10X空间转录组平台vs国产空间平台(华大 & 百迈客)
作者,Evil Genius
tissue_hires_scalef: A scaling factor that converts pixel positions in the original, full-resolution image to pixel positions in tissue_hires_image.png.
tissue_lowres_scalef: A scaling factor that converts pixel positions in the original, full-resolution image to pixel positions in tissue_lowres_image.png.
fiducial_diameter_fullres: The number of pixels that span the diameter of a fiducial spot in the original, full-resolution image.
spot_diameter_fullres: The number of pixels that span the diameter of a theoretical 65µm spot in the original, full-resolution image.
cat scalefactors_json.json
{"tissue_hires_scalef": 0.17011142,
"tissue_lowres_scalef": 0.051033426",
"fiducial_diameter_fullres": 144.4773339857,
"spot_diameter_fullres": 89.43834961021503}

This text file contains a table with rows that correspond to spots. From Space Ranger v2.0 onwards this file, which was previously named tissue_positions_list.csv, is renamed and includes a header column. Excluding the header column, the file has 4,992 rows for Visium slides with a 6.5 mm Capture Area and 14,336 rows for Visium slides with 11 mm Capture Area which is the number of spots in the spatial array. Columns correspond to the following fields:
barcode: The sequence of the barcode associated to the spot.
in_tissue: Binary, indicating if the spot falls inside (1) or outside (0) of tissue.
array_row: For Visium slide (6.5 mm Capture Area), the row coordinate of the spot in the array from 0 to 77. The array has 78 rows. For Visium slides (11 mm Capture Area), the row coordinate of the spot range from 0 to 127 as the array has 128 rows.
array_col: The column coordinate of the spot in the array. In order to express the "orange crate" arrangement of the spots, for Visium slides (6.5 mm Capture Area) this column index uses even numbers from 0 to 126 for even rows, and odd numbers from 1 to 127 for odd rows with each row (even or odd) resulting in 64 spots. For Visium slides (11 mm Capture Area) this column index uses even numbers from 0 to 222 for even rows, and odd numbers from 1 to 223 for odd rows with each row (even or odd) resulting in 111 spots.
pxl_row_in_fullres: The row pixel coordinate of the center of the spot in the full resolution image.
pxl_col_in_fullres: The column pixel coordinate of the center of the spot in the full resolution image.
$ cd /home/jdoe/runs/sample345/outs/spatial
$ column -s, -t < tissue_positions.csv | head -n 10
barcode in_tissue array_row array_col pxl_row_in_fullres pxl_col_in_fullres
GTCACTTCCTTCTAGA-1 0 0 0 1832 11971
CACGGTCTCCTTACGA-1 0 0 2 1832 11833
ATAGCTGCGGATAAGA-1 0 0 4 1832 11695
GTCAGTATGTCCGGCG-1 0 0 6 1832 11556
ATGTACCAGTTACTCG-1 0 0 8 1831 11418
ACGCTCAGTGCACCGT-1 0 0 10 1831 11280
TCACTAACGTATAGTT-1 0 0 12 1831 11142
CGGTTAGGCCTGGACG-1 0 0 14 1831 11004
GATATCACCAGCATGG-1 0 0 16 1831 10866
我们再来看国产国产平台的空间数据,国产平台都说自己是亚细胞级精度,但是亚细胞级精度是无法直接用于分析的,所以策略就是合并成一个super spot,很多时候合并后的直径比10X平台还要大。

Furthermore, to validate the spatial relationship at nearly single-cell resolution, we analyzed the mouse E13.5 FL ST data based on Stereo-seq, which is a sequencing-based spatially resolved transcriptomic technology with subcellular resolution.We defined 20 bins as a spot (10–15 μm in diameter), which may include 1–3 cell(s), and then annotated the spots (including intra-spotsStereo-seq, interspotsStereo-seq and other distant spotsStereo-seq) referring to the aforementioned pipeline.


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