

2、M:How often do you go to the movies, Alice,?W:Well,I go to the movies once a week, but my sister goes to the movies once a month .Q: How often does Alice go to the movies?他选了Twice a week.听力材料中根本没有这个信息。

3、A: Look, the tall man over there is very friendly to us.B It  is very lucky of you. Q:What is the tall man like?他选了outgoing 听力材料中没有这个选项。

7W:Hello, it's so cold today, isn't it? M:Yes, it is. Are you here on vacation?W: Yes, Sydney is the second stop of my trip. My first stop is Toronto. I stayed there for a week. M:I wish you have a good time here,。Q:which is the first stop of the woman's trip?他选了Sydney.这个题目没有按常理出牌,而是先说第二站,再加上Toronto的读音不够清晰,导致这一题得分率极低。

15W:Hi Paul, don't you remember me? M:Wow, you are Sophia. W:That's right,。M:but you were short and quiet  when we were in middle school. W:Yes, when I was in middle school I was a little shy when I talk to others M:but now you are different. M:Yes, I like talking with people and making new friends now. I remember you were interested in swimming before,。M:but now I don't often swim. I am busy learning French.Q:What can we get from the conversation?

A paul was a little shy before

B  Sophia likes making new friends.now

C Sophia and Paul are in the same school now.他选择A项,不知道他是没有看清A项的主语是Paul还是没有听清楚。但可以肯定他没有标注选项的关键词。

16-20I'm Fiona and I'm 29 Amber is my pen friend. She is three years younger than me. There is a photo of hers. Look, she is trying Pillar gliding in Malaysia. She is really friendly and outgoing. She works at a hospital. She gets up at seven o'clock every morning. After breakfast she drives to work. The hospital is about thirty minutes ride from her home. She starts working at eight thirty A M and finish at six thirty PM. She is really busy all day, but she likes her job.

16 Amber is( three) years younger than Fiona,

17 Amber is really friendly and (outgoing)

18amber works at a (hospital )19after breakfast, amber (drives )to work,

20 amber is really (busy) all day.


30、I booked a small house for a( week )on the Internet. 他选了month,说明他没有联系42和43空之间的“I had to spend the whole week in that small house.”

31After I arrived in Scotland, I found (nothing) there.-My bags were missing. 他选everything,他可能不理解missing的含义42Unluckily, the mountain road was closed because of the (heavy)snow. 他选wet,有可能不知道heavy snow 是指大雪.

44For about two months, I just stayed at home and (hardly) ever  exercised. 他填了stop.齐缺副45The doctor asked me to (stop )playing computer games. 他填了hardly

52They made me think exercising was an (enjoyable) thing.他填了healthy

53 Sometimes I went to the park and (played) ball games with my friends there.他填了play,没有注意时态54I also started to eat (healthy )food like apples, tomatoes and carrots.他填了enjoyable.

书面表达分析如下:1She play tennis better then me

时态和拼写错误2And we both are very outgoing and friendly. both用法错误3She studies better than me and she always help me with my study. help没有用三单

4I think friend is a mirror.漏了冠词5 let me find myself not good.中文式英文


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