Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist
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- Q: Universal Containers sells their subscription products only in whole months. The Users at Universal Containers are sometimes entering values into Start Date and End Date and leaving Subscription Term blank. They are finding that subscription pricing is not working as they would expect because the dates they are choosing do not equate to exact months. This leads to pricing that may be a few cents or even a few dollars off. The Admin would like to find a solution that does not require forcing the users to use Subscription Term. What should be done so that the pricing is rounded to the expected value?
Answer: In the package settings, set Subscription Prorate Precision to Monthly.
Explanation: For quote lengths that include partial months, user can prorate subscription prices by month so it is rounded by month - Q: Universal Containers (UC) wants to use an Option Constraint in a bundle that requires a user to sell Product Option X before they can sell Product Option Y. Sales has indicated that this would be too restrictive, and they want to be able to select Product Option Y as long as Product Option X is an existing asset on the account. UC has approved this change. What should the Admin do to address this change?
A: Mark the "Check Prior Purchases" checkbox as TRUE.
Explanation: When "Check Prior Purchases" is selected on Option Constraint, Salesforce CPQ also evaluates previously purchased units of the constraining option on the quote's parent account. The units must be assets or subscriptions in active contracts. - Q: Universal Containers (UC) wants to set up four separate Template Sections. UC also wants each of these sections to render on its own page, no matter if the text field fills an entire page or not. Which two will determine how the page breaks?
A: Under the Page Break picklist, select the After option on each of the first three Template Sections. Under the Page Break picklist, select the Before option on each of the last three Template Sections.
Explanation: Page Break field on Template Section controls whether page break should be inserted before, after or both before/after this content. Keep with Previous field controls whether an attempt should be made to keep contents together on same page with previous block of content. "Keep With Next" and "Keep Together" are similar settings. - Q: Universal Containers wants to apply an additional discount of 15% to the Quote when Payment Frequency is Monthly or Bi-Weekly and Product A is added or User Count greater than 25 is defined. What is the correct Price Rule Setup?
A: One Price Rule with Conditions Met set to Custom, three Price Conditions, and one Price Action.
Explanation: One Price Action: Apply an additional discount of 15% to the Quote. Price Conditions: Payment Frequency is Monthly or Bi-Weekly (Filter Formula); Product A is added; User Count greater than 25. - Q: Universal Containers has a bundle that has a large number of Product Options. They do not want all of the options available to be visible on the configuration by default. They want the User to click a button within each Feature to see which Product Options are available to be selected, and then have the User select Product Options from that page. How should the Admin set up the bundle for the display to work this way?
A: Select Add as the Option Selection Method on the Bundle product.
Explanation: Determines how user selects options attached to this product. "Click" method presents options with checkboxes next to them. "Add" renders a button which brings up a dialog box with available options. - Q: Universal Containers wants to introduce a new product as an add-on item for an existing bundle that its customers can purchase on a yearly basis. The price of the product will be 15% of the combined prices of the other products and should not contribute value to other Percent of Total subscription products. Which configuration is a valid way to set up this new product?
A. Subscription Pricing: Percent of Total, Percent of Total (%): 15%, Exclude from Percent of Total: True, Subscription Term: 12 - Q: An Admin at Universal Containers wants to configure a bundle with multiple features and have the product code of all options displayed in a single field for easy rendering on the quote document. What should the Admin do to achieve this?
A: Use package product code
E: Set up Component Code and Component Code Position on Product Options and set up Configured Code Pattern on Products. - Q: Universal Containers has a Product that has a Subscription Term of 12 months. Users frequently create Quotes which are longer than this period. When adding this Product to these Quotes, however, the Prorated List Price is the same as the List price. Which action should the Admin take to correct the issue?
A: Populate Default Subscription Term on the Quote Line.
Explanation: The case is that quote's period will be more than 12 months which the ask is the quote line should stays as 12 months for this product (instead of impacted by the periods on quotes). "Default Subscription Term" on Quote Line will only applies if the product is a subscription. It is copied from the Subscription Term of the related product when the line item is first generated. - Q: Universal Containers has a requirement to ensure that Product B is always quoted with Product A in a bundle. The products are in separate features and there is no clear indication that they must be sold together. They implemented a Product Validation rule to fulfill this requirement, but received complaints that it was not user friendly. What other approach should the Admin take to fulfill this requirement?
A: Create a Product Selection rule to add Product B. - Q: Universal Containers wants to give management the ability to override the price of specific products that always contain Discount Schedules. The Admin has determined that setting the product field Price Editable to True will not work, as the discount schedule will still be applied. The Admin decides to create a custom field for custom price entry and Price Rule to inject this value into managed pricing fields. What Salesforce pricing fields should the Price Rule Set?
A: Special Price and Special Price Type.
Explanation: CPQ Price Waterfall: List Price (from price book) => System Discount and adjustment (Contracted Prices, discount schedules, proration, and Special Price if a value exists for Special Price Type) => Regular Price (Prorated list price after system discounts or the Special Price if a Special Price Type is specified) => Additional Discounts (manual entered by user) => Customer Price (Regular Price - Additional Discount) => Partner Discount => Partner Price => Distributor Discount => Net Price (Partner Price - Distributor Discount)
Price Rule will set the Special Price and Special Price Type on Quote line. Special Price Type stores the type (i.e. Contracted Price, Renewal, Custom) of special price offered on this line item. Special Price provided by (volume-discounted) will be overwritten by the Price Rule. - Q: Universal Containers uses Contracted Pricing to set pricing for specific distributors and those distributors' business units (child accounts). Product A has a product family of Storage and a list price of
200 and a filter based on the product family of Storage. Which two ways can the Admin set Product A back to list price on a business unit account?
A: Create a new contracted price for Product A on the business unit account with a price of $300. Set Ignore Parent Contracted Prices to true on the business unit account record. - Q: What is a valid formula for use in a Price Action where Target Object is Quote Line?
A: SBQQ__Product__r.Name - Q: A User creates a quote with these details: No subscription pricing products. Default Product record fields have not been altered. Renewal Model is Contract based. The Quote has been contracted. Which records will be generated?
A: Assets will be created on the account for each product in the quote. - Q: Universal Containers has a quote with the following Process Inputs. The Admin wants questions that change dynamically based on answers to previous questions. For the first question, if the answer to "What business problem are you solving" is: Consolidated IT, then Server Types should be shown as the only next question. If the answer is "Manage Time & Express," then Deployment Options and Commercial Segment should be shown and Server Types should be hidden. How should the quote process be set up to meet this requirement.
Business Solution (What business problem are you solving?); Sever Types (What server types?); Deployment Options (Preferred Depoyment Options); Commercial segment (Commercial Segment).
A: Create a Process Input Condition on Server Types where Business Solution equals "Consolidated IT". Create a Process Input Condition on Deployment Options and Commercial Segment where Business Solutions equals "Manage Time & Expense".
Explanation: Process Input (Inputs into a quote process. Information collected by inputs can be used to drive product selection and configuration). Process Input Condition (PIC determine its visibility based on the answer of other questions.) Input Conditions - An Admin has created a Configuration Attribute on the Product A bundle, and now needs an Identical Configuration Attribute on the Product B bundle that saves its value into the same Quote Line field. Which tasks should the Admin complete to meet this business requirement?
A: Check "Apply to Product Options" on the existing Configuration Attribute, then make Product B an option of Product A.
Explanation: To saves its value into the same Quote Line field, we need to check "Apply to Product Options" on the existing Configuration Attribute. Configuration Attribute is linked with a specific product. So this is the most suitable question across all options.
In reality, I am more keen to do a Global Attribute instead. - Q: A User forgot to store an Additional Discount at the Quote level while they were in the Line Editor. Rather than going back in, they have changed the field on the Quote's detail page. After doing so, however, no prices were updated to reflect the new discount. Which reason could explain this unexpected behavior?
A: The Additional Discount field is not in the Calculating Fields field set.
I tested in my dev org, even though Salesforce said the default field in the the field set will still trigger calculation after removing it. When I removed additional discount from the field set, it is not trigger re-calculation. - Q: Universal Containers needs to set up a bundle so that the sales rep can set some values that apply to the bundle rent (level?), and others that apply to specific options. Which two configurations meet this requirement?
A: Use custom product option fields for option-level values. Use configuration attributes for parent-level values. - Q: Universal Containers would like a specific background color for the column heading of the line item table in the output document. Where should the Admin input the correct hex code to meet this display requirement?
A: In the Shading Color field on the Quote Template record.
E: Shading Color on Quote Template: Color of shading in column headers expressed as a hexadecimal.
Group Shading Color on Quote Template: Color of the shading for table cells that contain group title and description.
Summary Shading Color on Line Column: Specify color (in Hex) for cell background in the summary row for this column. Leaving blank inherits shading color for the template. - Q: The Admin at Universal Containers received feedback that users are trying to reconfigure bundles on renewals quotes and finding that the Configuration Attribute values are blank and must be manually fixed. This issue is not observed on new business quotes. What is the cause and possible resolution to this problem?
A: Field mapping not set up; create field on Subscription/Asset records with the same API name as field on Quote Line.
E: There is no "Preserve for Renewal" on Configuration Attribute; "Preserve Bundle Structure" on Contract is to maintain bundle hierarchy on renewal quotes. The true answer is related to CPQ twin fields ( to Quote Line mapping.png - Q:Universal Containers has a custom Quote Line picklist, "Process." The User will need to set this field for all non-subscription products added to the Quote Line Editor. How should the Admin customize the layout of the Quote Line Editor, so that the Process picklist appears?
A: Edit the "Line Editor" field set on the Quote Line object and drag in the "Process" field. - Q: The Admin has set up a yearly price dimension on Product Z. The User has added Product Z to a quote with a 30-month subscription term and sees that Year 3 is the partial segment, but the customer requires Year 3 to be a full year. What steps should the Admin take to enable the User to choose which year represents the partial segment?
A: Place the "First Segment Term End Date" field into the Line Editor field set on the Quote object. - Q: A User tries to add a specific product to the quote and has typed the full Product Name into the Product Name search filter and clicks apply, but does not see the product in the search results. What is the reason why this product is not displayed?
A: A hidden search filter was set
E: Select to hide this filter from the UI. Hidden filters still contribute to search queries. Set this field with an established filter value if you don’t want users to know that search results are limited. - Q: Universal Containers wants to default information on the Quote Line from a Product field. How should this information be transferred?
A: Create two fields with the same API name and type on the Product and Quote Line.
E: Twin field mapping. - Q: User A at Universal Containers has an active quote with Company A. Before the quote is finalized, however, Universal Containers enters into an agreement with Company A to always provide a 20% discount on one of the products that User A is quoting. An Admin has correctly configured the contracted price. When User A recalculates, however, the contracted price is not applied. What explains this behavior?
A: The contracted price is only applied when adding a product.
E: Salesforce CPQ applies contracted prices only after you add a product to a quote. Editing a contracted price and then recalculating your quote doesn’t pull in the edited values.( - Q: A User at Universal Containers has created a Quote with two Products. Product A has a value of Fixed Price for Subscription Pricing. Products A and B have Asset Conversion populated. Both Products have a Quantity of two. Which two are potential outcomes when the Opportunity associated with the Quote is contracted?
A: One Subscription record and two Asset records will be created; One Subscription record and an Asset record will be created.
E: Product A will be converted into one subscription. Depends on setting, Product B can be converted to one (per quote line) or two assets (per quantity). - Q: Universal Containers wants their documents to be translated into multiple languages. The Admin has already provided translations for the merge fields, but wants to create translations for the static text. What is the proper structure of the variable that represents the translatable static text in Template Content?
A: {!Text.VariableName}
E: Note some reference answer online is wrong. ( - Q: Universal Containers wants to prevent a User from putting in a discretionary discount at or above 40 percent on any quote Line. How should the Admin implement this restriction.
A: A Validation Product Rule will use an Error Condition against the Quote Line object. The Additional Discount (%) field will be tested in the Error Condition.
E: To prevent a scenario to happen, use validation product rule. The % cap isat quote line level, so Summary Variable is not required. In reality, I implemented the restriction at quote level instead of quote line level. - Q: In add-on and renewal scenarios, Universal Containers wants to disable the selection of one-time setup fees in bundles that have previously been sold to the client. The Admin will create a Product Selection Rule that will check if the number of previously sold setup fees is greater than 0. What should the error condition test against?
A: Use a Tested Variable that counts the number of existing setup fee Subscriptions.
E: One-time setup fee can still be set up as subscription product with Subscription Type "One-Time" - Q: The Admin at Universal Containers would like all optional products to be displayed separately from non-optional products. The two-line item sections have been set up in the quote template and named as follows: Required. Optional. What are the two steps the Admin should take in order to finish setting up the quote template?
A: For the Required Section: Filter Field: Optional, Filter Operator: Equals, Filter Value: False; For the Optional Section: Filter Field: Optional, Filter Operator: Equals, Filter Value: True.
E: Template section configuration. - Q: The Admin at Universal Containers created the following range Discount Schedule: The Users are confused by the results when the quantity falls on a number that is the threshold for an Upper/Lower Bound. For example, when 20 is selected, the discount percent is 30%. The users are expecting a discount percent of 20%. Which explanation best explains this phenomenon?
Tier - Lower Bound - Upper Bound - Discount %
1 - 1 - 10 - 10
2 - 10 - 20 - 20
3 - 20 - 30 - 30
A: Lower bound is inclusive, upper bound is exclusive
E: The Lower Bound value is the smallest value needed for the discount. The Upper Bound value is the highest value needed for the discount. However, the Upper Bound value isn’t inclusive. Make sure that your upper bound is one digit higher than the value you want to include. (
Q: The Admin wants to display specific customer information from the Account object onto the output document. Which object should this information be referenced on to be pulled into an HTML Template Content record?
A: QuoteE:
Merge fields supported by CPQ template contents - Q: An Admin has made numerous changes to a Template Content record over the course of a day, and now finds that the "Failed to Load PDF" error message appears when the output document is generated. Which steps should the Admin perform to diagnose the Error?
A: Clone the record, reference the clone in place of the original record, then delete elements (such as table rows) until the template renders.
E: Salesforce supports less HTML tags than a standard HTML editor. There is no built-in syntax check. - Q: Universal Containers has quotes that have multiple Quote Lines for the same Product. They require all Products with the Product Name to be combined and summed into one line on the Quote Document. How should the Admin set up the Quote Template to meet this requirement?
A: Set the Sub Group Field to be Product
E: - Q: Universal Containers wants to calculate the net amount of all hardware products on a quote. For this purpose, the Admin creates a price rule injecting the result of a summary variable into a quote field. Which picklist value(s) from the Calculator Evaluation Event field should be selected for this price rule?
A: After Calculate
E: Considering the sequence, this is the best option. - Q: Universal Containers has Quote Terms specific to Product X and separate Quote Terms specific to Product Y. The Admin has created an output document with separate Template Sections for each set of Quote Terms. Each Template Section references a separate Template Content record. Which tasks should the admin complete to ensure Quote Terms for Product X and Y appear separately in the output document?
A: Set the Product X Template Section filter fields to Product Code = Product X; repeat for Product Y.
E: Quote Template -> Template Section (filter product) -> Template Content (Quote Term) - Q: Universal Containers sells a subscription Product Y that is sometimes sold in yearly segments and sometimes sold in quarterly segments. How should the Admin configure price dimensions for Product Y to allow the User to determine segment length?
A: Create one price dimension with Type set to Custom
E:No multiple time-based dimensions for the same product - Q: An Admin wants to update a field on all Quote Lines based on a Quote field. Which setup should the Admin use?
A: A Price Rule, with conditions that check the Quote field values, and an action to update the Quote Lines.
E: Considering the complex water fall model of price calculation, this will be the best option. Personally, I don't think PB or trigger is a wrong option. - Q: Universal Containers has the following Discount Schedule attached to product L. Product L is a Product Option for two bundles, A and B. A user at Universal Containers has added both bundles to a Quote. In Bundle A, Product L has a Quantity of 7. In Bundle B, Product L has a Quantity of 8. On this Quote, however, both Product Options are being discounted using the second tier in the table above. Which two actions allow both Product Options to be discounted using the first tier?
Lower Bound - Upper Bound - Discount %
0 - 11 - 10%
11 - 21 - 20%
A: Set the Aggregation Scope field on the Discount Schedule to None, as well as uncheck Cross Products.
E: Aggregation Scope (pick list, values: quote, group). This field indicates whether quote lines referencing this schedule should be aggregated within quote, group or not at all for the purposes of volume discount calculation. Default value is blank. Cross Product (checkbox) indicates whether volume discount calculations should aggregate quantities of all products using this schedule.
- Q: The Admin at Universal containers has created a formula field to calculate margin on the Quote Line object. This field should be hidden from all Users that are not Admins or management. How can the Admin accomplish this?
A: Set Visible to false for relevant Profiles on the field-level security for the margin field. - Q: Universal Containers has a new product that they wish to include in one of their bundles. When a User is configuring the bundle, however, the product does not show up. No Product Rules have been configured in this Org. What is a plausible explanation for why this Product is not present?
A: The" Quote Line Visibility" field is set to "Never."
E: . The Quote Line Visibility field on the option is a picklist that determines when options are seen after configuration. Here are the settings. (
- Document Only: Hides the item from the Quote Line Editor, shows it on the output document.
- Editor Only: Hides the item from the output document, shows it in the Quote Line Editor.
- Never: Hides it from both Quote Line Editor and the output document.
- Always (or blank): Shows item in both Quote Line Editor and output document.
Q: Universal Containers has decided to mark up prices instead of discounting. Product A is valued at
20. Product A is a 10% markup and Product B is a 20% markup. Which pricing method would the Admin set up, and what would the final price be for each product?
A: Cost, Product A price would be24
E: -
Q: Universal Containers has a custom picklist filed with three values on their products. The Admin would like to create a Dynamic Bundle to display products if the picklist value matches that of a Configurations Attribute. How should the Admin create Filter Product Rules to meet the business requirement?
A: Create one rule with one condition that compares the product field with the configuration attribute filed.
E: Just need one rule with one condition to compare the values of these two fields. -
Q: Universal Containers has a block priced product, Cloud Contacts, and wants to apply a 10% premium to the product when the payment frequency is annual. Based on the Price Actions below, what is the correct Order for the actions?
- SBQQ__CustomerPrice__c = SBQQ__RegularPrice__c * (1 - SBQQ__ Discount_c)
- SBQQ__NetPrice__c = SBQQ__PartnerPrice__c * (1 - SBQQ__ DistributorDiscount_c)
- SBQQ__PartnerPrice__c = CustomerPrice__c * (1 - SBQQ__ PartnerDiscount_c)
SBQQ__RegularPrice__c = SBQQ__ListPrice__C * 1.1
A: d) a) c) b)
E:CPQ price waterfall
- Q: Universal Containers has an output document with a line item table that currently displays product options that are marked as Included. What step should the Admin take to remove the Included products from the line item table?
A: Set the Show Bundled Products field to False on the Quote Template.
E: Show Bundled Products (checkbox): Select the checkbox if quote line items with Bundled enabled are displayed on quote documents generated from this template.
Similarly, you can choose to show all package product, customer discount, discount schedule, partner discount and renewed products. - Q: Universal Containers plans to sell a configurable group of products but does not want to show the bundle's Parent Product to the Client. What should the Admin do to meet this requirement?
A: Check the Hidden checkbox on the Bundle Product Record.
E: "Hidden" on Quote Line denotes whether this line item is hidden in generated PDF documents.
"Optional" line items don't contribute to quote totals and are not transferred to the Opportunity. "Optional" field is on Quote Line object.
"Exclude From Opportunity" is a Product field that indicates this product should not be transferred to the opportunity. If this flag is selected, the product will not be transferred to the opportunity when a quote is synced with the opportunity. - Q: Universal Containers (UC) has Product Options in a bundle that must be displayed in the Quote Line Editor to the User. However, UC does not want these Product Options to display on the Quote Document that is generated and presented to the Customer. How should the Admin set up the bundle to meet these requirements?
A: Set the Quote Line Visibility field to Editor Only on the Product Option. - Q: On a quote template, the Price line column has a template section "Price Line Items" defined. Which behavior will the Admin observe when generating the output document?
A: "Price Line Items: section will show only the "Price" Line column.
E: Section field on Line Column: indicate a specific section to which this line column applies. No section means the column applies to all sections. - Q: Universal Containers conducts business via channel sales and offers a Partner program, in which Partners receive a different level of discount based on their partnership level and the product family. The CPQ Architect has determined that the Partner discount will be automatically assigned with price rules, based on a lookup table. The CPQ Architect has created the following lookup table with an object named "Partner Program". How many price rules should the Admin create in order to process the four different discounts offered to Partners
Partnership - Family - Discount
Standard - Hardware - 10
Standard - Software - 20
Premium - Hardware - 25
Premium - Software - 50
A: One.
E: Build two look up queries to match Partnership and Family between Quote and Program to figure out the corresponding discount %.
Object manager, price rule -> lookup object -> add "Partner Program" (API name) into the pick list value.
Create one price rule, select "Partner Program" as the look up object.
Create two lookup queries.
- Match Type: field value. Tested object: quote, tested field: Partnership. Operator: "Equal". Lookup Field : Partnership.
- Match Type: field value. Tested object: quote line, tested field: product family. Operator: "Equal". Lookup Field : Family.
Create one price action:
Target Object: Quote Line. Target Field: Partner Discount. Source Lookup Field: Discount.
- When quoting any subscription product, a user at Universal Containers must choose the payment frequency between Monthly or Annually. When frequency is Monthly, Universal Containers wants to apply an automatic uplift of 10% to the price of the subscription service. The Admin decides to use a price rule to implement this requirement and wants to inject the result of a calculation in the List Price field on the quote line. Which formula expression should the Admin set up on the price condition for this uplift price rule?
A: IF(TEXT(Payment_Frequency_c) = “Monthly” , SBQQ_OriginalPrice_c * 1.1, SBQQ_OriginalPrice_c)
E: If we use ListPrice, for Monthly payment, it will multiply by 1.1 each time re-calculation triggered.
Normally, List price is the same as Original price. In scenarios where List Price is changed via custom pricing, Original pricing comes into play. Original price is the price pricebook value of the Product. It can used to compare and contract between the List price (original) and the change in list price (Custom price). - Q: Universal Containers wants to apply different Discount Schedules depending on the currency of the Quote, how should the Admin set this up?
A: Using a Price Rule, Inject the ID of the Discount Schedule sourced from a formula field on the Quote Line.
E: There is no formula method on discount schedule. So use a Price Rule to inject the id of the right discount schedule based on a formula is the best option. - Q: Universal Containers wants their documents to be translated into multiple languages. The Admin has already provided translations for the merge fields, but wants to create translations for the static text. What is the proper structure of the variable that represents the translatable static text in Template Content?
A: {!Text.VariableName}
E: - The Admin at Universal Containers is receiving an "Attempt to de-reference a null object" error when generating a Quote Document after adding the following section to display line items with the Product Family Setup Fees: What change needs to be made to resolve this error?
A: Filter Operator must be populated with Equals.
E: Did not have the section detail. Yet normally this error occurs when there is no records returned (as a result of filter). - Q: The Admin wants quote terms to display on an output document which includes existing admin-created sections. Which object records should the Admin create for the output document?
A: Quote Term, Template Content with Type set to Quote Terms, Template Section
E: Quote Term: Legal term printed on quote document; Term Condition: Condition that determines whether parent quote term is printed or not. To show your term on a quote document, you need a quote template containing a template content record where Type is set to Quote Terms. The questions asks to include existing admin-created sections. - Q: A User at Universal Containers has created a new quote on Opportunity Z, which includes a fixed price subscription product. The Opportunity has been updated to Closed/Won, and the "Contracted" checkbox is marked TRUE; however, the contract is not generated. Which fields are likely causing the issue?
A: Primary and Start Date
E: - Q: Bundle A has four Product Options within Product Feature A: Products A, B, C, and D. When Bundle A is added to a Quote? How should the Admin set up a Discount Schedule so that the quantities of all Product Options on this Quote are aggregate?
A: Set the Discount Schedule on Product Feature A and mark the "Cross Products: Checkbox as TRUE.
E: Discount schedule on Product Feature: applied to the product selected by all options in this feature. This overrides discount schedule selected on the product. Cross Product = true will aggregate the quantities of all Product Options.
Alternatively, Aggregation Scope = Quote with Discount schedule on All Product Options should also work but more trivial to set up. - Q: Universal Containers has a requirement to set a maximum discount approval threshold for the User. This Threshold is a calculated value based on data held in a Custom Object. The Admin has determined that this will require two price rules. The first rule is a lookup rule that Pulls a value from a custom object record and set it to a custom field on the quote line. The second price rule evaluates if the custom field is populated, and if so, it calculates the maximum discount threshold using that value. Both Price Rules have Evaluation Events set to On Calculate. The Second Price Rule is not running. How should the Price Rules be altered so that the second Price Rule will run?
A: The second Price Rule must be in a later Calculator Evaluation Event.
E: Calculator Evaluation Event: When the price condition evaluation scope targets the calculator, choose the action that causes Salesforce CPQ to evaluate the price rule.
- On initialization—After a calculation is triggered, Salesforce CPQ evaluates the price rule during Step 4 of the Loading and Initialization process.
- Before calculate—Before Salesforce CPQ calculates the quote’s price
- On calculate—While Salesforce CPQ calculates the quote’s price
- After calculate—After Salesforce CPQ calculates the quote’s price
The second price rule should be placed as after the first price rule either with a higher order or put into after calculate. In reality, I normally put the second rule into after calculation.
- Q: Universal Containers wants to default the value of the Location process input based on the location determined on the Quote. How should the Admin fulfill this requirement?
A: Add the API name of the Location field on the Quote to the Default Field picklist on process input.
E:Default field on Process Input - Q: Universal Containers has Terms and Conditions it wants to include in documents sent to customers. The Admin is tasked with creating conditional Quote Terms to meet this requirement. Which two options could a condition be tested against in order to determine which Quote Terms will be included on the output document?
A: Summary Variables and Quote field
E: Only two options available: choose a quote field to evaluate in your condition or provide a summary variable. (Test field vs Test variable)
( - Q: An Admin at Universal Containers wants to map configuration attribute values to the quote line in a customer's product catalog. Assuming the field mapping is correct, which setup will prevent the configuration attribute value from being stored on the non-bundle quote line?
A: On the Configuration Attribute, "Apply to Product Options" is not selected. - Q: Universal Containers wants to default information on the Quote Line from a Product field. How should this information be transferred?
A: Create two fields with the same API name and type on the Product and Quote Line. -
Q: An Admin has noticed that the proration for their subscription products is not coming out to what they would expect. With a Start Date of January 1, 2017 and End Date of January 1, 2018, the Prorate Multiplier is coming out to 1.083. The CPQ Admin is expecting a Prorate Multiplier of 1.003. What action should the Admin take to correct this pricing issue?
A: Change the Subscription Prorate Precision in package settings to "Month + Day."
E: By Month 13/12 = 1.083. By day 366/365 = 1.003. By "Month + Day" (12 + 1/(365/12))/12 = 1.003.
The problem with the by day option is that the package setting name is Subscription Prorate Precision otherwise By Day also resulted in the prorate multiplier to 1.003.Subscription Prorate Precision - Q: Universal Containers sells a subscription service priced as follows:
Quantity - Price
First unit - 100 in total
Units 6 to 10 - 9 each
Units 51 and above - $8 each
Which setup should the Admin implement for this pricing model?
A: Two block price records and one discount schedule with three discount tiers.
To make the discount schedule and block work, the pricing method needs to be Block and the Discount Schedule field is populated on the Product record.

- Q: A User at Universal Containers created a quote containing two products. Product A is marked as Include in Percent of Total, with Subscription Pricing blank. Product B has Subscription Pricing set to Percent of Total. When the Contract is renewed, both products are shown in the renewal quote, but Product A has a Net Total of zero. Which reason explains why Product A does not have a non-zero total?
A: Product A is an Asset that the Customer already owns, and will not be priced again. - Q: Universal Containers uses Contracted Pricing to set pricing for specific distributors and those distributors' business units (child accounts). Product A has a product family of Storage and a list price of
200 and a filter based on the product family of Storage. Which two ways can the Admin set Product A back to list price on a business unit account?
A: Create a new contracted price for Product A on the business unit account with a price of $300. Set Ignore Parent Contracted Prices to true on the business unit account record.
E:Ignore Parent Contracted Prices - Q: Universal Containers has a Product Family of "Software". When a Configuration Attribute in their bundle is set to "Minimum," all Software products should be hidden with a Product Rule. Which configuration of conditions and actions should the Admin use to enable this?
A: An Error Condition should be set up to compare the static value, "Minimum," against the Configuration Attribute. A Product Action, using the Filter Field, should be used to hide the Products.
E:Filter Field on Product ActionProduct Action Type will be default filter. Product Rule Type will be filter.
- Q: Universal Containers requires an output document that has Quote Terms localized to three languages, selectable by the user. Which two tasks should the Admin complete to set up localization of the quote PDF?
A: Create Localization records for individual Quote Terms for all three languages. Enable "Allow Output in Different Languages" In the managed package settings.
E: Salesforce CPQ translates values based off the User record's user locale. When Salesforce CPQ creates a quote document while translations are active, it evaluates the User record's user language instead to translate merge field values. When a user translates a record, Salesforce CPQ creates a localization record for each text field that you translated. Depending on your page layout and field-level security settings, some fields might not be visible.
The package setting name is "Enable Multi-Language Translation".Enable Multi-Language TranslationsHowever compared with another two options, this option is closer to the right answer.
- Q: Universal Containers requires a subset of Products to be viewed based on a button on the Quote Line Editor. Which Salesforce CPQ functionality will satisfy this requirement?
A: Custom Action
E: Given it is a button, custom action is the only viable method. Also you can refer to - Q: The Admin at Universal Containers is setting up permissions for internal sales Users. In addition to assigning the Salesforce CPQ User permission set, for which objects do the Users need Read, Create, Edit, Delete permissions?
A: Quote, Quote Line, Quote Line Group, Quote Document
E: - Q: Universal Containers would like to show the Monthly price column on the Quote Document if the quote has payment terms of Net 30. Which two configurations are needed to satisfy this requirement?
A: Fill the Conditional Print Field on the Column Lines object. Create a custom Formula indicating if the Payment Terms Are Net 30.
E: Conditional Print Field On Line Column: controls whether this column prints on generated PDF document. - Q: Users at Universal Containers have reported when amending a contract, the net pricing of some products is incorrect. The Admin has done a preliminary investigation and found that the issue only happens on existing products when their quantity is adjusted. What is the likely cause?
A: The Products have a Discount Schedule and Cross Order is not selected.
E: Quantity adjusted impact price, so it is related to discount schedule. If Cross Order is not checked, discount schedule will only be based on the renewed quote. - Which two objects could a discount schedule be applied and take precedence over discount schedule identified in a product feature?
A: Product Option. Contracted Price.
E:Discount schedule priorities
- Q: When selecting Product Option A inside a bundle, Universal Containers has a requirement that Product Option B's Quantity should be updated in real time. Apply Immediately has been set on Product Option A. Which settings should be used on the Price Rule to meet these requirements?
A: Evaluation Scope = Configurator; Configurator Evaluation Event = Edit
E: Configurator Evaluation Event: Edit/Save. Calculator Evaluation Event: On Initialization/Before Calculate/On Calculate/After Calculate. - Q: The Admin at Universal Containers wants to add Maintenance and Support products to the parent bundle. Maintenance and Support products should display in separate sections during configuration, with the Support products displaying above the Maintenance products. How should the Admin set up the Product to meet both requirements?
A: Create two Product Features, Maintenance and Support. The Support feature should have a lower value in the "Number" field. - Q: Universal Containers would like to display the sum of one of their custom fields within the standard table of the Line Editor. They do not want to replace the subtotal or total fields. Where should the Admin place the custom field to display this total?
A: The Summary Fields field set
E:Quote line Field Set - Q: An Admin has created a new bundle, and a Product Rule associated with it. Universal Containers want the Product Rule to fire within this specific bundle. Which is a valid setup for the Configuration Rule?
A: The Configuration Rule must be associated with the Parent Product in the bundle. - Q: The Admin at Universal Containers set up a Price Rule to override List Price with a discounted promotional price. The Price Action has a formula which is as follows: SBQQ_ListPrice_c * (1 - Promotional_Discount_c). The Admin is finding that every Calculate is clicked, the price is adjusted.
For example, if List Price is $10.00 and promotional discount is 10%: 10.00 * (1 - 020) = 9.00.
The next time calculate is clicked, the following calculation takes place: 9 * (1-0.10) = 8.10. If List Price must be overridden, how can this problem be fixed?
A: The Salesforce CPQ package has an Original Price field which should be used instead of List Price in the formula.

The above formula makes the list price = list price * 0.9 hence the problem.
Q: An Admin has set up option constraints in the Universal Container sandbox where Product A depends on the selection of Product B. During testing, it is determined that Product A can be selected regardless of whether Product B has been selected or not. Why is this happening?
A: The Option Constraint has not been activated. -
Q: The Admin wants to display specific customer information from the Account object onto the output document. Which object should this information be referenced on to be pulled into an HTML. Template Content record.
A: Quote. -
Q: An Admin at Universal Containers wants to set up a product bundle that dynamically generates SKUs depending on what their users choose during the selling process. Which three fields are required for this type of configuration?
A: Component Code Position, Component Code, Configured Code Pattern
79.Q: Universal Containers allows clients to negotiate a discount for Product A until a specified date up contract activation. Which three fields on the Contracted Price record should be configured to satisfy this requirement?
A: Product, Expiration Date, Discount
E: Three elements of the ask: applicable to Product A - Product; until a specific date: expiration date; discount: discount.
A: Universal Containers need to generate two styles of PDF output, one that includes prices in the line item table of the quote is primary, and another that hides prices when the quote is not primary. Where should the Admin reference the primary checkbox field to set up this requirement?
A: In the Conditional Print Field of a Template Section for only price Line Columns.
E: Conditional Print Field on Template Section: field on quote object that controls whether this section prints on generated PDF documents; Conditional Print Field on Line Column: Field on quote object that controls whether this column prints on generated PDF document.
The above answer narrowed down the scope of impacted price line columns within a specific template section. -
Q: An Admin has created a validation product rule that must display an error message upon clicking Save if a product option is selected while a configuration attribute is set to a specific value. When the user chooses the product option, then sets the configuration attribute to the specific value, the error message appears before Save is clicked. Which two should the Admin change the rule or configuration attributes so that the error message only appears upon clicking Save?
A: Change the configuration attribute field Apply Immediately to False. Change the product rule field Evaluation Event to Save. -
Q: Universal Containers wants line items to be organized into pre-defined groups on the output document. The name of these pre-defined groups needs to be displayed above each group in the output to identify it. Which two ways can an Admin meet this requirement?
A: Set the Group Filed field on the Quote Template or Template Section records.
Create Solution Groups, allowing users to group products on the Quote Line Editor.
E: Template Content does not have Group field. Solution Group: Pre-defined group from which groups of line items on individual quotes may be created.
Option1: Create Solution Groups and enable in package setting.Solution Groups based PDFOption 2: Use Group field on Quote Template
Group field based PDF -
Q: Universal Containers has set up a lookup field, Distributor__c, on the Quote Line Group to identify different distributors fulfilling specific groups of products on a quote. Distributor accounts have a Discount_Level_c field on them populated with the base discount that products quoted through that distributor should receive. Which set of actions should the Admin take to ensure that the distributor receives the appropriate base discount?
A: Create a formula field on quote Line, SBQQ_Group_r. Distributor_r.Discount_Level_c. Create a Price Rule that has a Price Condition where. Object equals Quote Line. Tested Field equals the newly created formula field. Add a Price Action to the price Rule where Source Field equals the newly created formula field.
E: Tested in CPQ Dev Org.

Add this formula field to Field On Price Condition.

I used formula instead of source field.

Add two groups, Partner 1 group has distributor whose discount level is 1. Partner 2 group has distributor whose discount level is 3. The discount % is 0.05 * discount level.

Note: I need to disable legacy calculator in the package setting.

The formula variable is slightly differently with the option. On Salesforce forum, option 1 is not recommended.
84 Q: A user at Universal Containers has logged a ticket stating that Cloud Storage Support is priced incorrectly. Based on a Quote with a 12-month Subscription Term and the information below, take the first steps in verifying their claim by calculating the support pricing. What is the calculated List Unit Price the user should see for Cloud Storage Support?
Cloud Storage
List Unit Price - 1000
Net Unit Price - 500
Default Subscription Term - 12
Subscription Pricing - Fixed Price
Include in Percent of Total - False
Exclude From Percent of Total - False
Cloud Backup
List Unit Price - 500
Net Unit Price - 250
Default Subscription Term - 12
Subscription Pricing - Fixed Price
Include in Percent of Total - TRUE
Exclude From Percent of Total - False
Cloud Storage Ent Replication
List Unit Price - 4,000
Net Unit Price - $ 2,000
Default Subscription Term - 12
Subscription Pricing - Fixed Price
Include in Percent of Total - TRUE
Exclude From Percent of Total - False
Cloud Storage Support
Default Subscription Term - 1
Subscription Pricing - Percent of Total
Percent of Total Base - Net
Percent of Total (%) - 10%
A: (250+2000) * 0.1 = 225
E: You can select Exclude From Percent of Total to exclude a non-subscription product from all percent of total calculations. And you can select Include In Percent of Total to include a subscription product in all percent of total calculations. The above products are all subscription based, so Include flag is applicable.
Q: A Universal Containers User states that a Configuration Attribute value can be set up during the initial configuration, but the value is not present when they reconfigure. What should the Admin check to ensure the Configuration Attribute value is properly saved?
A: A twin field must be created on the Quote Line object. -
Q: Universal Containers sells a monthly subscription service that is offered to their clients with a ramp option. This subscription is priced with a setup fee, an installation fee, and a recurring fee. Which set of actions would meet these requirements?
A: Create a single product with two one-time price dimensions and one monthly price dimension.
E: Type on Price Dimensions: For multi-dimensional products, the type of Price Dimension: One-Time or Yearly. Yearly Dimensions are always treated as Subscriptions. -
Q: The Admin wants to ensure that within one bundle. Products A and B cannot both be added to the quote. During Configuration, the user should be able to freely switch between these options. If a user selects both, the system should only add Product A to the quote rather than product B. Which setup should the Admin use to meet these requirements?
A: A Product Selection Rule where two Error conditions with Summary Variables test of Product A and B have both been selected. If so, a Product Action will remove Product B. -
Q: Universal Containers sells products that require serial numbers assigned to each product that is sold. These products do not expire and the serial number is assigned to each record after the contract is created. Which Product field value should the Admin set up to handle this use case?
A: Asset Conversion: One Per Unit -
Q: A User creates a quote with these details: No subscription pricing products. Default Product record fields have not been altered. Renewal Model is Contract - based. The Quote has been contracted. Which records will be generated?
A: Assets will be created on the account for each product in the quote. -
Q: Universal Containers has products that will only be utilized as Product options inside five different bundle products. When a User adds products to the Quote Line Editor, Universal Containers would like Bundle products to show in the product Selection page. Products that are Product Options of the bundle to not show in the Product Selection page. How should the Admin set up the bundle?
A: Select the Component checkbox on any Product that is a Product Option for the bundle.
E: Component field on Product object: Marks this product as a component, excluding it from selection in product lookup. -
Universal Containers wants to create a new product that will be sold as part of a bundle. The product should be priced as 10% of all components' net total price and carry a term of 12 months, The Product has been configured as such. Which product and option configuration will attain the required pricing?
Percent of Total (%): 10
Subscription Term: 12
Object - Field - Data
Product - Subscription Pricing - Percent of Total
Product - Percent Of Total Base - Net
Option - Percent of Total Scope - Components
Q: Universal Containers has seven different sets of questions for its users to consider before displaying a subset of its complete product catalog for selection onto the quote. The set of applicable questions is determined by the answer to an initial question. How should the Admin set this up?
A: Create one quote process and dynamically display subsequent questions depending on answers to the prior question. -
Q: The Admin decides to use a price rule to set a default 10% discount on Product A if a client has already purchased this item. Product A is non-subscription product. The Admin has already created price conditions to target quote lines for Product A where the additional discount fields are not populated. Which set of additional actions should the Admin take to support this prior purchase constraint?
A: Create a summary variable counting the asset records for product A and create a price condition verifying that the summary variable is greater than the value 0.
E: Summary variable:Aggregate Assets -
Universal Containers sells a monthly subscription service with tiered pricing:
Total Price
1,000 for the first 100 units
1,000 plus 8 per unit above 500
8,600 plus $7 per unit above 1,000
Which pricing method should the Admin Select for this service?
A: Block
E: Block (and overate feature of block)
Q: Users should be able to quote ramp deals with non-consecutive time period. Which setting should the Admin turn on for this requirement?
A: Select the Allow Non-Consecutive Custom Segments checkbox on the salesforce CPQ package settings.
E:Allow Non-Consecutive Custom Segments package setting -
Q: Universal Containers wants to have quantity requirements for certain Product options in a bundle. The Product Option's quantity must be multiplied by the quantity of the bundle product. How should the Admin set this up in the bundle to meet the requirement?
A: Select Component as the Type field on the Product Option.
E: Type On Product Option: Use "Component" if this option, including quantity, is dependent on parent. Use" Accessory" if this option is dependent on parent but quantity is independent. Use "Related Product" for related but fully independent products. -
Q: The Admin at Universal Containers has a requirement within a specific bundle to ensure that product B it is automatically selected when the User selects Product A. The Admin correctly configured it Product Rule to meet this requirement, however the rule does not fire when Product A is selected. What needs to be adjusted so that the Product Rule fires as expected?
A: Set Apply Immediately to True on Product Option record for Product A.
E: Apply Immediately is only available on Product Option - Flag that indicates changes to this option should apply immediately.
Changes to this product option’s fields take effect immediately in the configurator. When this field is inactive, Salesforce CPQ doesn't apply changes until the sales rep saves the bundle or navigates to a different bundle level. We recommend enabling this field sparingly to avoid a slow user experience. To give sales reps the option to run edit rules on demand, you can also use the Apply Rules custom action. The Apply Rules custom action is a button that allows users to run edit rules when changing a bundle. -
Q: The Admin has set up a yearly price dimension on Product Z. The User has added Product Z to a quote with a 30-month subscription term and sees that Year 3 is the partial segment, but the customer requires Year 3 to be full year. What steps should the Admin take to enable the User to choose which year represents the partial segment
A: Place the "First Segment Term End Date" field into the Line Editor field set on the Quote object.
E: Define the first segment, and then the system will sort the rest out -
Q: Universal Containers wants to prevent users from selecting a Product Option when a conflicting one has been chosen. The Product Options that should not be selected should not be displayed to the users. The Admin needs to set up a Product Selection Rule to meet this requirement. Which Type should be used for the product Action?
A: Hide and Remove -
Q: An Admin at Universal Containers wants Configuration Attribute X to appear on the configuration page of bundle Y. The value selected will drive a Selection Product Rule, and will also be listed in a Line Item Column in the output document. On which objects will the Admin need to create the Configuration Attribute X custom field in order to meet his requirements?
A: Product Option and Quote Line
E: -
Q: Which field is used to prevent a product from showing up on the Opportunity?
A: Exclude from Opportunity -
Q: Universal containers has 3 different levels of SLAs but they do not want to sell more than 1
per quote. What setup should be done to accomplish this?
--Include the number of product rules, error conditions, and product rule type
A: 1 product rules, 1 error conditions, product rule type: validation. -
Q: You have a bundle with 3 options and you want to make sure your users can see them in the
configurator. Which two things must be done on the product object?
A: Configuration Type = Allowed & Configuration Event = Always
E: Configuration type of this product: Choose Allowed if the user is allowed to configure the product/bundle, but not required to, Disabled when your bundle automatically selects options, or Required if the product/bundle must be configured.
Configuration Event: Use this to control when Configure Products screen shows up for this product. Choose "Add" to limit to initial configuration. Choose "Edit" to subsequent configuration. -
Q: During the implementation phase, your company discusses having pre-set filters for viewing products in the Configurator. What setup steps should be done to accomplish this?
A: Create a Custom Action with a Search Filter and set to Default
Product filtering rule is only applicable to bundle. -
Q: Your company wants to utilize guided selling in order to help the Sales Reps correctly
access the products that should be sold. There are 3 questions that will be asked to Sales
- What is the deployment setting?
- What is the deployment type?
- What is the number of users at the location?
Your boss has said that the responses available for deployment type should be based on
deployment setting and the responses for the number of users dependent on deployment type.
Based on the above information, what is the correct configuration for setting up Guided Selling?
A: There should 1 Quote Process; 3 Process Inputs; 2 Process Input Conditions. The
conditions should be made on the deployment type and the number of users inputs.
E: When a question is based on the other question's input, the process input condition is on that question. So Deployment type and the # of users will have process input conditions on them.
Q: All About Laptops have several different configurations for their laptops. They want that the
bundle parent sku to show up on the Quote. Which fields are required in order for the SKU to
show up on the Quote?
A: Component Code on Product Option; Configured Code Pattern on Product; Package Product Code on Quote Line -
Q: You have two product options, A and B. Only one of the options can be selected at a time
for the bundle. Your boss has requested that you not use a Product Rule. What can be used
Constraining field on Option Constraints on the Product record for Option A;
Constrained field on Option Constraints on the Product record for Option B
108: Q: What is the max number of columns you can have for Configuration Attributes?
A: 3
E: Columns are comprised of a picklist (of 1, 2, or 3) for each Configuration Attribute. A maximum of 3 columns is allowed.
Q: How can an Admin note that a Product is a subscription product?
A: Populate the Subscription Pricing field
E: Subscription Pricing field on Product: Fixed Price vs Percent of Total - Type of pricing to use for this subscription. "None" means this product is not a subscription. -
Q: Which field indicates on the product record how it will be converted to an Asset (unit vs line
A: Asset Conversion -
Three purposes of guided selling: Questions as product filters, Drive users to select products based on answers, Provide conditional logic for questions.
Q: UC created a custom action and they want it to be added under the "Add Products" menu.
How can this be accomplished?
A: Create a Custom Action record, Populate the Parent Custom Action field with a lookup to the "Add Products", Mark it the Custom Action record Active. -
Q: Universal Containers has a 3 year segmented Product which also has an activation fee.
When generating a Price Rule for this Product, what will the segment index of the activation fee
A: 0
E: Tested, one-time dimension ended up as 0.Segment Index for one-time price dimension -
Q: If the list price is $100 for Product A and there is 5% Partner Discount and a 10% Distributor
Discount, what is the net price (assuming no other discounts)?
A: 100* (1-0.05) * (1-0.1) = 85.5
E: Net Price = Partner Price minus Distributor Discount, final price for the line -
Q: What are the two variations for Discount Schedules to be applied
A: Unit and Term Length
E: Volume based Discount Schedule for non-subscription product and Term length based Discount Schedule for subscription product. -
Q: The Regular price is the result after applying which discount level?
A: System -
Q: UC has an hourly product that can be segmented over a period of months. For example, 25
hours in the 1st month and 15 hours over the remaining months of the term. What type of
pricing record should be created to match this use case?
A: Monthly Price Dimension on the Hourly Product record -
Q: What field can be used by the Sales rep to enter a total amount for the Quote?
A: Target Customer Amount on the Quote -
Q: How can a discount schedule be created without a set overage rate?
A: Discount Schedule + Block Pricing -
Q: If you want the discount schedule to change based on the quantity of the product set on the
Quote, which is the correct setup?
A: Aggregation Scope -> Quote
E: This field indicates whether quote lines referencing this schedule should be aggregated within quote, group or not at all for the purposes of volume discount calculation. -
Q: What is necessary in order to calculate Margin?
A: Cost -
Q: A user enters $50 into the price field for the product on the Quote. Which price does it
A: Regular -
Q: UC sells a subscription product X in yearly segments. The user should not be able to
discount the first segment. How can this be accomplished?
A: Write a price rule with a price condition checking the product code = product X and a
price condition checking segment index= 1. Include a price action that marks Non-Discountable = TRUE
E: Segment index = 1: first segment; Non-Discountable on quote line marks this quote line as non discountable. -
Q: You have a sales rep complaining that they can't see a newly added product in the
configurator. You have already confirmed that the product is Active. What would be the next
troubleshooting step to check?
A: Check that there is a Pricebook Entry for the currency in use
E: Not sure the exact options we have, however the steps of troubleshooting:
Navigate to the impacted Product record(s) and make sure the Active checkbox is set to True; If the Product record has Component set to True, the Product record won't display while users are searching products; Navigate to the Search Filters tab and verify that there are no Search Filters defined that would exclude the Product from Product Selection; Navigate to the Product's Pricebook Entries and verify there is an active Price for the Pricebook defined on the Quote. This can be found in either Pricebook or PricebookID fields on the Quote record. If your org has Multi-Currency enabled, each Product requires an active Pricebook Entry in the Pricebook defined on the Quote, as well as one that corresponds to that Quote's currency; For MDQ (Multi-Dimensional Quoting) Products in a Multi-Currency org, ensure there is at least one Price Dimension created per currency. -
Q: Company ABC has a product that is sold in sets of 10 units. ABC wants the discount schedule to apply at a rate of whatever tier is applicable based on the quote quantity. When setting up the discount schedule what should the Type field be set to?
A: Range. -
Q: Company XPY has a subscription product that when quoted with a payment frequency of
monthly, should be given an uplift percent of 5%. The price update should override the List Price
filed on the Product. Which formula is correct for overriding List Price?
A: IF(TEXT(Payment_Frequency_c) = "Monthly", SBQQ_OriginalPrice_c * 1.05, SBQQ_OriginalPrice_c) -
Q: If two price rules share the same evaluation event, then the result of the first rule can be
used in the creation of the second rule.
A: False
E: When two price rules share an evaluation event, the earliest-firing price action’s target field value isn’t usable in the other rule’s price condition. Salesforce CPQ evaluates all an evaluation event’s conditions simultaneously. Actions then fire sequentially for rules whose conditions have been met. An action from one rule in an evaluation event can’t influence the conditions of another rule in the same evaluation event. -
Q: UC has a yearly subscription product that is an add-on to a bundle. The price of the product needs to be 15% of all product on the quote. What is the correct configuration for this product?
A: Subscription Pricing = Percent of Total; Percent of Total (%) = 15%; Percent of Total Base = List; Subscription Term = 12 -
Q: Product X must be 10% of all other fixed cost products. Which two options are valid configurations?
A: Pricing Method set to Percent of Total and Subscription Pricing blank; Pricing Method set to Percent of Total and Subscription Pricing set to Percent of Total.
E: Price Method works when Subscription Pricing is blank; otherwise Subscription pricing takes effect. -
Q: Which objects can a price rule inject into?
A: Quote; Quote Line.
Price rules inject a static value, field value, or summary variable into a quote or quote line field ( object for price action
Q: Universal Containers has a promo code field that is used in a price rule that is filled at the Quote level. One of the Sales reps say that when they populate the field, the promo price does not go into effect. What could be the reason behind this issue?
A: The promo code field is not included in the Calculating Fields field set;
The price rule is not active.
E: Price rule is inactive so nothing works. The promo code field is not included in the Calculating Fields field set, then value change of this field will not trigger re-calculation. -
Q: Type of Template Content
A: HTML, Quote Terms, Line Items, Custom, Template Top, Template Bottom
E: -
Q: Your sales rep says that they don't see any Quote Terms when viewing the document. What are two valid reasons why this would happen?
A: Quote Terms are inactive; There is not Quote Terms Template Section. -
Q: A template content record is required to see Line Items on a
Quote Document.
A: True -
Q: If you want to add fields to the Quote Line, where do you make that edit?
A: Line Editor Field Set -
Q: Which of these is not a valid mapping for using the auto-mapping functionality?
A: Product --> Order Product
E: field mapping -
There is no weekly option for the subscription prorate precision
Q: What is the CPQ best practice for ensuring admins and users have the correct permissions?
A: Permission Sets
E: -
Q: What is the correct API name for the special field, Overage Rate?
A: OverageRate__c
Special fields are created by users thus package fix does not exist. -
Q: What must be marked on an Opportunity to get to a Renewal Opportunity?
A: Contracted = True; Renewal Forecast = True
There is no "Amended" field on Opportunity. "Renewal" just indicates the current opp is a renewal opp. -
Q: Your users would like to have the ability to delete multiple line items from a Quote. Where do
you go to make this modification?
A: Configuration settings for the CPQ installed package
E:Package Setting: Enable Multi Line Delete -
Q: Universal Containers has these conditions, that when met, an additional discount of 15% will be automatically added to the overall quote. 1. Revenue Account on the quote object is set as "Interest Revenue". 2. Product A has been added to the quote line. 3. User Count on the account is greater than 25.
According to the business requirements, either the Revenue Account is set to "Interest Revenue" or both Product A needs to exist on the quote line and the User Count needs to be greater than 25 in order for the additional discount to be applied. How can the CPQ Admin set this up in advanced conditions on a price rule to reflect this requirement?
A: 1 OR (2 AND 3)
- Universal Containers sells a subscription Product Z that is sold in yearly segments, but would like to prevent the User from discounting the first segment.
How should the CPQ Admin ensure the User will not be able to discount the first segment? Choose one answer
A: Write a Price Rule to run when Product Code = Product Z and Segment Index = 1, with a Price Action setting Non Discountable to True.
E: Non Discountable on CPQ Quote Line: marks this line item as non-discountable. Segment Index: For multi-segmented Products, Index representing this Quote Line's position in the segment table. Start from 1.
Q: In order to assign a fixed price to a Product based on a range of quantities (which would override the automatic calculation of quantity x unit price) you would use?
A: Block Pricing -
Q: To validate inside the Line Editor page, it is best practice to build a standard Salesforce Validation.
A: False, Steelbrick Product Rule should be used for validation -
Q: Which is the correct format for creating a subgroup label that dynamically pulls the subgroup field value if grouping by Product Family?
A: Subtotal for {0}
E: -
Q: Admins must create custom objects when leveraging
A: Lookup tables
E: I assume this refers to lookup queries, but new custom objects are not necessary. -
Q: What type(s) of email template formats does SBAA allow?
A: Visualforce
E: -
Q: Suppose you have several Product Rules with conditions that evaluate a Configuration Attribute. You want the rules to fire immediately when the user changes the value of the Configuration Attribute. How do you accomplish this?
A: Check the Apply Immediately checkbox on the Configuration Attribute record
E: Apply Immediately on CPQ Configuration Attribute which indicates changes to this configuration attribute should apply immediately. There is no run immediately on CPQ product rule. -
Q: Approver records are not required when using dynamic approvers
A: False.
E: -
Q: Administrators can control the location of Configuration Attributes using row and column orders.
A: True -
Q: Which of the following is not automated as part of the subscription process in Steelbrick?
A: Renewal quote opportunity status
E: Price, Prorating and Co-terminating contracts are part of Salesforce CPQ automated features -
Q: Composite Summary Variables are Summary Variables that are combined with an additional calculation
A: True
E: -
Summary Variables can be used in Rule Conditions.
Q: Which of the following is not a standard pricing method in Steelbrick CPQ?
A: Rollback pricing
E: Block pricing, list pricing and cost pricing are standard pricing methods in Salesforce CPQ. -
Q: What does ApprovalsArchived__c need to return to properly archive approval records?
A: Enter 1
E: -
Q: Which type of Discount Schedule would you select if you wanted a blended discount rate applied across all units?
A: Slab
E: Use the Type field to determine how Salesforce CPQ applies the discount.
Range : Products are discounted at the rate of whatever tier applies to the quoted quantity. Let’s say you ordered 30 products under the discount schedule in the first two paragraphs. All 30 units receive a 30% discount. Only range-type discount schedules can be term discount schedules.
Slab: Units within a certain bound receive discounts equal to their tier’s discount value. Let’s say you ordered 30 products under the discount schedule in the first two paragraphs. Units 1 through 9 receive a 10% discount, units 10 through 19 receive a 20% discount, and units 20 through 30 receive a 30% discount. Slab discount products aren't allowed on partial orders. -
Q: Which of the following is not part of the structure of a Pricing Rule
A: Price Display
E: Price Rule Detail, Price Conditions, Lookup Queries and Price Actions are included. -
Q: In order to apply a filter to the results of a dynamic bundle, admins must create a supporting
A: Product Rule -
Q: In order for Contracts and Renewals to work properly, when Contracting the Opportunity, the Quote:
A: must be primary; must have a start date; must have subscription items on the quote
E: -
What additional field is required for all records when using Approval Variables vs. Summary Variables?
A: Type
"Combine With" is optional. -
Part of product bundle: product, option, feature, option constraints.
Q: To assign a specific Discount Schedule to an Account (that is active for a specified Start & End Date) you would create a
A: Contracted Price -
Q: When using a Price Rule to insert a Discount Schedule, which of the following information is used to identify the specific Discount Schedule
A: Salesforce ID of the Discount Schedule -
Q: Different types of discounts (amounts and percent) can be specified on each Discount tier
A: false
E: Type is specified at discount schedule not at discount tier. -
Q: Suppose an Ice Cream Cone bundle contains Product Options for Whipped Cream and Cherries. If Whipped Cream must be selected before Cherries become an available choice, Whipped Cream is the
A: Constraining Option -
Discount Schedules can only be assigned to a product record to effect tiered pricing.
A: False -
Q: Which of the following is the correct API name to enable Overage Rate for Block Prices?
A: OverageRate__c
E: -
Q: MDQ products are automatically removed from normal Line Item tables whenever an output document includes an MDQ specific table layout in another section.
A: False. -
Dynamic bundles without a filter will show all products.
Formula fields may be used as a Conditional Print Field to control whether a section appears or not.
Q: Upon checking the Contracted checkbox on an Amendment Opportunity, a new Contract is generated.
A: False.
"Contracted" checkbox is not used for Amendment -
Q: Which of the following API names identifies a Steelbrick native field?
A: SBQQ__PricingMethod__c -
Q: Which of the following in-flight contract modifications may preserve bundle structure?
A: Amendments
E: In Salesforce CPQ Spring ’19 and later, a contract’s Preserve Bundle Structure field must be selected before users can amend that contract. To update Preserve Bundle Structure on the current contracts in your Salesforce org, we recommend using a Process Builder or Workflow rule. -
Q: If a Product Option is unavailable for selection because of an Option Constraint, how will this appear to the user?
A: The checkbox or radio button for the Product Option is greyed out -
Q: What is the only proper example of how to format for inserted merge data into output document template content?
A: {!quote.SBQQ__ExpirationDate__c} -
Q: Select the types of Option Constraints available in Steelbrick
A: Dependency and Exclusion
E: -
A: The picklist used to display Quote Line Views must have which field name
A:: EditLinesFieldSetName
E: -
Q: Custom actions provide a user clickable button which can:
A: Present a filtered list of products
E: -
Pro-rate precision option: Day, Month, Calendar monthly + Day, Day with Calendar Month Weighted, Monthly + Daily
Q: Approval rules with a unanimous approval group will create one approval record that tracks all group members approval.
A: False
E: More than one, one per member. -
Q: Using Bundles allows you to have multiple price books on an opportunity?
A: False -
If you had a Pricing Tier that was 1-10, what would you set the Upper Bound quantity to
A: 11
E: Upper Bound is not included -
Q: How do you ensure that the value a user inputs into a Configuration Attribute is preserved so that the user does not need to re-enter it when reconfiguring the bundle at a later time?
A: Create a field on the Quote Line object that has the same data type and API name as the field you created on the Product Option object -
Q: Outputting subgroup totals in the proposal document is determined by populating which two fields within the line column at the bottom of which you want the total to display?
A: Summary Level and Summary Function
E: -
In order to control visibility on entire sections or individual line columns, which field must be populated within the template section.
A: Conditional Print Field -
Option constraints can be used to constrain products that are not in a bundle.
A: False -
All approval chains MUST kick off in step 1 of the approval process.
A: False
E: You can also run several approval chains simultaneously. All chains are initiated when an approval is requested, even if they begin on different steps. -
A Lookup Query may return a value to only be used within a Steelbrick managed field.
A: False -
Where will you navigate in order to adjust column width when formatting Quote lines on the output document?
A: Line Columns
E: -
Universal Containers has a bundle configured and wants to add user selectable products to the configuration that will affect the bundle price.
How should the CPQ Admin configure the bundle?
A: As a Product Option. -
When configuring a bundle, Universal Containers users must select Product B and Product C in order to add Maintenance Product A.
How should the CPQ Admin set this up to meet the requirement?
A: Create an Option Constraint Group "Maintenance" to require that Product A can only be selected when Products B and C are selected.
E: Option Constraint Group Use this field if you have multiple constraints targeting a constrained option and want to require the selection of all their constraining options. In this case, Salesforce CPQ selects the constraining options of all constraint records where the Option Constraining Group has the same value. This feature is useful if you want to require or exclude options based on combinations of other options. The value can be any text string, but we recommend making it descriptive and easy to remember.
Product B and C are must-have for Product A. So both product B and product C are constraining options for Product A. -
Based on a customer's requirements, the CPQ Admin has created multiple configuration attributes and assigned them to a single feature.
Which configuration is valid for displaying the attributes?
A: Above or below all product options in the feature.
E: Position Choose where your configuration attribute appears in the configurator.
If this configuration attribute doesn’t have a feature, it can appear above or below the bundle’s product options.
If this configuration attribute has a feature, it can appear above or below the product option within that feature.
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