The Story of Philosophy《哲学的故事》第1章Plato第4节IV. The Ethical Problem第4段引文第2句:
This, of course, is the doctrine which our own day more or less correctly associates with the name of Nietzsche. "Verily I laughed many a time over the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had lame paws."11 Stirner expressed the idea briefly when he said that "a handful of might is better than a bagful of right." Perhaps nowhere in the history of philosophy is the doctrine better formulated than by Plato himself in another dialogue, Gorgias (483 f), where the Sophist Calicoes denounces morality as an invention of the weak to neutralize the strength of the strong.
They distribute praise and censure with a view to their own interests; they say that dishonesty is shameful and unjust — meaning by dishonesty the desire to have more than their neighbors; for knowing their own inferiority, they would be only too glad to have equality…. But if there were a man who had sufficient force [enter the Superman], he would shake off and break through and escape from all this; he would trample under foot all our formulas and spells and charms, and our laws, that sin against nature…. He who would truly live ought to allow his desires to wax to the uttermost; but when they have grown to their greatest he should have courage and intelligence to minister to them, and to satisfy all his longings. And this I affirm to be natural justice and nobility. But the many cannot do this; and therefore they blame such persons, because they are ashamed of their own inability, which they desire to conceal; and hence they call intemperance base…. They enslave the nobler natures, and they praise justice only because they are cowards.
11Thus Spake Zarathustra, New York, 1906, P.166
1、 But if there were a man who had sufficient force [enter the Superman], he would shake off and break through and escape from all this;
shake off: get rid of 摆脱
China and India have shaken off foreign predators and become global powers.中国和印度都摆脱了外国列强的统治,并位于世界强国之列。
2、 he would trample under foot all our formulas and spells and charms, and our laws, that sin against nature….
trample: to treat other people's rights, wishes, or feelings as if they are worthless or not important践踏;无视;伤害
They tore society to pieces and trampled it under foot. 他们把社会撕成碎片,用脚践踏它。《亨利·亚当斯的教育》
spells and charms:“spell”与“charm”是近义词,都有“符咒”的意思。前者主要指的是语言上的,后者范围则更广,既包括前者,又指带有魔法属性的物品。两者一起会更强化感情。
" The Dark Lord is at a considerable distance and the walls and grounds of Hogwarts are guarded by many ancient spells and charms to ensure the bodily and mental safety of those who dwell within them, " said Snape.
在行文节奏上,“shake off and break through and escape”以及“formulas and spells and charms, and our laws”这种多个词语的罗列,使句子读起来有一定的节奏感,能够更好地吸引读者的注意力,让读者感受到作者所描述的那种要打破一切束缚的强烈情感。
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