off 的高频口语/俚语

1-off doing something停止某事,不再做某事了

I'm off smoking now.我现在不再抽烟了/我现在戒烟了。

2-turn off关掉,关闭

Don't turn off the lights.别关灯。

3-a turn-off让人倒胃口的事物,让人反胃的东西

That movie was really a turn-off.那部电影真是太倒胃口了。

4-call off取消

I have to call off the meeting.我得取消会议。

5-take off离开;起飞;脱掉

I need to take off.我得走了。

When will the plane take off?飞机什么时候起飞?

I took off my coat when I get in.我进来时把外套脱掉了。

6-get off 下车、下飞机、下船等

Could you tell me where to get off?你能告诉我在哪儿下车吗?

7-pay off 偿清(债务);取得回报、报偿

It took me ten years to pay off the debt.我花了十年才偿清债务。

Remember that hard work always pays off.记住,努力总有回报。

8-piss off 发火,生气,恼火(be pissed off 或piss somebody off)

I was really pissed off by what he said.


9-tick off 使发火、生气、恼火(tick somebody off 或tick off somebody)

It just ticks me off to think what he did to me.想想他对我的所作所为就让我很生气。

10-back off 让开,闪开,别插手,一边儿凉快去

It's none of your business.You need to back off.这不关你事,你别插手。

11-blow someone off 放某人鸽子

Wendy blew me off last night.温蒂昨晚放我鸽子了。

12-hit it off 合得来,投缘

Those two really hit it off the first time they met.那两个人第一次见面的时候就非常投缘。

13-to be ripped off 买东西被宰

I guess I'm not the only one who got ripped off.我估计我不是唯一一个被宰的人。

14-pull something off 做成某事,成功做某事

Do you think you can pull it off?你觉得你能做成这事吗?

15-knock it off 住手,住嘴,少来这套(表示让某人停止做某事,特别是让人讨厌的事)

Knock it off!I'm tired of your lies.省省吧!我受够你的谎言了。

16-kick off 开始

The soccer game kicks off in 3 minutes.足球比赛3分钟后开始。

17-take years off 显年轻

The haircut took years off you.这头剪得让你显年轻多了。

18-set off for动身前往

We're gonna set off for Europe.我们要动身前往欧洲了。

19-off limits禁区;不能染指,不能追求

Wendy should be off limits to you.你不能染指温蒂(即不能追她)。

20-show off 炫耀,出风头

He likes to show off in front of us.他喜欢在我们面前出风头。

21-run off at the mouth啰唆,废话太多

He is always running off at the mouth.他总是啰啰唆唆的,废话很多。

22-bite someone's head off 把某人臭骂了一顿

I'm very sorry I lost my tempter.I didn't mean to bite your head off.不好意思我没控制好脾气,我无意骂你的。

23-bitch someone off 让某人恼火

You really bitch me off, do you know that?!你真让我恼火,你知道不?!

24-take a day off 休息一天;take a few days off 休息几天

I'm beat.I really need to take a few days off.我累死了,真的需要休息几天。

25-off the subject跑题,偏离主题

I got off the subject and forgot what I was supposed to be talking about.我跑题了,忘记自己要说什么了。

26-off the hook脱离了困境,摆脱了麻烦

I think that I'm off the hook now and will not have to worry about the problem anymore.我觉得我现在已经脱离困境了,不用再担心这个问题了。

27-let someone off the hook放某人一马,饶了某人

I'll let you off the hook.我不为难你了(放你一马)。

28-weight off one's shoulder如释重负,松一口气

It's a weight off my shoulders hearing that.听到那个消息我感到如释重负。

29-get something off one's chest把闷在心里的话倾吐出来

You really need to get it off your chest.你真的需要把心里的话说出来。

30-get off on the wrong foot出师不利,刚开始便不顺利,第一次给人留下不好的印象

The new secretary really got off on the wrong foot by being rude to visitors.那个新秘书因为对访客不礼貌而给人留下不好的印象。

31-brush off 无视,不理,漠视

He brushed it off as if it were not a big deal to him.他无视这事,就像这事对他来说没什么大不了的一样。


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