第15章 在家中:1827年至1831年 (1)

15 Home: 1827—1831

Celebrity and Strife: Reformers, Counter-reformers, Liberals, and Hegel

第15章 在家中:1827年至1831年 (1)

名声与冲突: 改革者、反改革者运动、自由主义者和黑格尔

Having returned from paris, renewed in his belief in the essential soundness of his own position, and convinced that the days of the Revolution and the Napoleonic adventures were definitively over, Hegel - still, as ever, true to his belief in the importance and necessity of the Revolution - was all the more convinced that for Germany, indeed for all the post-Napoleonic European states, only a gradual and inevitable process of reform by degrees was now properly on the agenda, and that the process of reform at least in Germany was essentially going to have to come from the top down, from the civil service, which meant in effect that the focal point of reform lay in the university. The bureaucrats of the civil service, trained in Wissenschaft and Bildung in the university, would gradually and rationally transform all the German principalities (the Lander) into modern states, and Prussia would be leading the way. Prussia was the “focal point” of German culture, Berlin was Prussia’s “focal point,” the university was the “focal point” of Berlin, and philosophy - Hegel’s philosophy - was the “focal point” of the university.

    在从巴黎返回后,黑格尔强化了对自身地位愈发稳固的信念,同时确信革命和拿破仑冒险时代已彻底结束。尽管黑格尔一如既往地坚信革命的重要性和必要性,但此时他更加深信,对于德国乃至后拿破仑时代的所有欧洲国家而言,逐步推行循序渐进且必然的改革,才是当下应提上议事日程的关键之事。黑格尔愈发认为,改革过程至少在德国,本质上必须脚踏实地,重点应着眼于行政部门,这实际上意味着改革的核心在于大学。行政官员因在科学和教养方面接受过高等教育,理应逐步合理地将所有德国公国(the Länder)转变为现代国家,而普鲁士将在其中占据领导地位。普鲁士是德国文化的“焦点”,柏林是普鲁士的“焦点”,大学是柏林的“焦点”,而哲学(黑格尔哲学)则是大学的“焦点”。

The stormy days of the early reform movement in Prussia were clearly over, and the initial repression and fears of renewed revolutionary activity which had culminated in the Karlsbad decrees and the pursuit of the “demagogues” also seemed to be winding down. The 1820s were proving to be a quiet period in which the public turmoil surrounding the great political debates of the past seemed to be subsiding, and from one point of view (certainly in Hegel’s view), the turbu- lence of the early years seemed to be transforming itself into more peaceful efforts at reforming this or that institution, putting into place this or that new piece of legislation, and, in general, into a more refined reformist period as people began to find their way about in the new, modern order of things. Quietly and without the drama and fanfare that had accompanied the reform efforts in the Napoleonic past, the civil service began once again asserting its authority over local particularism where it was necessary to achieve rational consistency or economic efficiency. Niethammer’s continued complaints in letters to Hegel about how things were a mess in Bavaria only fell on deaf ears; as Hegel viewed things, everything was now going as it should: Although the great reforming minister in Bavaria, Montgelas, had indeed been dismissed, the bureaucratic structure he had put in place and most of the personnel he had picked to run it were still in power. If anything, the reactionary steps taken by various rulers (such as the Prussian king’s revocation of the emancipation edict for Jews) seemed to Hegel to be temporary hiccups in what was an inevitable transition to a modern, rational state. The repression still at work in Prussian politics was, Hegel apparently thought, only a hangover from the post-Napoleonic period, something bound to vanish as time went on.


What Hegel understood to be the real issue at the time was that of how the various mediating bodies of the emerging German civil society were to be regulated and organized so as to harmonize with the aims of the modern state, instead of setting themselves in opposition to it as had been the tradition in German political life. Hegel’s own political views as manifested in his Philosophy of Right about the necessity for “mediating institutions” such as estates and “corporations” in civil society thus neatly dovetailed with the emerging debate in German political life during the 1820s.' In the view of many (and almost certainly also in Hegel’s view), the strong communitarian bonds of the old particularist and hometown life were not yet sufficiently weakened, and the real opposition to modernizing reform was coming not from the very vocal reactionaries in the Berlin government and the court but from the proponents of particularism and hometown life themselves.  The braying of the reactionaries at the court was, Hegel no doubt thought, simply the last gasp of those fated to be swept away by modern life’s innovations in science, economics, and freedom; the real issue and point of friction had to do with the strong emotional pull that German particularism still exercised on people. The hometowns still provided the average German with his or her basic sense of “belonging,” and the glue that held the those communities together had to do with the communal policing of personal morality and livelihood, which put the hometown squarely in opposition to the modernizing needs such as freedom of occupation and trade and freedom of marriage.^


The conflict between the hometowners and reformers centered around two different senses of membership: the reformers wanted people to fuse the sense of belonging to their local communities with the sense of belonging to the larger political unity (the state); the particularists rightly saw that if membership in the state as a modern citizen was to take priority, then their right to determine who was a member of the local city or town would effectively vanish; more concretely, if people could marry whom they wanted to marry, work where they could find work, and set up businesses where they pleased, then the central institutions that protected the communal structure of particularist city and town life (such as guild laws that effectively outlawed nonmembers from setting up shop and competing with locals for business) would wither and vanish - exactly what the reformers wanted and the local particularists feared. That strong emotional pull was something Hegel himself as a Wiirttemberger both knew and felt, so for him it was extremely important to make those hometown and particularist emotions rational, to “purify” them, as Hegel would put it, and blend them into a unity with the aims of a modern civil society and state rather than to have them blindly obstruct progress. The conflicts between particularist life and tradition and the assertions of authority by the modernizing civil servants in the various German states was becoming more and more open in the 1820s; Hegel, who followed the political events of the day closely - the reading of the morning paper was one of his unalterable rituals - was of course aware of this and quite worried about it, although his worries were to be fully expressed only after the uprisings of 1830.  Indeed, the weakness and even absence of the traditional hometowns in Prussia was no doubt one of the reasons Hegel was more optimistic about the cause of modernization in Prussia than elsewhere.


But what looked like the stillness of political life in 1820s in Prussia (and in Germany in general) concealed implicit turmoil below the surface. Hegel was, of course, not the only one noticing this at the time.  Metternich, as always the cynical antimodernizer when it suited his ambitions, identified the troublemakers in German society in the 1820s to the czar of Russia as “wealthy men, paid State officials, men of letters, lawyers, and the individuals charged with the public education” - in other words, modernizers and people like Hegel. The battle lines were being redrawn, even if more quietly this time.^


During all this, probably unwisely, Hegel continued to write and speak in opposition to the liberal modernizers in Prussian social life.  Hegel’s strong opposition to the liberal wing of reform in Prussia was based on what he saw as the consequences of the liberals’ desire to transfer political power to local individuals in the name of democratic participation; in Hegel’s view, this would be in effect only a recipe for restoring power to the particularists of traditional communal life. Since there simply were no such creatures as fully formed individuals outside of the social context in which they were formed, giving political power to such so-called “individuals” would only give power to what those individuals happened to value, which, under the conditions of the time, was the particularist structure in which they had grown up and whose traditions were strong enough to exercise a kind of cultural gravitational pull on people. Following the liberal path of granting political power to “individuals” would lead, Hegel was certain, to individuals exercising those powers for distinctly nonliberal ends; left to their own devices, the local particularist individuals would reassert their traditional communal structure and restrict freedom of occupation and trade, Jewish civil rights, marital freedom, and the like - in short, would institute a whole set of non-liberal ideals. The issue, so Hegel saw it, was how to have individuals formed by a rational community structure instead of by the older, outdated (that is, “irrational”) structure of the hometowns and particularist communitarian life. And that, he thought, was a matter best left to the university-trained civil servants in the service of the state. It was a matter of devising structures of local government that would harmonize with rational state interests, not a matter of simply leaving matters up to what local individuals happened to want to do; prudent, rational reform had to come to terms with changing what individuals valued only very slowly and very gradually.


Hegel’s visit to Paris and his heartening encounters with the liberals surrounding Victor Cousin in the city had therefore the paradoxical effect of strengthening his belief in his own views and thereby hardening his own opposition to the reforming liberals back home in Berlin.  Instead of encouraging Hegel to form an alliance with them for common cause, it led him (and consequently some of his supporters) to think that the liberals were in fact opposed in fundamental ways to Hegel’s objectives. Hegel’s opposition to the liberals - his belief that their philosophical error about individualism was tantamount to a political error that would undo the process of reform - thus put him, perhaps unwittingly, on the side of those who opposed the liberals, and in the eyes of his detractors, this only strengthened Hegel’s image as an apologist for the restoration government.


Hegel also now clearly saw himself as an elder statesman for the younger generation, both as a man of experience who had weathered the storms of the Revolution and the Napoleonic adventures in Germany and who therefore had sage advice to give, and as someone whose philosophy could provide the needed public philosophy to guide the civil servants in their efforts to bring rational coherence to German life.  Now in his late fifties, he felt that he had earned his right to be heard by Germany’s youth and by his fellow academics. His Wiirttemberg upbringing and his Stuttgart family’s sense of being on the way up but still being excluded by virtue of not belonging to the “non-noble notables” had always left him a bit prickly about his status and reputation; with his new sense of having paid his dues and of being the philosopher of the reform movement, he became all the more sensitive to perceived slights against his social standing and status and all the more autocratic about the status of his philosophy. This did not go unnoticed; it was in fact becoming more and more clear to those around him that he intended not merely to expound his philosophy from the lectern at the university but to found an entire school of thought that would survive him and would provide the nucleus of reform-minded civil servants in the government.


Growing Problems: Alexander von Humboldt and Schelltng

It is thus not surprising that very shortly after his return from Paris, Hegel found himself again embroiled in a controversy about some putative affront to his status. Alexander von Humboldt, having also returned from his extensive (and rather famous) travels around the world, gave a series of public lectures in Berlin on the Physical Description of the World. The lectures were an immense success; they were attended by scores of people, including members of the court and even the king himself. Although Hegel did not attend the lectures, his wife, Marie, did. In one of the lectures, Humboldt delivered a thinly veiled attack against all post-Kantian philosophy - in other words, against Hegel, among others. Humboldt began that lecture with a protest against the kind of “metaphysics” that proceeds “without a knowledge by acquaintance and experience” and that had advanced a “schematism” narrower, as he put it, than that of the scholasticism of the Middle Ages. On hearing of this, Hegel, understanding the attack on “scholasticism” to be an attack on his system, was deeply offended and made his complaints known to various people, including Varnhagen von Ense.  Through Varnhagen von Ense, word got back to von Humboldt, who discreetly gave the notes for his fifth lecture to von Ense, pointing out with feigned innocence that he could not see how anybody could find any attacks on philosophy in those lectures. In putting himself forward in this way, von Humboldt knew what he was doing; his attacks on Hegel were contained not in the fifth lecture (which he gave to Varnhagen von Ense) but in the sixth lecture, and he would have known (and probably approved of the fact) that Varnhagen von Ense would show the notes to Hegel. Hegel indeed read the notes and returned them to Varnhagen von Ense two days later, his feelings mollified and himself satisfied that he had not been attacked."^ In fact, he even wrote to Victor Cousin a few months later about the “brilliant success” of von Humboldt’s Berlin lectures.^ (As von Humboldt made clear after Hegel’s death, he had indeed intended to criticize Hegel in those remarks, but the real focus of his criticism, he claimed, was Schelling and all of Schelling’s followers who practiced Schelling’s popular Naturphilosophie. That von Humboldt grouped Hegel and Schelling together was typical of many people’s reactions to Hegel’s thought; Hegel had always had some difficulty separating himself from Schelling in the public mind, and to many people who did not take the time to look closely at what he was actually saying, his thought seemed to be only another version of what many regarded as the overly obscurantist Schellingian line. Hegel’s own less-than-perspicuous vocabulary only reinforced that view.)



Hegel also continued to hear from various friends new reports of how Schelling’s own attacks on him in his lectures had been taking on an increasingly vehement and derisive tone. Schelling’s denunciations of Hegel were, as many people at the time realized, more than just philosophical disagreements. By this point, Schelling felt that Hegel had somehow stolen his ideas, bastardized them, and then somehow used that theft to unfairly displace him in the pantheon of German philosophers, and he minced no words about his feelings on the matter: He characterized Hegel as the “cuckoo” who had planted himself in the nest and complained to Victor Cousin that Hegel had appropriated his (Schelling’s) ideas and claimed they were his own in the same manner that “a creeping insect can believe that by appropriating the leaf of a plant, it has wrapped itself in its own weaving.”*’ (Cousin wisely stayed aloof from the quarrel, replying to Schelling that he was sorry to hear that he and Hegel were in such bad temper with each other, but that he would simply not take sides in the dispute.)’ Schelling went so far as to tell whomever would listen that Hegel had created his “logical transposition” of his (Schelling’s) system on the basis of nothing else than the fact that friends in Jena many years ago had advised Hegel that since the study of logic had been neglected at the university, he could make a nice career by offering courses on it (a little piece of history that also was almost certainly was not true). In stealing his ideas and putting them in the form of his own so-called logic and his system, Schelling said, Hegel had accomplished no more than someone “transposing a violin concerto for piano.Clearly, Schelling was intensely piqued by the way in which Hegel had undeservedly (so he thought) eclipsed him in fame. As Franz von Baader observed of Schelling, he had become so famous so young and had founded his own school at such an early age that he saw his predominance in cultural and philosophical matters as something that rightfully belonged to him, as a principality belongs by right to the prince, in which light he also resented Hegel as some kind of illegitimate usurper within his rightful sovereign domains.’


Fueling Schelling’s resentment, however, was the fact that Hegel’s own celebrity in Berlin, already high, only continued to grow, and all of Hegel’s otherwise irritating mannerisms had become accordingly increasingly chic. His lecture style, punctuated as always by its typical stutters, gasps, coughs, his pausing to flip through his papers, and his habit of beginning each sentence with the word “thus,” only became part of the show. When Hegel walked into the lecture hall, the rumble of conversation abruptly stopped, and it became so quiet that people described it with the cliche that “one could hear a pin drop.”*® As one of his Polish hearers described him, Hegel, with his pale white face, clumsily waving his hands as he spoke — often with his eyes closed — seemed like a “phenomenon from another world.”'*


Indeed, the ideal of the Berlin lecturer found one form of its realization in Hegel: That ideal held that the professor would in his monologue actually create a dialogue - that instead of simply handing over facts to the students in the lecture hall, he would somehow embody in himself and bear witness in his lectures to the way in which one explores thinking as an ongoing process rather than as something already over and done with and whose finished results were only to be communicated. (The other form of the Berlin lecture style lay in the graceful, polished style of Schleiermacher.) Hegel had perfected this manner, turning his greatest liability - his speech impediment, his unpolished demeanor and sometimes clumsy deportment - into his greatest asset; he would formulate a sentence, pause, clear his throat, rephrase the same sentence, cough, shuffle through papers, and then finally return to yet a third formulation of the sentence that would suddenly and brilliantly distill the matter at hand. The students felt that they were witnessing the actual working out of a thought, not just being handed something that had already been decided. Hegel’s improvisational style gave what might have otherwise been intolerable the air of the purely creative; his own obscure formulations and his famous one-liners would quickly circulate throughout the city, and “such speculative formulas were written on the walls of the university building in chalk or pencil” virtually everywhere.'^ Just as quickly circulated around the city were Hegel’s sometimes devastatingly sarcastic remarks about colleagues and other figures in the German cultural scene. “Did you hear Hegel’s remark that . . .” became part of Berlin social currency. As one observer put it, “Whether a new and famous picture emerged from the workplaces of a famous painter or whether a new, very promising invention had directed the attention of the industrialists to it, whether some thought of genius in the sciences made its way into the learned world, or Miss Sontag sang in a concert, in all cases Berlin asked: What does Hegel think about it.?”'" Hegel was deluged with people wanting to see him; he regularly received mail from people wanting him to read their work, put in a good word for them in the university, do a favor for a friend, and so on. Copies of student notes taken in his lectures became sought-after items (to Hegel’s irritation and displeasure), since by this point Hegel was working out his system with regard to his positions on art, religion, the history of philosophy, and the philosophy of history only in his lectures and not in any printed form.


Attacks and Irritations

As Hegel’s celebrity and reputation as the man of the hour continued to rise, his detractors only intensified their attacks on him. Professor Krug, whom Hegel had already severely criticized in his days at Jena, wrote a scathing review of the revised and greatly expanded 1827 edition of Hegel’s Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in which he accused Hegel’s entire system of being merely a large “game of ideas” that included a philosophy of religion that was no more than an attempt to “inaugurate a new mysticism of faith and knowledge” and a political philosophy in which no real difference between a citizen of a Hegelian state and the “subject of a despotic sultan” could be discerned. This was followed by another attack in another leading journal a few months later in which Hegel’s Encyclopedia was dismissed as a book “full of empty pages,” stuffed with “superstition and mysticism.



Karl Ernst Schubarth, an acquaintance of Goethe’s and opponent of Hegel, published a book attacking Hegel and accusing him of being anti-Prussian in his politics and revolutionary in his teachings.'^ The dispute between Hegel and Schleiermacher also hardened into a dispute between their supporters, and little middle ground seemed possible; there were those on Hegel’s side, and there were those on Schleiermacher’s side; Altenstein tended to side with Hegel, the faculty tended to side with Schleiermacher. As one young academic put it, it seemed that one had to choose sides when joining the faculty at Berlin.''*


Ty pifying many people’s reactions to all the hue and cry about Hegel was that of Wilhelm von Humboldt. Humboldt actually personally got along quite well with Hegel but was more or less dumbfounded at the success of Hegel’s system. He represented a great many people who found Hegel charming as a person but who found the Hegelian system unfathomable and therefore distrusted it."' Hegel’s very critical review of Humboldt’s book on the classic Indian work the Baghvad Gita, in the fahrhuch in 1827, also did not exactly encourage von Humboldt to change his mind about Hegel’s philosophy.


The issue of Hegel’s joining the Academy of Sciences also kept popping up, and the whole affair began to resemble an ongoing, badly written farce: Hegel would be proposed for membership, and then, to everyone’s hard feelings, Hegel would be denied because Schleiermacher would always blackball him. Schleiermacher had in fact taken some extraordinary steps in order to keep Hegel out, including an attempt to abolish altogether the “philosophical section” of the academy; having failed at that, Schleiermacher at first simply refused to call meetings of the section and in 1826 even resigned from it and founded a new class, the “philosophical/historical section,” with himself as the head. On November 12, 1827, the only two remaining members of the “philosophical class,” J. P. F. Ancillon (a prominent figure in governmental circles but not a philosopher) and H. F. Link (a professor of medicine and director of the botanical garden) actually voted to accept both Hegel and Heinrich Ritter (a historian of philosophy and a Schleiermacher student) into the section, but Link (perhaps under pressure from Schleiermacher and certainly fearing bad blood between Hegel and Schleiermacher) then changed his vote. The “philosophical section” (with a new, pro-Schleiermacher member) then voted in December to merge with the “philosophical/historical section” (under Schleiermacher’s leadership). That seemed to end the matter once and for all.


Hegel was surely miffed at this new rebuff, and, as if to raise his anxiety level, new matters kept popping up that could only have been disquieting. The flap over his birthday celebration in 1826 had long since blown over, and his trip to Paris the next year, which had taken him out of Berlin on his own birthday, had seemed to effectively distance him from any such recurrence. But the January 26, 1827, edition of the liberal French newspaper the Constitutionel included an article roundly praising Hegel for his virtuous efforts in securing Victor Cousin’s release from the hands of the unscrupulous Prussian police; and when the head of the Berlin police, von Kamptz, learned of the existence of the French article, he once again became furious and told people that Hegel had in fact arranged his whole trip to Paris simply in order to arrange for the Constitutionel to publish the article. (Von Kamptz had been equally outraged a couple of years before on learning of Victor Cousin’s praise of Hegel with regard to this affair in the Preface to his book on Plato.) Once again, Hegel found himself having to tread lightly around the police powers of the Prussian state. This had to hit Hegel particularly hard; by temperament, he was a conservative fellow, hardly one to rock the social boat, but at the same time he was a celebrator of modern life who remained firmly attached to the ideals of the Revolution. Hegel, who always combined contradictory elements in his own personality, wanted to be both a reformer and an upstanding member of the existing social order. To be accused of deliberately fomenting trouble would thus have been an offense to his sense of himself.


As if this were not enough, Marie’s health also seemed to remain on the low side in 1828, which only increased Hegel’s worries, especially given her past history of threatening illnesses. He dealt with this as he always did, retreating into his Whist games with Zelter and his other friends, continuing his attendance at the theater and opera, taking his daily walks, head bowed, as he strolled silently among the Berliners marveling at the pale sight moving amongst them, focusing his energy on his lectures, and churning out a series of long critical articles for the Jahrbiicher about various literary and philosophical figures of the day (articles that, had they been collected together, would have formed a lengthy book on their own).


There were other irritations that accompanied Hegel’s increasing celebrity and renown. In 1826, one of his former students, Christian Kapp, published a book. The Concrete Universal in History^ that for all intents and purposes was plagiarized from Hegel’s lectures. Hegel was, to say the least, not pleased, but he did not press the issue. Kapp later defended himself in the way that plagiarists typically do, at least at first: He claimed that the similarities were purely coincidental and that a friend on reading his first book had told him how similar his and Hegel’s views were and had then communicated some Hegelian sentences to him, and, somehow, some way, those sentences became incorporated into Kapp’s own system, but that, after all, he really was praising Hegel’s philosophy in his book, and, besides, he had always distinguished in his lectures which were his and which were Hegel’s views.'** To make matters worse, Kapp later published another book in 1829, Goethe, Schelling, Hegel, which among other things made the witless claim that Schelling was the prudent Menelaos of German philosophy and Hegel the avenging Agamemnon. Hegel was again irritated at Kapp’s inanities and made his feelings about them quite well known; Schelling, for his part, simply hit the roof and accused Kapp of plagiarizing both himself and Hegel, which in turn caused Kapp to reply by accusing Schelling of committing the sin of idolatry vis-a-vis himself.  (Moritz Saphir remarked about the ensuing dispute among Hegel, Kapp, and Schelling that it showed that philosophers think obscurely but swear very clearly.


His experiences with Kapp made Hegel perhaps a bit too sensitive to issues of plagiarism. Copies of notes taken during his lectures were now widely in circulation, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.  When he learned that his old acquaintance K. J. Windischmann had published a piece on Chinese history that seemed to him to resemble his own lectures too closely to be merely coincidence, he turned to his usual sarcasm in his lectures, making various jibes about how Windischmann had stolen his ideas. On hearing of this, Windischmann was furious and deeply insulted; he wrote to Hegel to express his displeasure, pointing out that he had been saying those things for a long time, that all his friends would attest to it, and furthermore that he had been working and publishing on that subject since 1804, hurtfully telling Hegel that as one of the very first people to have seen the importance of Hegel’s work and brought it to public attention, he simply had not “deserved such a hostile allusion” on Hegel’s part.^° To others, he privately expressed his intense aggravation about the matter, claiming that he had been working on that material for much longer than Hegel had and that he could as easily say that Hegel had stolen from him rather than the other way around.^'


The Calm before the Storm

Health Problems

Hegel’s health had also taken a turn for the worse in 1829. He began complaining about chest pains, and his rather shaky financial state made him all the more nervous. Everybody who saw Hegel during this period remarked on the absolute whiteness of his face; he was quite likely suffering from some sort of anemia brought on by a chronic upper gastrointestinal disease that eventually would lead to his death. His “chest pains” were most likely not heart problems but problems associated with the kind of acid reflex that often accompanies such diseases.  Hegel consulted physicians, but they could do little to help him. He also therefore had to give up drinking tea in the evenings, something he clearly much enjoyed.




In May 1829, he wrote Altenstein another letter complaining of his health, how it had weakened him, how it had hampered his work, and how his physician had recommended a lengthy trip to a spa, which he could not afford. His weakness was so bad, he told Altenstein, he could offer only one set of private lectures for extra money, and that compounded the financial troubles in which he found himself In requesting money for such an extended stay at a spa, he also pointed out that since coming to Berlin he had not had a single increase in salary, “for which I was led to hope by Your Excellency’s gracious promises upon my entry into the Royal civil service, though I have not dared to inquire further about this matter.(The issue of his nonappointment to the academy was clearly still on his mind, as Altenstein was only too painfully aware.) It was also clear to Hegel he could not expect automatically to receive any extra money without giving some special reasons, and he thus poignantly implored Altenstein for more money by noting that if Altenstein were to grant his request, he “might perhaps prolong the life of a man” who had taught loyally and seriously for eleven years at the university.^^ As always, Altenstein secured the money for Hegel’s travels.



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