
kissing cousins 形容比较相近的事物( Two or more things that are closely akin or very similar)
【例句:Each company puts out cars in different models with different names and prices. But inside they are really kissing cousins: most of the parts are the same no matter what the name. 每一家公司都生产很多种类型、牌名、以及价格各不相同的汽车。但是从内部基本结构上看,这些汽车大同小异。不管汽车是什么牌子,它们的大部分零部件完全一样。】
loose one's cool 大发脾气,失去冷静
【例句:The first time Joan went to the store, they overcharged her. The second time they charged her double. The third time they did this she lost her cool and made a nasty scene with the manager. 】
go ballistic 怒不可遏
【例句:Our professor went ballistic as soon as he found out at least three people had cheated on the exam. Just for that he made everybody in the class take the exam over again.我们的教授发现至少有三名学生考试作弊,怒气冲天。就因为这个原因,教授要求全班重新考一次。】
blurt sth. out 突然想都没想就说出某话,脱口而出,一般是因为紧张或激动(to say something suddenly and without thinking)
【例句:I blurted out his proposal plan before he could stop me. 】
Such a turn off. 真下头。
the credits电视电影片尾的演职员名单
Does this movie have a post-credits scene? 这部电影有彩蛋吗?
相似说法:Does the film have an after-credits scene?/Is there a bonus scene at the end of this movie?/Is there an extra scene after the credits?
其他例句:Is there something at the end, after the credits roll?/Is there a post-credits scene? Should we stick around?
the twist at the end of the movie 电影最后的反转
【例句: I heard there's a twist at the end of this movie.】


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