it's time for bed
it want to go home
time is running out
I don't mind him
it messed up
I'm pissed off
what makes you say that
we'll see about that
you can count on me
another day another dollar
humor me
you rock
that was sick
just a heads up
say when
let nature take its course
leave me in peace
you look sharp
let me sleep on it
nice try
I'm stressed out
what's your point
what time do you get off
your don't know shit
I'm your man
my word is my bond
nothing comes from nothing
mark my words
take your time
fake it till you make it
the more the merrier
never ever
please be seated
hear me out
why do you think
you are one to talk
I'm warning you
I'll keep that in mind
I'll consider it
that make sense
what do you see
take it easy
cut the crap
what's your next move
it's my destiny
I was a fool
take care of yourself
you did a good job
I'm so proud of you
I'm on vacation
that a bummer
important looking forward to it
I like being around you
how did you find me
you are my hero
we had a deal
what do you do for a living
you got a lot of never
you wash
you are insane
I come in peace
that s more like it
early bird gets the worm
a little help here
get to the point
get a grip
you are really good at this
cut it out
way ahead of you
nothing more
that's not gonna happen
stop being such a baby
the best is yet to come
we go way back
have a safe trip
let it be
I come in peace
early bird gets the worm
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