题源报刊单词 decree -朱伟考研7000词

decree [dɪˈkriː] ① n.(尤指由国家统治者颁布的)命令,法令;(法院的)裁定,判决 ② v. 发布命令,颁布法令
例句 And in January, the French government decreed that people at companies with more than 50 staffers can no longer be expected to answer email during their off hours—a policy dubbed “the right to disconnect.”【2017-1
法国政府于 1 月颁布法令,规定 50 人以上规模的公司不得再要求员工在下班之后继续回复电子邮件—这一政策被称为“断开联系的权利”。
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