C17-T1 take risks

【It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives. Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.】

Taking risks is important for people's professional and personal lives. Although it has disadvantages, such as the possibility of undertaking unknown failures, I think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Taking risks in professional careers stands for a spirit of progression, which can lead to great success. In my opinion, most people are easily satisfied with their current work status when they have a steady income. As a result, it's unlikely that they can achieve some breakthroughs in their field. However, people who are eager to take risks are more likely to make great progress in their profession. For instance, Elon Musk's space exploration plan was originally opposed by many experts and is predicted to fail. If he had not insisted on inner belief and given up taking risks, his Space X program wouldn't have the possibility of success. In addition, even if his program ended in failure, it doesn't mean his risk-taking is uselessit is exactly the spirit that was needed to push the development of science and technology.

Taking risks in life can lead to unpredictable surprises. Life is full of surprises; however, only with the spirit of taking risks can people have access to those good things. For example, people who like to take an expedition always have more chances to admire the beauty of nature. In comparison, those who avoid any risks of danger or challenge are less likely to get the opportunity to experience extreme beauty.

In conclusion, although taking risks sometimes leads to failure and danger, I believe the success and beauty it can bring are much more important to helping people live a colorful life.


Taking risks is crucial for both professional and personal growth. While it carries the possibility of encountering failures, I believe the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

In professional careers, taking risks embodies a spirit of innovation and progress, which can lead to significant achievements. Many people tend to settle for a stable job with a steady income, which often limits their potential for growth and breakthroughs in their field. However, those who are willing to take risks are more likely to achieve substantial progress. For example, Elon Musk's ambitious space exploration initiative faced widespread skepticism and was predicted to fail by many experts. If he had abandoned his risk-taking approach, the success of SpaceX would have been impossible. Even in the event of failure, the spirit of risk-taking is essential for advancing science and technology.

In personal life, taking risks can lead to unexpected and rewarding experiences. Life is filled with opportunities for joy and discovery, but these often require a willingness to step outside one's comfort zone. For instance, individuals who embark on adventurous expeditions are more likely to encounter the breathtaking wonders of nature. In contrast, those who shy away from challenges miss out on the chance to experience extraordinary beauty and excitement.

In conclusion, although taking risks may sometimes result in failure or danger, the potential for success and the enriching experiences it can bring make it an essential part of living a vibrant and fulfilling life.


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