出国旅游最频繁使用单词500个 第七章 酒店/住宿

有些国家(大多西方国家)酒店和中国有一点不同:不提供牙膏牙刷,拖鞋。友情提醒:自己提前准备好。如果吃好喝好准备睡觉才发现没有牙膏牙刷,那么大概率晚上要用手指头蘸白水刷牙了。 因为那时候大部分超市都关门了,如果住的不是星级酒店,酒店前台也早就下班了。




Reservation - 预定

Check-in - 办理入住

Check-out - 办理退房

Room - 房间

Key card - 房卡

Lobby - 大厅

Reception - 接待处/前台

Breakfast - 早餐

Wi-Fi - 无线网络

Amenities - 设施

Gym - 健身房

ID - 身份证件


I have a reservation - 我有预定

I'd like to check in - 我想办理入住

I'd like to check out - 我想办理退房

Where is the breakfast served? - 早餐在哪里提供?

What's the Wi-Fi password? - 无线网络密码是什么?

Can I have a late check-out? - 可以延迟退房吗?

Is there a gym? - 这里有健身房吗?

Please don’t disturb - 请不要打扰



办理入住流程和国内一样:出示预定信息,核实证件,拿到房卡。同样,只要听懂一两个词,就知道前台需要什么。大部分时间,只需要回答Yes,No, Thanks 就足够。

入住期间遇到的问题,绝大部分都是日常问题,都有标准流程来处理。换句话说,我们只要说一两个单词,酒店就知道如何处理。想清楚了这一点,就没压力了。比如电视不工作,就说 TV not working,没有牛奶了,就是no milk.  太吵了,就说my room too noise,change a room please。下面的场景对话仅供参考,没必要要求自己用完整的句子的来表达。简洁,实用,才最高效。当然,记得说please, thanks.


之前出去玩住过一个Airbnb (爱彼迎,国内叫做民宿),约定走的时候房东来收钱。走的时候房东说过不来了,你们把钱放在桌子上就好。当时感叹,国外的诚信度真是高。



Guest: Hello, I have a reservation under the name of Wang.

Receptionist: Welcome, Mr. Wang. Can I have your ID(身份证件)and credit card, please?

Guest: Sure, here they are.

Receptionist: Thank you. I see you’ve booked a standard room for three nights. Is that correct?

Guest: Yes, that's right.

Receptionist: Great. Your room is on the 7th floor, room 705. Here is your key card. Breakfast is served from 7 AM to 10 AM in the dining area.

Guest: Thank you. What’s the Wi-Fi password please?

Receptionist: The Wi-Fi password is written on the key card holder. If you need anything else, feel free to call the front desk.

Guest: Great, thanks. Is there a gym in the hotel?

Receptionist: Yes, the gym is on the 3rd floor, and it's open 24 hours.

Guest: Wonderful. 

Receptionist: Is there anything else you need?

Guest: No, that’s all for now. Thank you.

Receptionist: You’re welcome. Enjoy your stay!


Guest: Excuse me, I think there’s a problem with my room. The air conditioning (空调,可以简称为Aircon) doesn’t seem to be working.

Receptionist: I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll send someone from maintenance to check it out right away. If it cannot be fixed quickly, we can move you to another room.

Guest: Thank you. I appreciate it.

Guest: The room card doesn't seem to work. Could you help me?

Receptionist: I apologize for the inconvenience. Let me reprogram the key card for you. It should work now.

Guest: Thank you.

Guest: Hi, there’s too much noise from the street. Could I get a quieter room please?

Receptionist: Let me check the availability. Yes, we have a quieter room on the 10th floor. Would you like to move there?

Guest: Yes, please. That would be great.

Receptionist: Here is your new key card. Enjoy your stay!


Guest: Hi, I'd like to check out, please.

Receptionist: Certainly. May I have your room number and key card, please?

Guest: Room 705. Here is the key card.

Receptionist: Thank you. Did you use the minibar(能量棒)or any room service during your stay?

Guest: Yes, I had a couple of snacks and a bottle of water from the minibar.

Receptionist: Let me add that to your bill. Your total is $320, including taxes. How would you like to pay?

Guest: I’ll pay with my credit card.

Receptionist: Here you go. Please sign here. Would you like a printed receipt, or should I email it to you?

Guest: An email receipt would be fine.

Receptionist: Alright. I’ve sent the receipt to your email. I hope you had a pleasant stay.

Guest: Yes, everything was great. One more thing, could you call a taxi for me to the airport?

Receptionist: Absolutely. It will be here in about 10 minutes.

Guest: Perfect, thank you very much.

Receptionist: You’re welcome. Have a safe journey!



首先说最熟悉的Hotel。 Hotel多代表中高档的住宿形式,能够提供前台,行李寄存,餐厅甚至SPA,泳池,健身房等服务。比如中文意义上的五星级酒店,可以称之为Hotel。

Motel 直译为汽车旅馆,大多在郊区,提供标准级别的住宿,停车服务,有些好的也有餐饮服务。

Inn 可以翻译为客栈,小旅馆等等,原本指可过夜的小酒馆,提供简单的住宿服务,可以理解国内的连锁酒店,适合对住宿品质要求不高的旅客。

Bed and Breakfast(B&B) 是最本质,最原始形式的民宿。旅客住在主人家的一个房间,主人提供住宿和早餐。这类住宿多位于相对偏远的郊区,酒店相对较少,主人当做一份副业收入那类。这并不意味着住宿体验不好。我曾住过一次B&B,主人家里的布置多有气氛就不说了,早上起来看了主人给准备的早餐,两眼放的光把灯泡都闪瞎了。照片我已经找不到了,在网上找了一张十分类似的,给大家看看(在文章末尾)。那是最难忘的住宿经历之一,胜过太多的的酒店旅馆。


Backpackers /Hostel 背包客,青年旅舍,最适合年轻人的住宿方式,以床为出租单位,特色是低价,共享,社交,有共享的厨房,卫生间等等。出国之前从未住过这类地方,出国之后才发现非常普遍,而且蛮好玩,能遇到世界各地来的朋友。回国之后在西安也住过一次,体验也非常好,不认识的朋友在一块喝酒,聊天,出去玩,每天都能遇到不同的人,很有旅游的感觉。

Resort 是度假村,比Hotel更高级的住宿形式,大多位于景点附近,具有休闲娱乐用途的大型建筑村落。村子内有多项设施,比如Spa,餐饮,甚至赌场,能满足客人的诸多娱乐需求。

Villa 是度假别墅,最高级别的住宿形形式之一,高端,私密,豪华,提供私人服务,适合高端家庭的度假需求。

Villa 私密,豪华,backpacker年轻,热闹,有活力,虽消费水平不同,但是各有各的美好。人生,在于体验,在于经历,能够体会各种各样的美好,才是充实的人生,也是旅游的意义。



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