A new word: complement

complement, verb, /ˈkɑːmpləment/

to make a good combination with someone or something else. 

to complete something else or make it better. 

to add to sth in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive.

John and Bob complemented each other well.

The dark red walls complement the red leather chairs.


In everyday English, people usually say that something goes well with another thing, or they go well together, rather than say they complement each other:

· White wine goes well with fish.

The shirt complements the suit nicely.

a delicious dinner complemented by a splendid dessert.

The soup and salad complement each other well.

The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list.

The team needs players who complement each other.

complement, noun, /ˈkɑːmpləment/

someone or something that emphasizes the good qualities of another person or thing.  

something that completes something else or makes it better. a thing that adds new qualities to sth in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive.

complement to

This wine would be a nice complement to grilled dishes.

The scarf is a perfect complement to her outfit.

the number or quantity needed to make a group complete.  

the usual number or quantity of something that is needed or used. 

the complete number or quantity needed or allowed.

complement of

Each new cell will carry its full complement of chromosomes.

a full complement of farm animals.

her usual complement of attendants.

a ship's complement of officers.

We've taken our full complement of trainees this year.

(technical) a word or phrase that follows a verb and describes the subject of the verb. In ‘John is cold’ and ‘John became chairman’, ‘cold’ and ‘chairman’ are complements. 

GRAMMAR : a word or group of words added to a sentence to make it complete “President” in “they elected her president” and “to work” in “he wants to work” are different kinds of complements. 

(grammar) a word or phrase, especially an adjective or a noun, that is used after linking verbs such as be and become, and describes the subject of the verb. 

In some descriptions of grammar it is used to refer to any word or phrase which is governed by a verb and usually comes after the verb in a sentence

In the sentences ‘I'm angry’ and ‘He became a politician’, ‘angry’ and ‘politician’ are complements.


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