
Task 1 Making An Appointment约见会面


1.request a meeting with sb.请求与某人会面

2.at your convenience在您方便的时候 /kənˈviːniəns/

3.go over these details讨论细节

4.schedule a time to meet安排见面时间 /ˈskedʒuːl/

5.take a message留言

6.out of office不在办公室

7.cancel the appointment取消会面 /ˈkæns(ə)l/



[Ask for an appointment请求会面]

1.I would like to request a meeting with you at your earlist convenience.


2.If you are free, I’d like to meet with you tomorrow.


3.Let’s get together next week to go over these details in person.


[Ask about the availability询问空余时间]

4.Could we schedule a time to meet during those two weeks.


5.Do you have any free time next morning around 10?


6.May I know when you would be free today?


7.I am wondering whether/if you are free available next morning?


[Set time or place约定时间/地点]

1.Shall we make it at...?

2.Is it possible to make it at...?

3.Let’s say...?

4.Is....ok for you?

5.Do you mind...?


1.I am sorry he is out of office at the moment. Would you like me to take a message.


3.Be there or be square.


[Cancel an appointment取消会面]

1.I’m sorry but I have plans.


2.I’d love to go, but I’m busy on Friday.


3.Sorry, due to some unforeseen /ˌʌnfɔːˈsiːn/ business, I will be unable to keep our appointment for tomorrow afternoon.


4.Would it be possible to arrange another time later in the week?


5.Why don’t we make an appointment on Monday?



Judy: Hello, High Tech Company, Judy speaking.How can I help you?

Jack: This is Jack calling. May I speak to Mr. Johnson, please?

Judy: Please hold on and I will put you through to his office.


Judy: I'm sorry, it appears Mr.Johnson is not available at the moment.

He may have stepped out for lunch.Would you like to leave a message?

Jack: Yes,could I make an appointment with Mr.Johnson on Thursday morning?

Judy: I'm afraid he won't be available at that time.How about Thursday afternoon?

It seems he is available,but I'm not sure.

Jack: Could you ask him to call me back later? It's my new office number 324-0506.

Judy: Of course,Jack. I make sure he will get the message.


Johnson: Hi,Judy, this is Johnson returning your call.

Judy: Hi,Mr. Johnson! I was wondering if we could set up a meeting to discuss some of our new products.

Johnson: Good idea. Let me check my calendar. Are you free on Tuesday morning?

Judy: Sorry, we're expecting a visit from some clients on Tuesday.

I'd prefer Wednesday, if that's all right with you.

Johnson:That works for me!

Judy: Let's say 2 p.m. Is that OK?

Johnson: Great! I'll see you on Wednesday afternoon,then.

Task 2 Meeting at the Airport机场接人


1.traffic jam交通堵塞 /ˈtræfɪk dʒæm/

2.airsick晕机的 /ˈeəsɪk/

3.it’s so kind of you to...你来...真是太好了

4.have a nice time/stay/flight

玩的开心/住的(待的)开心 /旅途愉快

5.smooth顺利的 /smuːð/

6.pick sb. up接某人

7.wander around闲逛 /ˈwɒndə(r)/


[Recognizing the guests认出客户]

1.If I am not mistaken, you must be our guest Mr.Johnson.


2.Excuse me, are you Mr. hohnson from New Zealand?



3.How do you do?/How are you doing?你好吗?

4.It’s such a pleasure to meet you.很高兴见到你。

5.I’ve heard so much about you.久仰大名。

6.How about your flight?您旅途怎么样?

Have you had a pleasant journey?您旅途愉快吗?

7.You must be very tired after such a long flight.


8.How long will you intend to stay?


9.Shall we start for the hotel and help you check in?


[Topics on the way to hotel路上闲聊]

10.Is this the first time for you to come to China?


11.What do you think of this city?


12.Do you have any plans to wander around somewhere these days?


13.We have reserved a room at a five-star hotel for you for one week.


14.Here is a copy of itinerary /aɪˈtɪnərəri/ we have worked out for you.

Would you please have a look at it?



Judy: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Johnson?

Johnson: Yes, that’s me, and you are...

Judy: I’m Judy, the assiatant manager from Greenpass. I’m here to meet you.

Johnson: Pleased to meet you, Judy. Thank you for coming to pick me up.

Judy: Pleased to meet you too, Mr. Johnson. Welcome to Nanjing. Is this your first trip to China?

Johnson: No, I visit China frequently. I often go to Guangzhou and Shanghai, but this is indeed my first trip to Nanjing. I consider it a great honor to be invited by you to visit this beautiful city.

Judy: Our pleasure to have you here. And we will do our best to help you enjoy this trip.

Johnson: Thank you, Judy. I’m sure I will have a wonderful time in Nanjing.

Task 3 Entertaining the Clients会餐


1.invite you to a dinner邀请您吃晚餐

2.allergic过敏的 /əˈlɜːdʒɪk/

3.special dishes/Specialties /ˈspeʃəltiz/特色菜


5.make oneself at home/help oneself就像在自己家一样/自便

6.hospitable好客的 /hɒˈspɪtəb(ə)l/

7.considerate体贴的,周到的 /kənˈsɪdərət/

8.toast /təʊst/ to your health and success in business



1.I wonder if you have had any plans tonignt?


2.May I invite you to a dinner?


3.What kind of food do you like, Chinese or American?


4.Which do you prefer, Brandy, Mao-tai or Wine?


5.We believe in long-term cooperation with your company because we view the future as bright.



Judy: Hello,Mr.Johnson. Have you got anything on for this evening?

Johnson: Not yet.

Judy: We want to invite you to go out for a dinner with us.

Johnson: Thank you,I am very delighted to go with you.

Judy: Do you prefer Western food or Chinese food?

Johnson: Chinese food would be fine. I have heard Chinese food is widely known for its variety and abundance.

Judy: Yes, there are eight great cuisines and they have many differences in their formation due to the geography, climate, natural resources, and eating habits of the specific area.

Johnson: Wow,it is very interesting.I can hardly wait to taste the delicacies.

Judy: What about trying Beijing Roast Duck of Quanjude Restaurant today?

Johnson: It's fantastic, thank you.


That's all




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