The Story of Philosophy的第175句,来自第1章Plato第2节II. Socrates第14段引文第3.1句:
“Yet," said Crito, "the sun is still upon the hill-tops, and many a one has taken the draught late; and after the announcement has been made to him he has eaten and drunk, and indulged in sensual delights; do not hasten then, there is still time."
这话从他的门徒Crito来突出苏格拉底的从容就义。Crito说时刻还早,其他人都在等宣布前他就可以美美享受人间的最后一餐。这里提到“the sun is still upon hill-tops",让我想到前面“the hour of the sunset was near",个体对时间感觉前后不同,突出了对苏格拉底的不舍。等苏格拉底出浴时,那时觉得“太阳都快下山了”;现在却觉得“太阳还在山顶”,时间流逝,太阳却回到“山顶”,学徒都舍不得苏格拉底的“离去”。
1、“Yet," said Crito, "the sun is still upon the hill-tops, and many a one has taken the draught late;
many a one:表示”许多“,后面动词形式是三单。
And so ended his affection, said Elizabeth impatiently. There has been many a one, I fancy, overcome in the same way.
draught:相应的美式说法是draft。正式+文学上的,表示”a medicine in form of a liquid which you drink“,“药水;饮剂”。
Bessie now endeavored to persuade her to take a sedative draught:she succeeded with difficulty.现在贝西竭力说服她服用镇静剂,她好不容易成功了。《简*爱》
2、and after the announcement has been made to him he has eaten and drunk, and indulged in sensual delights;
indulge: to allow (yourself) to have or do something as a special pleasure.(使自己)沉迷,放纵(自己)
We don't encourage them to indulge in any solitary amusements.我们不鼓励他们沉迷任何一个人的娱乐之中。《美丽新世界》
sensual: relating to, devoted to, or producing physical or sexual pleasure愉悦感官的;肉欲的
He was a sensual man, and yet was indifferent to sensual things.他是耽于感官享受的,但对肉欲的事又毫无兴趣。《月亮和六便士》
3、do not hasten then, there is still time."
hasten:to move or act quickly 急忙;赶快;赶紧
He hastened across the grass, and came near to the child.他急匆匆地穿过草地,奔向孩子。《王尔德童话故事精选》
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