
  • 学句子,背单词,继续加油,努力学习。
  • 单词很重要,句子更重要。
  • 通过语意块的分割练习,熟练掌握句子意思和读法;
  • 通过拼音法,记单词,才能不漏字母;

  • 昨晚往U盘存新的队会PPT时,发现了女儿四年级时和她一起做的关于周先生爸爸角色的文件。
  • 幸福和爱,都藏在里面啦。

  1. Because the bank wasn't open when they were traveling abroad.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. Because
    3. the bank wasn't open
    4. when they were traveling
    5. abroad.
  2. Because the bank wasn't aware of the reason why they were traveling abroad.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. Because
    3. the bank wasn't aware
    4. of the reason
    5. why they were traveling
    6. abroad.
    7. wasn't aware of the reason
    8. the reason why they were traveling abroad.
  3. Because the bank wasn't told that they were traveling abroad.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. Because
    3. the bank wasn't told
    4. that they were traveling
    5. abroad.
    6. the bank wasn't told that
  4. They didn't think they would lose their passports.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. They didn't think
    3. they would lose their passports.
    4. pass-port
  5. They didn't have time to photocopy their passports.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. They didn't have time
    3. to photocopy their passports.
    4. photocopy their passports
    5. photo-copy
  6. They didn't want to give them to the embassy.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. They didn't want
    3. to give them
    4. to the embassy.
    5. give them to the embassy
    6. em-bassy
  7. They didn't have a copy machine at home.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. They didn't have a copy machine
    3. at home.
    4. a copy machine
  8. But acturally, losing passports is one of the most common incidents travelers encounter.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. But acturally,
    3. losing passports is one
    4. of the most common incidents
    5. travelers encounter.
  9. On another trip, we lost both of our passports. And to make things worse, we hadn't packed any copies of them before we left.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. On another trip,
    3. we lost both of our passports.
    4. And to make things worse,
    5. we hadn't packed any copies
    6. of them
    7. before we left.
    8. make things worse
  10. Welcome back to our channel. We've received tons of feedback from you guys about our last video.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. Welcome back
    3. to our channel.
    4. We've received - tons of feedback
    5. from you guys
    6. about our last video.
    7. received tons of feedback
  11. In the comments, a lot of you guys requested more videos about traveling hacks of international trips.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. In the comments,
    3. a lot of you guys
    4. requested more videos
    5. about traveling hacks
    6. of international trips.
    7. about traveling hacks of international trips
  12. So today, we want to share with you two mistakes we've made while traveling, so you don't do the same.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. So today,
    3. we want to share with you
    4. two mistakes
    5. we've made
    6. while traveling,
    7. so you don't do the same.
    8. do the same
    9. share with you two mistakes
  13. On one of our trips, the bank froze our credit card because we forgot to tell them that we were going abroad.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. On one of our trips,
    3. the bank froze our credit card
    4. because we forgot
    5. to tell them
    6. that we were going abroad.
    7. froze our credit card
  14. We had to spend hours on the phone trying to unlock the card. It was such a headache.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. We had to spend hours
    3. on the phone
    4. trying to unlock the card.
    5. It was such a headache.
    6. unlock the card
    7. spend hours on the phone
  15. So, when you travel abroad, make sure to notify your bank beforehand so that you can use your card.
    1. 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
    2. So, when you travel abroad,
    3. make sure to notify your bank
    4. beforehand
    5. so that you can use your card.


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