
Unit one.Feeding the baby.喂宝宝。

Oh !is it too hot ?I'm sorry.哦,太烫了吗?对不起!

Let's blow on it.来吹一吹。

Ok, Here you go,好了,可以吃了。

Yummy! Yummy ! Eat some more.好吃呀,多吃一点。

Unit 2.  Don't go too far,不要走远。

Baby .where are you? 宝宝,你在哪里?

I'm here. cooking supper,我在这里煮晚餐呢。

Don't go away ,stay here,不要走开,留在这里。

Dinner will be ready in a minute,晚餐再一下子就好了。

Unit3 Dining 吃饭

No beans? Beans make you strong,不吃豆子?豆子会使你强壮啊

Carrots are good for your eyes.吃红萝卜对你的眼睛会有好处。

Good baby 好宝宝。

Unit four  concentrate on eating,专心吃饭。

Stop hosing around.别再胡闹了。

Don't  be picky eaters,不要这么挑嘴。

Stop playing with your juice,不要玩果汁。

You are such messy eaters.看你们吃的脏兮兮的

Unit five  finish your plate,吃干净。

There's still a lot of food left on your plate.你还剩下一大堆食物在盘子上。

Finish your plate,把它吃光。

Okay then . No more snacks before dinner,好吧,晚餐前不准吃点心。

Unit six.  At the.Dinner table饭桌上。

What's all that noise?好吵。

Don't drum on your bowl with chopsticks.不要用筷子敲碗。

Eat everything on your plate,把盘上的东西都吃完。

Don't be such a picky eater,不要当个挑食的孩子。

Unit seven  Dinner table Manners,吃饭礼节。

Eat with a spoon.  Don't be so messy,用汤勺,不要吃的脏兮兮的。

Do you want some scrambled eggs.你要吃炒蛋吗?

Don't make so much noise !People are staring! 不要发出声音,别人在看你了。

Good boy.乖孩子

Unit eight.Eating icecream吃冰淇淋

Calm down ,children,安静一点。

Sit down please,请坐好。

Sit up right ,and I'll give you some ice cream,坐好,我才要给你们冰淇淋吃。

Unit nine  Sharing a piece of  chocolate.分巧克力。

What are you doing,你们在做什么?

Let me split it in half,让我来平分成两半。

This is for you,这个给你。And this half is for you,另外一半给你


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