school 上学 palace /ˈpæləs/ n. 宫殿
work /wɜːk/ n. 工作 Buckingham Palace 白汉金宫
at work 上班
bed /bed/ n. 床 theatre /ˈθɪətə(r)/ n. 剧场
in bed 睡觉 party /ˈpɑːti/ n. 宴会
town /taʊn/ n. 城,镇 meeting /ˈmiːtɪŋ/ n. 会议
hospital /ˈhɒspɪt(ə)l/ n. 医院 our /ˈaʊə(r)/ adj. 我们
England /ˈɪŋɡlənd/ n. 英国,英格兰 hairdresser /ˈheədresə(r)/ n. (做女活的)理发师
they /ðeɪ/ pron. 他们
their /ðeə(r)/ adj. 他们的 at the hairdresser's 在理发
bar /bɑː(r)/ n. 酒吧间 canteen /kænˈtiːn/ n. 小卖部,食堂
south /saʊθ/ n. 南

附:Follow me (欧洲版教材)



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